


  • Zach, Martin, „Revisiting abstraction and idealization: how not to criticize mechanistic explanation in molecular biology“, in: European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 12.1, 2022, str. 1-20.

Abstract: The paper defends the mechanistic account of explanation against the objection that it cannot account for the common practice of idealizing difference making factors in models in molecular biology.

  • De Santis, Daniele, „‚Streichen wir das Bewußtsein, so streichen wir die Welt.‘ : Edith Stein on Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism: Critical Remarks“, in: Symposium (Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy), 25.2, 2022, str. 31-47.

Abstract: The paper presents a systematic discussion of Edith Stein’s critical understanding of Husserl’s transcendental-phenomenological idealism. It argues that if, ultimately, Stein’s rejection of Husserl’s idealism is deemed unsuccessful, we must examine the premises on which her own perspective on the eidetics of nature is based.

  • Karásek, Jindřich, „Licht und Finsternis : Zur Funktion der produktiven Einbildungskraft bei Fichte“, in Fichte-Studien, 51.1, 2022, str. 62-73.

Abstract: The paper discusses the function of the productive imagination in the foundation of Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre by way of analysing the examples introduced in §4, namely those of light and darkness as an analogy of the relationship between I and non-I. It is shown that imagination is that function of the I which is to ensure the unity of this dynamic relation.

  • Švec, Ondřej, „Things as Pragmata The Primacy of Practice in Jan Patočka’s Phenomenology“, in: European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy [online] 14.2, 2022.

Abstract: The paper reformulates the Husserlian problem of phenomena from a more pragmatic perspective, inspired by Jan Patočka. Instead of searching for a correlation between transcendent being and its subjective modes of givenness, the pragmatically oriented phenomenology should ask: How does the appearance of things unfold through our different modes of engaging with the world?

  • Thein, Karel, „Philostratus and Mimēsis at the Heart of Phantasia. The Life of Apollonius of Tyana on Universal Creation“, in: Mètis 20, 2022, str. 163-181.

Abstract: By analyzing the two much discussed passages on visual arts in Philostratus‘ Life of Apollonius of Tyana. Concerning two forms of mimēsis and the distinction between mimēsis and phantasia, the paper show that arts have a special place in Philostratus‘ text in virtue of their capacity to offer a grasp on the cosmic order.

  • Čapek, Jakub, „Mit Fink am Tisch: Zu Eugen Finks Philosophie der Sozialität“, in: Phainomena 31, 2022, str. 171-186.

Abstract: The paper critically examines Fink’s philosophy of sociality starting from the primacy of participation in the same world, worked out by way of an analysis of how we interact with everyday things, such as tables and how they can become „meaningful things“ symbolically representing our existence, as a fundamentally shared existence.

  • Koloskov, Daniil, „Fundamental Ontology, Saturated Phenomena and Transcendental Dilemma“, in: Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53.4, 2022, str. 395-414.

Abstract: The paper argues that while Marion’s criticism of Heidegger’s project of fundamental ontology is in many ways sound, Marion remains bound to a conceptual opposition that existential phenomenology has successfully overcome, namely the transcendental dilemma according to which we must rely on the strict differentiation between explanans and explanandum.

  • Chlup, Radek, „Apollo and the Shadow of Greekness“, in: Eirene 58, 2022, str. 173-225.

Abstract: The paper sheds light on the „symbolic core“ of the god Apollo, in the sense of a dynamic complex of structural themes loosely guiding the logic of local and historical developments of the god’s myths and cults.

  • Čapek, Jakub, „Freedom of Will and Freedom from Will: Personal Autonomy in Paul Ricoeur“, in: The Challenges of Autonomy and Autonomy as a Challenge, Bratislava: Kritika & Kontext, 2022
  • De Santis, Daniele, „Theodor Conrad, Zum Gedächtnis Edmund Husserls (Ein unveröffentlichter Aufsatz aus der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek)“, in: Husserl Studies, 2022
  • De Santis, Daniele,  „Maximilian Beck on Consciousness and Intentionality: Remarks on a Forgotten Phenomenologist“, in: Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, 2022
  • De Santis, Daniel, „‘Streichen wir das Bewußtsein, so streichen wir die Welt.’ : Edith Stein on Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism: Critical Remarks“, in: Symposium (Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy, 2022
  • De Santis, Daniele, „Contribution towards Reconstructing a Neglected “Schism” in Early Phenomenology: The Cases of Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein“, in: Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein: Philosophical Encounters and Divides, Cham, Springer, 2022
  • De Santis, Daniele, „Proteus, or ‘über den Grund der Zusammengehörigkeit.’ R. H. Lotze on idea, concept, and variation (via Frege and Heidegger)“, in: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology, London, Routledge, 2022
  • Hill, James, „Berkeley on Ideas and Notions“, in: The Oxford Handbook of Berkeley, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022
  • Karásek, Jindřich, „ ‘Vor Augen haben’: Überlegungen zu Henrichs Fichte- und Kant-Interpretation“, in: Selbstbewusstsein : Dieter Henrich und die Heidelberger Schule, Berlin: J.B.Metzler, 2022
  • Pehal, Martin, „Velvet Carnival : Play and Embodied Reflexivity“, in: Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives, London: Routledge, 2022
  • Thein, Karel, „Entre la science et la légende: La chôra selon Albert Rivaud, lecteur presque oublié du Timée“, in: Chora, 2022


Čapek, Jakub – Loidolt, Sophie, „Phenomenological Approaches to Personal Identity“, in: Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences, 2/20, 2021, str. 217-234.

Abstract: The opening study to the special issue which addresses the debate on personal identity from a phenomenological viewpoint. In the introduction, we first offer a brief survey of the various classic questions related to personal identity according to Locke’s initial proposal and sketch out key concepts and distinctions of the debate that came after Locke. We then characterize the types of approach represented by post-Hegelian, German and French philosophies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We argue that whereas the Anglophone debates on personal identity were initially formed by the persistence question and the characterization question, the „Continental“ tradition included remarkably intense debates on the individual or the self as being unique or „concrete,“ deeply temporal and (as claimed by some philosophers, like Sartre and Foucault) unable to have any identity, if not one externally imposed. We describe the Continental line of thinking about the „self“ as a reply and an adjustment to the post-Lockean „personal identity“ question (as suggested by thinkers such as MacIntyre, Ricoeur and Taylor). These observations constitute the backdrop for our presentation of phenomenological approaches to personal identity. These approaches run along three lines: (a) debates on the layers of the self, starting from embodiment and the minimal self and running all the way to the full-fledged concept of person; (b) questions of temporal becoming, change and stability, as illustrated, for instance, by aging or transformative life-experiences; and (c) the constitution of identity in the social, institutional, and normative space. The introduction thus establishes a structure for locating and connecting the different contributions in our special issue, which, as an ensemble, represent a strong and differentiated contribution to the debate on personal identity from a phenomenological perspective.

