56th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (Call for Proposals)

Letos v září se v Praze uskuteční 56. ročník konference pořádané Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

Rádi bychom přitom všechny potenciální zájemce upozornili na končící Call for Proposals (informace níže).

Pokud byste měli zájem, ale nestíhali termín (15.6.), obraťte se na Kateřinu Gajdošovou (katerina.gajdosova@ff.cuni.cz)

Další informace a odkazy (viz níže)


Call for Proposals:
The 56th annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy: Philosophical Encounters, will be held at Charles University Prague, September 16-18, 2024.
We invite individual and panel proposals on any topic consistent with the SACP mission of advancing intercultural philosophy. The SACP board especially welcomes paper and panel submissions that reflect diverse Asian and comparative approaches to traditional philosophical concerns, as well as critical engagement with contemporary issues of global concern.
Submissions: Paper and panel proposals can be submitted via this link.
Individual proposals should include: (1) title; (2) abstract of 200-300 words; (3) presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, and email address.
Panel proposals should include: (1) title; (2) 200-300 word description of the panel; (3) title and abstract of each paper; (4) name, institutional affiliation, and email address of each participant, including the panel moderator.
The deadline for submission is June 15, 2024. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be emailed by June 30, with instructions for how to register and submit the conference registration fee. Further details of the conference will appear on the SACP conference website.
 Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards: To encourage student participation, the SACP awards prizes for the top three papers presented by graduate students: US$1,000 for first prize, US$750 for second prize, and US$500 for third prize. Students must attend the conference to be eligible for the Essay Contest Awards.
Those who wish their papers to be considered for a graduate student award must submit an abstract and a complete essay of no more than 5,000 words to Jeremy Henkel, SACP Secretary, at SACPcontact@gmail.com by July 15, 2024.
Format: As the meeting will be in-person, presenters are expected to attend and present on-site. The committee organizers will consider allowing remote presentations when exceptional circumstances justify the change and where adjustments can reasonably be made.
More Information: Additional queries about any aspect of the conference can be directed to SACPcontact@gmail.com.
Úvod > Aktuality > 56th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (Call for Proposals)