De Santis, Daniele, „Thought, Being, and the Given in Hans Vaihinger’s Die Philosophie des Als Ob (with a Husserlian Conclusion)“, in: Phänomenologische Forschungen, 2/20, 2021, str. 93-111.

Abstract: The goal of the present paper is to assess Hans Vaihinger’s understanding of the notion of the given in Die Philosophie des Als Ob. The claim will be advanced that the overall framework of Vaihinger’s theory of knowledge and, more specifically, his understanding of both the given and fictions should be sought for in the manner in which R. Hermann Lotze assesses the problem of knowledge, namely, the relation between thought and being in both his early and late Logik. As we will argue, the way in which Vaihinger recasts the opposition between what is given objectively (data of sensations) and what is added subjectively is to be deemed a direct radicalization of Lotze’s own stance. As the conclusion will further add, what is at stake in Vaihinger’s fictionalism is a quite specific understanding of the ideas of reason and transcendental philosophy.

Chlup, Radek, „National Myths and Rebounding Violence“, in: Nations and Nationalism, 4/27, 2021, str. 943-959.

Abstract: The article takes up the sacrificial theory of national myths presented by Steven J. Mock and discloses its further potential for understanding the symbolic structures of nationalism. While Mock builds mainly on a Girardian reinterpretation of Freud, I try to show that even more interesting results may be obtained by using Maurice Bloch’s theory of ritual symbolism. The advantage of Bloch’s model is threefold. (1) It discloses further interesting aspects of the sacrificial symbolism in national myths not noted by Mock. I illustrate some of these by a detailed analysis of the Czech national myth. (2) Bloch’s model allows us to trace the sacrificial pattern not just in myths of the modern awakening of the nation but in myths concerning present-day political events as well. As an example, I analyse symbols of defeat in several myths of Czech 20th-century political leaders. (3) Bloch’s model is more complex and thus allows us to understand different types of national myths than those featuring symbolism of defeat. As an example, I discuss imperial nationalism, which Mock considers as one of the exceptions to his theory, and I also use Bloch to throw interesting light on the distinction between „civic“ and „ethnic“ nationalism.

Loidolt, Sophie, “The Person as a Fragile Project: On Personhood and Practical Agency in Husserl”, in: The Husserlian Mind, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2021, str. 393-406.

Abstract: Many theoretical accounts of personhood, both classic and contemporary, regard practical agency as a core feature of what it means to be a person. Husserl is no exception. To take a stance, to express it, to even form one’s whole life and actions according to certain convictions, is at the center of Husserl’s descriptions and characterizations of personhood. In Ideas II, Husserl famously introduces his philosophy of the person by arguing that motivation, not causality, is the basic law that governs the life of the person. Furthermore, he shows that the „personalistic attitude“, which discloses this „spiritual world“ (geistige Welt) of motivational coherence (motivationaler Zusammenhang), is a basic, natural, and intrinsically social attitude of our everyday life. What follows from this is an equally basic understanding of normativity that is connected to being a person: while the person is intrinsically linked to the motivational structure of her bodily consciousness, she can also let herself be motivated by critical questioning and critical evaluation of these motivations, i.e., by reason. This crucial capacity to „take a stance“, enriched by the possibility of asking for evidence, for true motivation, leads Husserl directly from his social ontology of the person into ethical considerations.

Matějčková, Tereza, „Saying No (to a Story): Personal Identity and Negativity“, in: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2/20, 2021, str. 353-364.

Abstract: The concept of narrativity and narrative identity has two birth certificates: it is linked to the phenomenological tradition-beginning with Arendt’s „political phenomenology“ -and to the tradition of German Idealism gradually slipping into existentialism. In this article, the author focuses on the latter tradition that helped to pave the way of the concept of narrative self. Key among the thinkers of Classical German Idealism has been Hegel, often considered the philosophical storyteller. Yet the author argues that Hegel’s concept of narrativity is not exclusively applied to the self and has hardly any role in the constitution of consciousness. This is the reason why Hegel (rather than thinkers who place the core of personal identity into narrativity) has the means to formulate a more convincing concept of the self and personal identity. The author does not deny that narrativity is seminal, both for leading a life as a human being and as a concrete person; however, originally consciousness and self-hood are born out of negativity. One enacts one’s selfhood, once one realizes that one has to interrupt narrativity, step in, refuse to live by it, or just ordinarily rephrase it consciously and by this appropriate it.

Pehal, Martin, „Personified Object and Objectified Persons in Ancient Egypt“, in: The Cultural Power of Personal Objects: Traditional Accounts and New Perspectives, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2021, str. 53–74.

Abstract: In this chapter, Martin Pehal discusses some of the personalized religious objects found in ancient Egypt. He describes the Egyptian’s „aggregate“ concept of personhood and demonstrates how these religious objects, including the bodies of the dead, came to be personalized through certain rituals. This chapter transitions from the more general discussions found in chapters 1 and 2 and provides a very concrete example of how personalized objects can arise within a specific historical and cultural context.

Prášek, Petr, „Personal Uniqueness and Events“, in: Human Studies, 4/44, 2021, str. 721-740.

Abastract: In contrast to Anglophone debates on personal identity initially formed by John Locke’s investigation of personal identity in the sense of personal continuity or persistence through time, the Continental tradition focuses on what constitutes ipseity (ipséité, Selbstsein, selfhood) in the sense of individuality or uniqueness of the human being „constituted“ by its continuous transformation through changing experience. In this study, I claim that contemporary phenomenological research in France-especially the „phenomenology of the event“ as represented by Henri Maldiney and Claude Romano-contributes to this Continental discussion in a significant way: it formulates the conditions of personal uniqueness or distinctiveness with regard to other persons, conditions not to be found in Heidegger’s existential conception of selfhood in Being and Time. More precisely, Maldiney and Romano allow us to answer the principal questions of this study: In what does the personal uniqueness consist? What exactly individualizes the first-person selfhood disclosed in Dasein’s relation to death? In my three-stage analysis, I first deal with Heidegger’s conception of selfhood in Being and Time and its limits with respect to the question of personal uniqueness. Next, I analyse Maldiney’s conception of „eventful selfhood“ in which he „completes“ Heidegger’s conception of selfhood by describing Dasein’s openness to ontical, and yet fully authentic events. Finally, I develop the argumentation by presenting Romano’s even more radical conception of the „happening subjectivity“ (advenant), which allows us to return to the second major feature of personal identity: personal persistence. Nonetheless, I conclude that the connection between personal uniqueness and persistence is not sufficiently examined in the phenomenology of the event, which opens the path towards another related inquiry into the following problem: What is the proper subjective dimension or the „underlying thing“ (ὑποκείμενον) in the background of personal persistence which somehow resists events?

Roreitner, Robert, „Themistius on Concept Formation“, in: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 4/103, 2021, str. 670–703.

Abstract: This paper reconstructs the account of concept formation developed by Themistius in his commentary on Posterior Analytics. Unlike modern day psychological empiricists, Themistius ascribes an active role in concept formation to our innate capacity of understanding. Unlike intuitionists, he would not be satisfied by saying that νοῦς „intuits“ or „spots“ concepts; rather, the question is what makes our νοῦς capable of „finding“ and „recognizing“ concepts in experience and this can only be an understanding prior to all experience. I suggest that Themistius was pushed in this direction by Platonist arguments against Aristotle’s epistemology: postulating a „potential νοῦς“ is not enough, for one can apply Meno’s dilemma to it – how can it recognize that what it finds is what it looked for? But, contrary to the judgment of some modern scholars, Themistius never embraced the theory of recollection either. Despite his originality, he sees himself as offering a genuinely Aristotelian account.

Sklenář, Václav, „Může být tolerance tolerantní? Rainer Forst a paradoxy tolerance“, in: Filosofický časopis, 2/69, 2021, str. 207-229.

Problém tolerance se v posledních desetiletích v kontextu procesů globalizace a integrace národnostních menšin jeví jako jeden z klíčových problémů politické teorie. Autorem jedné z nejvlivnějších současných teorií tolerance je pak bezpochyby člen „čtvrté generace“ frankfurtské školy Rainer Forst. Článek předkládá kritickou recepci jeho teorie, lze ho ovšem zároveň chápat jako prostředek k získání obecné systematické a normativní orientace ve struktuře komplexní problematiky tolerance, která v současnosti významně rezonuje ve veřejném prostoru. Výklad za pomoci historických příkladů osvětluje Forstovo rozlišení pojmu a pojetí tolerance a následně se věnuje originálnímu normativnímu ospravedlnění tolerance, s důrazem na Forstem předložená řešení s tímto pojmem spojených paradoxů. Následuje kritické zhodnocení Forstovy argumentace, které poukazuje mimo jiné na obtíže vyplývající z Forstovy návaznosti na tradici liberalismu a konstruktivismu, a tím se dotýká problémů ležících v základech nejen Forstova myšlení.

Sternad, Christian, „When Time Becomes Personal. Aging and Personal identity“, in: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2/20, 2021, str. 311-319.

Abstract: Aging is an integral part of human existence. The problem of aging addresses the most fundamental coordinates of our lives but also the ones of the phenomenological method: time, embodiment, subjectivity and intersubjectivity, and even the social norms that grow into the very notion of aging as such. In my article, I delineate a phenomenological analysis of aging and show how such an analysis connects with the debate concerning personal identity: I claim that aging is not merely a physical process, but is far more significantly also a spiritual one as the process of aging consists in our awareness of and conscious relation to our aging. This spiritual process takes place on an individual and on a social level, whereas the latter is the more primordial layer of this experience. This complicates the question of personal identity since it will raise the question in two ways, namely who I am for myself and who I am for the others, and in a further step how the latter experience shapes the former. However, we can state that aging is neither only physical nor only spiritual. It concerns my bodily processes as it concerns the complex reflexive structure that relates my former self with my present and even future self.

Thein, Karel, „The Presocratics, Plato, and Aristotle’s Biology“, in: The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Biology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, str. 30-45.

Abstract: The chapter sketches a broad picture of some ideas, antecedent to Aristotle’s work, about the origin and development of living beings. Against the background of the new cosmological and metaphysical framework of Aristotle’s biological enterprise, it emphasizes what distinguishes Aristotle from the Presocratics and Plato: his rejection of a shared causal story that would account for both the origin of the universe and the birth of animals and plants. This shift helps to make intelligible Aristotle’s rejection of hylozoism and of the opposite view that life arises, mysteriously, from inanimate material ingredients. To demonstrate that Aristotle discusses the biological views of his predecessors without directly using them to build his own theory, the chapter first turns to Presocratic fragments, mostly of Anaximander and Empedocles, which connect biological matters and cosmogony. Second, the chapter takes a fresh look at how Plato reshapes this connection in his Timaeus, offering a new account of the nature of the universe and the nature of human beings. This account then enables us to evaluate, in the chapter’s final section, the changes that Aristotle brings to the study of living beings, including his rejection of the notion of the latter’s progressive formation.

Tropia, Anna, „Pédagogie et philosophie a l’âge de la Contre-Réforme : Le De origine, natura et immortalitate animae (Paris, 1564) de Juan Maldonado, S.J.“, in: Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales, 1/88, 2021, str. 209–282.

Abstract: The goal of the present paper is to assess Hans Vaihinger’s understanding of the notion of the given in Die Philosophie des Als Ob. The claim will be advanced that the overall framework of Vaihinger’s theory of knowledge and, more specifically, his understanding of both the given and fictions should be sought for in the manner in which R. Hermann Lotze assesses the problem of knowledge, namely, the relation between thought and being in both his early and late Logik. As we will argue, the way in which Vaihinger recasts the opposition between what is given objectively (data of sensations) and what is added subjectively is to be deemed a direct radicalization of Lotze’s own stance. As the conclusion will further add, what is at stake in Vaihinger’s fictionalism is a quite specific understanding of the ideas of reason and transcendental philosophy.


Čapek, Jakub, “Motivation et normativité : Réflexions sur le concept de liberté a partir de Merleau-Ponty,” Bulletin d’analyse phénoménologique, 16/2, 2020, pp. 138–155.

Abstract: L’article examine le rapport entre une théorie phénoménologie de la motivation et une théorie phénoménologique de la normativité. En le faisant, il se focalise avant tout sur Maurice Merleau-Ponty et sa critique de la théorie sartrienne de la liberté. L’auteur montre que les analyses de la valorisation spontannée, articulées avant tout a la fin de la Phénoménologie de la perception, élaborent une théorie de la normativité qui n’est souvent qu’implicite. Cette normativité est opérative au niveau du corps, de notre rappor au passé et a la société. La liberté – qui chez Merleau-Ponty est loin d’étre absolue – doit se définir non par rapport a des obscacles concrets, mais par rapport a cette normativité implicite. Elle se cherche non pas dans une décision, mais, comme Merleau-Ponty l’exprime, dans „une série de glissements“.

De Santis, Daniele, “The Theoretical Reformer: On Husserl’s Plato (Husserl and the Figures of the History of Philosophy),” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 51/3, 2020, pp. 231–246.

Abstract: The present research contributes to the elucidation of an important aspect of Husserl’s interpretation of the history of philosophy, that is, his reading of the beginning of Western thought. In particular, it aims to clarify the sense in which Husserl deems Plato the father of the idea itself of philosophy as a science. As will be maintained, Husserl thinks of Socrates and Plato together as providing the first reform of philosophy, whose overall goal is to give reason (Vernunft) a universal method of self-justification against the general skepticism of the sophists. The analysis will be both systematically and historically oriented, for, it will try to both reconstruct Husserl’s interpretation of the background against which Plato first introduces the idea of philosophy as a science, and to show that what is truly at stake for Husserl is the nature of philosophy itself.

Dyndová, Helena, “The Reflection of Carlos Castaneda and His Work in the Milieu of Contemporary Czech Shamanism,” Central European Journal for Contemporary Religion, 3/2, pp. 75–90.

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of Carlos Castaneda’s legacy in the contemporary Czech shamanic milieu, with his literary successors, and with continuity of his teachings explained in famous decalogy about shaman-sorcerer don Juan. The first part is dedicated to the zeitgeist of Castaneda’s writings, focusing on Mircea Eliade’s and Michael Harner’s influence. The second part analyses more narrowly the reflection on Castaneda’s personality and work from the current shamanic point of view. The following part introduces Castaneda’s literary impact within the specific Czech context and discusses his more successful followers. The last part compares the message of Castaneda’s work and current Czech shamans‘ teachings considering the similarities and differences, namely the relationship with nature and with spiritual allies, following with shaman’s image, purpose, and responsibility. The article concludes that despite respecting Castaneda’s importance in the history of shamanic revival, the contemporary Czech shamans share little with the original Castaneda’s teachings.

Hill, James, “The Role of Instinct in David Hume’s Conception of Human Reason,” Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 18/3, pp. 273–288.

Abstract: This article investigates the role of instinct in Hume’s understanding of human reason. It is shown that while in the Treatise Hume makes the strong reductive assertion that reason is ‚nothing but‘ an instinct, in the First Enquiry the corresponding statement has been modified in several ways, rendering the relation between instinct and reason more complex. Most importantly, Hume now explicitly recognises that alongside instinctive experimental reasoning, there is a uniquely human intellectual power of intuitive and demonstrative reason that is not itself an instinct. At first sight it may look as if this intellectual reason, that is capable of grasping ‚relations of ideas‘, is not even grounded in instinct but is a thoroughly non-natural element in human nature. On closer analysis, however, it is shown that intellectual reason, in its apprehension of ‚abstract‘ and general relations, is dependent on language – the use of ‚terms‘ – and that language itself is grounded in instinctive associations of ideas. Thus, Hume’s overall view is that even the intellect is an outgrowth of instinct and his conception of human nature is, therefore, shown to be fully naturalistic. Yet this naturalism can still make room for the ‚exceptionalism‘ of human mathematical thought, which has no counterpart in the animal kingdom where language is lacking.

Kolman, Vojtěch, “Wittgenstein and Die Meistersinger: The Aesthetic Road to a Sceptical Solution of the Sceptical Paradox,” 57/1, 2020, Estetika, pp. 44–63.

Abstract: Starting with Wittgenstein’s remark about his allegedly frequent visits to the performance of Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, the paper presents Wagner’s opera – being explicitly an opera about rules and rule-following – as a possible stimulus for the later Wittgenstein’s thinking about language. Besides Wittgenstein’s systematic interest in parallels between music and language, the paper draws on the choice of terminology (such as the comparison of rules to rails) and on Wittgenstein’s own examples of rule-following. More speculatively, the phrasing as well as the solution to what Kripke called Wittgenstein’s sceptical paradox is used as a point of comparison that brings Wittgenstein’s aesthetic innuendos closer not only to mainstream philosophy of language, but due to the antithetical structure of Kripke’s argument, also to the broader philosophical and aesthetic tradition of German idealism.

Matějčková, Tereza, “Surviving the Holocaust: Philosopher Emil Utitz‘ As If Technique,” The European Legacy, 25, 2020, pp. 438–454.

Abstract: The article describes the thought of the Czech-German Jewish philosopher and psychologist Emil Utitz against the background of his experience in the Theresienstadt concentration camp. The goal is to first reconstruct Utitz‘ philosophy and then to show that his thought is permeated by the then popular philosophy of Hans Vaihinger, who considered the ability to act as though something is true even if we do not know that it is true to be a key human faculty. The work of imagination, even an intensification of it in the conditions of the concentration camp, was central to Utitz‘ conception of life in Theresienstadt. Utitz‘ thought is reconstructed in an attempt to apply the work of imagination as interpreted by Vaihinger to this portion of twentieth century. Specifically, I want to position Utitz‘ thought along two axes: first, along the axis of the Kantian philosophical tradition and, second, along the axis of the then common conception of the Holocaust experience as put forward by V. Frankl or H. G. Adler.

Sternad, Christian, “Leben ohne Tod : Eine phänomenologische Antwort of transhumanistische Hoffnungen,” Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie, 2, 2020, pp. 137–150.

Abstract: Die Interpretation der Alterns und des Todes vonseiten der Transhumanisten ist, so die Behauptung dieses Aufsatzes, vollkomen unzureichend. Eine alternative und viel mehr versprechende Beschreibung dieser existenziellen Momente des menschlichen Seins bietet Phänomenologie. Sie erblickt im Tod und Altern nicht zu bekämpfende Krankheiten, sondern fundamentale Strukturmomente des Lebens, die unsere persönliche Identität weitgehend mitgestalten.

Švec, Ondřej, “’One Is What One Does’: From Pragmatic to Performative Disclosure of the Who,” Continental Philosophy Review, 53/2, 2020, pp. 209–227.

Abstract: After taking into consideration the most relevant criticisms questioning the capacity of the thinking „I“ to grasp itself in a transparent and undistorting way, I will ask what remains of first-person authority with regard to one’s own identity. I argue that first-person authority is not to be abandoned, but rather reformulated in terms of public commitments that nobody else can take up in my place. After recovering the original meaning of Heidegger’s claim „one is what one does“, I turn to Arendt’s performative disclosure of the „who“ through political initiative and suggest reading the requirement of public exposure as a model allowing for a better understanding of self-identification. In order to discern more clearly the shape of this new paradigm of self-identification, I draw on Ricoeur’s notion of self-attestation, Crowell’s analysis of our „being-answerable“ and Larmore’s account of avowals in which we give ourselves a publicly binding shape. In synthetizing and prolonging the considerations of the abovementioned authors about the performative disclosure of the self, I demonstrate that one’s identity – in the sense of ipseity – is both constituted and manifested by the commitments that the self endorses and for which it is held accountable in front of others.

Testa, Alessandro, “Interwining Process of Reconfiguring Tradition: Three European Case Studies, Ethnologia Europaea, 50/1, 2020, pp. 20–38.

Abstract: This article explores the three main concepts and experiential aspects at the centre of this special issue (re-enchantment, ritualization, and heritage-making), on the empirical grounds of three different ethnographic cases from Italy, the Czech Republic, and Catalonia (Spain). The text attempts to demonstrate how re-enchantment, ritualization, and cultural heritage-making can co-exist and interact within or around the same traditional facts as complementary (or at least not mutually exclusive) processes, and also in what sense their correlation and interaction can be thought of in terms of „tradition reconfiguration“. This is also done by discussing the concepts of „(re)traditionalization“ and „past-presencing“, and related ones, such as symbolization, mythopoiesis, popular Frazerism, and (pseudo-)religious heritage.

Thein, Karel, “Swifts and Hirundines in Aristotle’s Historia Animalivm,” Classical Quarterly, 70/1, 2020, pp. 464–466.
Abstract: Aristotle’s brief accounts of some swifts and hirundines in Hist. an. 1.1 (487b24-31) and 9.30 (618a31-b2) list several species whose identification has always been taken for difficult, and continues to vary from translation to translation. I clarify this small issue on the basis of Aristotle’s text alone. I therefore assume that both passages offer sufficient information for recognizing the species in question as common swift (Apus apus) in Book 1 and red-rumped swallow (Cecropis daurica) in Books 9.


Čapek, Jakub, “Intersubjectivity and Self-awareness in Husserl and Patočka,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 33/3, 2019, pp. 512–526.

Abstract: Some phenomenological accounts of intersubjectivity, from Husserl to Zahavi, argue that self-awareness precedes our understanding of others. The account of intersubjectivity developed by Jan Patočka embraces the opposite claim: it is through the other that self-awareness is possible. This essay deals with Patočka’s reading of the Husserlian appresentation as appresentation of myself in the other. Having reconstructed the systematic background of Patočka’s claim that our self-awareness passes through the other, I conclude by reconsidering the question of the primacy of self-awareness over intersubjectivity.

Čapek, Jakub, “Personal Identity and the Otherness of One’s Own Body,” Continental Philosophy Review, 52/3, pp. 265–277.

Abstract: Locke claims that a person’s identity over time consists in the unity of consciousness, not in the sameness of the body. Similarly, the phenomenological approach refuses to see the criteria of identity as residing in some externally observable bodily features. Nevertheless, it does not accept the idea that personal identity has to consist either in consciousness or in the body. We are self-aware as bodily beings. After providing a brief reassessment of Locke and the post-Lockean discussion, the article draws on phenomenological arguments that show the body as lived, that is, lived as one’s own body, but also possibly as „other“ or „strange.“ Against what has been claimed in recent writing, especially in literature on Merleau-Ponty, the author argues that the „mineness“ of the body and its „alterity“ are not two mutually exclusive features. In the final part of the article, the author suggests that the becoming strange of one’s own body may legitimately be considered as a prominent experience of what it means to be a person.

De Santis, Daniele, “The Practical Reformer : On Husserl’s Socrates,” Husserl Studies, 35, 2, 2019, pp. 131–148.

Abstract: The present essay offers a first, systematic reconstruction of Husserl’s understanding of Socrates‘ philosophical position in the Ideengeschichte with a special focus on the Socratic method. Our goal is twofold. On the one hand, we aim to provide a clear presentation of the way in which Husserl himself conceives of the „beginning“ of Western philosophy by tackling the specifically Socratic contribution to it. On the other hand, we will clarify in what sense, and to what extent, the assessment of Husserl’s Socrates helps shed some light upon the properly Husserlian conception of philosophy, notably, his twofold notion of „rationality.“

Karásek, Jindřich, “Ich, Bild und Ding. Fichte und Kant. Zum Bildbegriff im Grundriss des Eigentümlichen der Wissenschafslehre,” Fichte-Studien, 47, pp. 147–162.

Abstrakt: Im Ausgang von dem Satz, dass das Ich sich als bestimmt durch das Nicht-Ich setzt, soll im „Grundriss des Eigentümlichen der Wissenschafslehre“ das „theoretische Vermögen“ untersucht werden. Meine These, die am Text der Schrift nachgewiesen werden soll, lautet, dass es der Begriff des Bildes ist, der bei dieser Analyse des Erkenntnisvermögens, wie Kant es nennt, leitend ist. Erkenntnis eines Objekts kommt Fichte zufolge zustande als das dialektische Verhältnis zwischen dem bildenden Ich, dem Bild und dem nachzubildenden Objekt, das Fichte als wirkliches Ding bezeichnet. Die Absicht des Beitrages ist es, anhand dieser Struktur die Bedeutung des Bildbegriffs zu untersuchen. Dabei soll auch gezeigt werden, inwiefern Fichte an die Kantischen Analysen des Erkenntnisvermögens einerseits anknüpft und andererseits von ihnen abweicht. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wird der für jede von der Subjektivität ausgehende Erkenntnistheorie leitenden Frage, die von Fichte auch explizit gestellt wird, nachgegangen. Es ist die Frage, wie das Ich denn erkennen kann, dass es sich bei den Objekten seines Erkennens tatsächlich um wirkliche Dinge und nicht um seine Phantasievorstellungen handelt.

Kolman, Vojtěch, “’What the Picture Tells Me Is Itself’: The Reflexivity of Knowledge between Brandom and Wittgenstein,” Disputatio: Philosophical Research Bulletin, 8/9, 2019.

Abstract: Both Brandom and Wittgenstein base their concepts of experience on the game metaphor and the associated concept of rule. In fact, what Brandom seems to do is further refine Wittgenstein’s vocabulary by specifying the game as the game of giving and asking for reasons and rules as the rules of inference. By replacing the plurality of „games“ with the one and only „game“, though, Brandom also lays the ground for a possible discord. This relates particularly to the cognitive significance of different forms of human experience, such as music or art in general, which are treated by Wittgenstein as language games despite their being rather independent of claims and commitments and despite their utterly lacking the representational dimension. In my paper, I will show that with respect to these objections (as phrased, e.g., by Andrew Bowie), one can argue that Brandom is in fact true to Wittgenstein’s instruction to always read his Investigations against his Tractatus. The general idea is to look at the game and picture metaphor as parts of a single concept that both philosophers work on together by going back to the very idealist concept of reflexivity or selfconsciousness.

Kroulík, Milan, “The Mimetic Faculty and the Art of Everyday Life,” Kritike, 13, 1, 2019, pp. 144–160.

Abstract: In this paper I attempt to rethink the relationship between art and life by formulating it based on the rereading of the Benjaminian mimetic faculty by the anthropologist Michael Taussig. Taking this position within history as non-teleological change and based on human activity, to uphold a distinction between original and representation metaphysically becomes impossible. This is important in so far as any notion of primacy becomes obsolete, while at the same time one can work with the historical existence, both material and ideational, of initially abstract concepts such as art. Art then is something that in itself does not have a materially specific reality, but forms reality through artworks, institutions, pecuniary allocations or human motivation. Taking art as a world-forming force that is nonetheless historically produced in turn opens up new, pluralist ways of using this historical given for possible futures.

Prášek, Petr, “Trois figures de la phénoménologie contemporaine,” Etudes phénoménologiques, 3, 2019, pp. 221–245.

Abstract: L’article essaie a la fois de présenter et de confronter trois phénoménologues contemporains en France (R. Barbaras, J.-L. Marion et M. Richir), et ce dans le cadre d’un seul champ phénoménal dont les contours se dessinent progressivement suivant les différentes décisions prises par les auteurs.

Tropia, Anna, “From Paris to Gotha: The Circulation of Two Parisian Jesuit Courses between the 16th and the 17th century,” Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 5, 2019, pp. 75–106.

Abstract: This article traces back the history of a collection of manuscript academic course-notes taken by a German student at the end of the sixteenth century and today preserved at the Research Library of Gotha (Thuringien, Germany). It focuses, in particular, on two of them, which transmit texts dictated in Paris: they testify to the large circulation of academic doctrines through the practice of the copy of the course-notes by students.

Tropia, Anna, “Early Modern Scotists and Thomists on the Question on the Intellect’s First and Adequate Object,” Revista Espanola de Filosofia Medieval, 26/2, pp. 69–91.

Abstract: This paper analyses the criticisms put forward by the Scotists of the 17th century to Thomas Aquinas‘ commentators on the subject of the intellect’s first object. What the intellect knows first, and what is the extension of human cognition, are the questions that Aquinas addressed in different places of the Summa theologiae, and that Scotus famously criticised. From the 15th century on, the Scotists of the 17th century observed the tendency, among Aquinas‘ commentators, to adjust themselves to Scotus‘ opinion concerning this matter. The paper includes a collection of the texts they mention and focuses on this „shift“ in the history of Aquinas‘ readings.

Zach, Martin, “Conceptual Analysis in the Philosophy of Science,” Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 11/2, 2019, pp. 107–124.

Abstract: Conceptual analysis as a method of inquiry has long enjoyed popularity in analytic philosophy, including the philosophy of science. In this article I offer a perspective on the ways in which the method of conceptual analysis has been used, and distinguish two broad kinds, namely philosophical and empirical conceptual analysis. In so doing I outline a historical trend in which non-naturalized approaches to conceptual analysis are being replaced by a variety of naturalized approaches. I outline the basic characteristics of these approaches with illustrative examples, arguing that recent developments in the philosophy of science show that in order to achieve a more adequate understanding of scientific endeavour we need to prioritize the naturalized accounts of the method.


De Santis, Daniele, „Metaphysische Ergebnisse“ : Phenomenology and Metaphysics in Edmund Husserl’s Cartesianische Meditationen (§60). Attempt at Commentary,” Husserl Studies, 34/1, 2018, str. 63–83.

Abstract: The main goal of the present paper is to offer a preliminary study of the relations between phenomenology and metaphysics in Husserl. After a brief presentation of what Husserl means by the term „metaphysics“, the rest of our research will consist of a detailed commentary on §60 of the Cartesian Meditations. Our aim is to explain in what sense, according to Husserl, the „outcomes“ of the phenomenological constitution of monadological intersubjectivity entail the solution to a traditional metaphysical problem, i.e., that of the existence of just one real world. The present investigation does not pretend to be more than an introduction. Besides shedding some light on a specific text, it will pave the way for a future inquiry into the relations between phenomenology and metaphysics in Husserl.

De Santis, Daniele, Le conclusioni della filosofia del conoscere : Appunti sul programma „razionalista“ di Husserl e Bontadini, Bollettino filosofico (Testo stampato), 33, 2018, pp. 185–207.

Abstract: La conclusione della filosofia del conoscere è il titolo di un noto volume che Guido Calogero diede alle stampe nel 1938 e che ripropone alcuni tra i suoi più cruciali scritti sull’idealismo italiano (con in aggiunta un’appendice dal titolo: Per una storia della logica). Come Calogero medesimo ebbe a precisare nell’avvertenza che accompagna la raccolta: chiunque, leggendo il volume, „scoprisse qui qualcosa come una crisi o una palinodia o una catastrofe“, credendo così di trovare „nuovo indizio di una sedicente „crisi dell’idealismo“, tale lettore „dimostrerebbe di aver letto, del libro, soltanto il titolo, e di non avere di conseguenza capito nemmeno quello“. Senza penetrare nel fitto tessuto speculativo che si articola lungo i saggi raccolti nella prima meta del volume (in particolare nei primi due: „Coscienza e volonta“, „Gnoseologia e idealismo“), e sforzandoci con questo di ridurne la tesi all’essenziale, si potrebbe affermare – con una serie di battute sì fortemente icastiche ma per questo tanto più in grado di afferrare il „nocciolo“ profondo dell’argomentare calogeriano – che l’idealismo gentiliano, avendo superato il problema gnoseologico per eccellenza, cioè „il binomio del soggetto e dell’oggetto“, ha posto fine alla „gnoseologia“, cioè a tutta quella filosofia che – identificando nella „conoscenza“ il proprio nucleo problematico e pungolo speculativo – è filosofia del conoscere sic et simpliciter.

Chlup, Radek, “On the Nature of the Gods : Methodological Suggestions for the study of Greek Divinities,” History of Religions, 58/2, 2018, str. 101–127.

Abstract: The paper argues for a novel method for understanding Greek gods, building on the approach of J.-P. Vernant, but adding a new dimension to it. Vernant attempted to read the Greek pantheon as a system of classification and to see the multifarious attributes and functions of the gods as parts of a meaningful structure, in this way allowing modern readers to understand the gods instead of seeing them an incongruous assemblage of various historically contingent traits. While considering this type of approach as fruitful, I argue that Vernant has overstressed the systematic side of the gods, downplaying their anomalous and chaotic aspects – not in the sense of their heterogeneous qualities that arise as a result of contingent historical development (as runs the usual criticism by historians of Greek religion) but much more importantly in the sense of their transgressive and antistructural features which are an integral part of their personalities. These result from the fact that while the gods help to establish and guard various ideal categories of the human world, they do so from without and are not constrained by them themselves. In this way the gods are able to support the system while balancing out some of its inevitable limitations, mediating its internal contradictions and introducing flexibility into its static categories. I subsequently draw methodological consequences from this general conception. When studying a god I suggest to pay attention to the boundaries this god both protects and transcends, i.e. to focus on both the normative and the transgressive of the god in question, on the ability to unite various conflicting principles in the god’s personality, and on the transitions the god allows his or her worshippers to make. In this way I hope to convey to the modern reader not just the meaningfulness of the gods but also their indispensability for the correct functioning of the Greek cultural system.

Palkoska, Jan, “Leibniz on Individuation, Predication, and Existence,” Studia Leibnitiana, 50/2, pp. 197–213.

Abstract: The chief aim of this paper is to clarify how what Leibniz has to say on the foundation in re of true predication is connected to certain other salient themes of his thought, namely to his doctrine of complete individual concepts and to his peculiar notion of existence. More specifically, I shall demonstrate and explain how both Leibniz’s doctrine of the complete individual concept and his notion of existence are yoked together to substantiate his solution to the mentioned problem of predication. Thus I will ipso facto offer a proposal concerning the issue of Leibniz’s possible motivation behind his resolution to employ complete individual concepts and to treat existence in the peculiar ways in which he did.

Pehal, Martin, “Culturally Reflexive Aspects of Time and Space in New Kingdom Mythological Narratives,” Lingua Aegyptia: Journal of Egyptian Language Studies, 19, 2018, pp. 151–182.

Abstract: This study shows the culturally reflexive properties of mythological narratives by describing the dynamism stemming from the simultaneous inclusion of various types of temporality and the specific usage of space. The basic premise is that any symbolical system/culture contains antithetical principles which are nevertheless held simultaneously-as in the case of ancient Egypt’s „positional succession“ phenomenon. These cultural paradoxes are both a source of discomfort to the system (as they show its incongruence and thus contingency) and a source of alternative symbolical layout, and thus of great power (because they transcend the given social structures). Certain cultural phenomena, myth being one of them, facilitate both coping with these paradoxes and utilizing their transformative potential. To exemplify how exactly such a process occurs, I offer an analysis of the papyrus d’Orbiney, also known as the Tale of Two Brothers, subsequently identifying it as a „ring-composition.“ Consequences of such an identification in relation to the reflexive quality of mythological narratives are then discussed.

Ritter, Martin, “The Hubris of Transcendental Idealism : Understanding Patočka’s Early Concept of the Lifeworld,” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 49/2, 2018, pp. 171–181

Abstract: Jan Patočka’s early phenomenology, as presented in The Natural World as a Philosophical Problem, does not merely adopt Husserl’s concept of the lifeworld. The paper demonstrates the originality of Patočka’s appropriation of this concept, but also its internal tensions and difficulties. Seeking to elaborate a concept of a phenomenology allowing for a theory of the lifeworld stricto sensu, i.e. of the life of the world, Patočka’s book effectively shows that there is no ahistorical, absolute or „natural“ starting point for phenomenology. Truth, as approachable through phenomenology, is not (pre)given, but must rather be developed. Elaborating on the concept of transcendental idealism, Patočka’s early phenomenology thus suggests a vivid idea of „intermeshing“ monads ontologically grounding the world.

Šterbáková, Daniela, “John Cage’s 4′ 33“ : Unhappy Theory, Meaningful Gesture,” Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, 10, 2018, pp. 620–642.

Abstract: During the premiere of Cage’s famous ‚silent‘ piece 4′ 33“, the audience was irritated from not hearing anything. Nevertheless, Cage insisted that the piece was not silent but full of accidental sounds that were music. However, were the first listeners truly mistaken? Can an artwork such as this one determine ways of perception or establish a fact? More generally, how can an artwork such as this one mean anything? To develop these questions, I will first define what 4′ 33“ is and examine what makes it appealing. After considering whether 4′ 33“ is a musical work, or a conceptual (symbolic) work, I will focus on Cage’s aesthetic principles and conclude that there is no determinate way of interpreting the meaning of 4′ 33“, in that its underlying principles are contradictory. I will suggest that in order to explain the attractiveness of 4′ 33“ as an artwork, it is helpful to consider how gestures can bear their meaning.

Švec, Ondřej, “De l’histoire des émotions a la généalogie de la subjectivité,” Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philologica, 3, 2018, pp. 43–56.

Abstract: De nombreux ouvrages récemment parus en historiographie de la vie affective posent un défi majeur a toute théorie qui se propose de saisir l’essence des émotions, qu’elle soit recherchée par les instruments de la neuroscience ou par l’interrogation philosophique sur la structure essentielle des vécus. L’histoire des émotions, telle qu’elle nous est présentée par ex. dans le dernier ouvrage éponyme édité par A. Corbin, J.-J. Courtine et G. Vigarello, apporte autant de pièces prouvant l’illégitimité d’une approche universaliste et réductionniste : les émotions ne sont ni des états du corps (déclenchés par les mécanismes innés dont la neurobiologie aurait toujours le dernier mot), ni de simples états d’une conscience transcendantale (dont on pourrait faire une théorie eidétique a l’instar de Husserl ou de Scheler). Il convient plutôt de les aborder comme autant de conduites, car c’est la seule approche qui permette de rendre compte a la fois de leur caractère incarné et leur appartenance aux systèmes de valeurs et de normes propres a telle ou telle culture. De leur côté, les récits littéraires nous aident a mieux comprendre quels types de conduites émotionnelles, a telle époque, sont mises en valeur, raillées ou considérées comme révélateurs des caractères. Il s’impose alors a la philosophie de tirer la leçon de l’enseignement conjoint que l’histoire et la littérature apportent pour ne plus aborder les émotions comme des objets idéaux, traversant les siècles de façon immuable, mais comme autant de noeuds polémiques que chaque époque s’approprie différemment et qui reflètent une certaine manière d’exister et de s’éprouver soi-même, dépendante d’un contexte culturel et politique précis.

Thein, Karel, “Soul and Incorporeality in Plato,” Eirene, 54, 2018, pp. 53–95.

Abstract: This article takes a closer look at what Plato’s dialogues tell us about the incorporeality of the soul as one of the well-established Platonic doctrines, on a par with the soul’s immortality and its self-moving nature. What motivates the proposed rereading is Plato’s timidity in describing the soul, human or not, as being entirely without body of any kind. The aim of the article is not to contest the obvious fact that Plato treats souls as essentially distinct from bodies, but to understand why the assumption of incorporeality receives no detailed discussion of its own. One possible answer is that such a theoretically rigorous discussion is always less important to Plato than his emphasis on the variety of actions and experiences ascribed to the soul both here and in the afterlife. While having an essential moral dimension that connects to the soul’s activity of thinking, these actions and experiences contribute to the description of the soul as a fully individual agent, akin to that of a person. To highlight the immortality of this agent, it is more opportune for Plato to start from various facets of the soul’s natural self-motion, while leaving aside possible arguments in favor of the soul’s full ontological bodilessness. In any case, the Platonic soul is introduced as a fundamental part of reality. Its natural agency can therefore be tackled separately from its explicit ontology. By this means, the agency-akin to human agency-that is attributed to the soul can retain its provisional ontological neutrality.


Čapek, Jakub, „Oneself through Another : Ricoeur and Patočka on Husserl’s Fifth Cartesian Meditation,” Meta, 9/2, 2017, pp. 387–415.

Abstract: The article offers a parallel exposition of Ricoeur and Patočka in the narrow context of their respective reading of Husserl’s Fifth Cartesian Meditation. At the same time, it follows a broader goal, namely to confront a hermeneutics of the self with a phenomenology freed of subjectivism.

Čapek, Jakub, “Habit and freedom in Merleau-Ponty and Ricœur,” Journal of Speculative Philosohy, 31/3, 2017, pp. 432–443.

Abstract: Philosophical debates on habit often emphasize its ambivalent character: once habitualized, voluntary activity becomes natural. Consequently, the ambiguity of habit is the ambiguity of freedom and nature. This view was recently criticized by Claude Romano for its lack of conceptual clarity. Focusing on the phenomenology of habit as developed by Ricoeur and Merleau-Ponty, and in response to Romano, this article shows not only that habit cannot be stripped of its ambiguity but also how this ambiguity affects our understanding of subject and freedom.

Dynda, Jiří, “Rusalki: Anthropology of time, death, and sexuality in Slavic folklore,” Studia Mythologica Slavica, 20, 2017, pp. 83–109.

Abstract: The Eastern Slavic rusalki are feminine mythological beings associated commonly with water, death, and sexuality. They were already thoroughly ethnographically described, classified and compared. This paper presents a re-evaluation of D. K. Zelenin’s classic interpretation of these beings as the souls of women deceased by untimely or unjust death. By means of analysis of their function and embedding in the whole social-cultural environment it is shown in this paper how rusalki worked in the context of the symbolic system of the East Slavic folklore. One of the main goals is to understand how intricately were rusalki and stories about them connected with the Orthodox liturgical year, specifically with the week following the Pentecost. The paper concludes that these feminine revenants were a symbolic representation of an eternal unripen-ness, which needed to be annually revived temporarily in order to help the symbolic system to cross the liminal phase of the agricultural and liturgical year cycle.

Jirsa, Jakub, “Divine Activity and Human Life,” Rhizomata, 5/2, 2017, pp. 210–238.

Abstract: The article is a contribution to the rich debate concerning happiness or fulfilment (eudaimonia) in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. It argues that eudaimonia is theōria in accordance with what Aristotle repeatedly says in Book X of the Nicomachean Ethics. However, happy life (eudaimōn bios) is a complex way of life which includes not only theoretical activity but also the exercising of other virtues including the so-called moral or social ones. The article shows that Aristotle differentiates between eudaimonia on the one hand and the happy or fulfilled life (eudaimōn bios) on the other, and shows how this distinction clarifies Aristotle’s account of eudaimonia.

Matějčková, Tereza, „Hegels Religion des absoluten Wissens?“ Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, 9, 2017, pp. 321–346.

Abstrakt: Im Aufsatz wird die These vertreten, dass Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes eine religiöse Dynamik wesentlich eigen ist, selbst noch dem absoluten Wissen. Nicht nur steht die Religion auf gleicher Stufe mit dem absoluten Wissen, vielmehr nährt sich auch das absolute Wissen von einer dezidiert religiösen Dynamik. Während die absolute Religion als eine radikale Verzeihung gedeutet wird, wird das absolute Wissen als eine radikale Versöhnung aufgefasst.

Prášek, Petr et al., “Ontologies du conflit,” Meta, 9, 2017, pp. 321–346.

Abstract: L’article est le résultat d’un travail en groupe qui s’efforcait de comprendre la manière dont la notion de conflit est transformée par la tentative de l’appliquer a la réalité concrète. Il semble qu’il y a trois „logiques du conflit“: logique de la contradiction, logique de la contrariété et logique de la différence.

Ritter, Martin, Patočka’s Care of the Soul Reconsidered : Performing the Soul Through Movement, Human Studies, 40/2, 2017, pp. 233–247.

Abstract: Care of the soul is arguably the core concept in Patočka’s phenomenology. However, what is the soul? In this paper I seek to determine its ontological meaning, connecting the concept of caring for the soul with that of the movement of existence. Starting from Patočka’s affirmative presentation of Aristotle’s criticism of Plato, I interrogate the „orthodox“ Platonic concept of caring for the soul and develop an alternative notion, putting emphasis on action in the world. I demonstrate the impossibility of identifying the third movement with true existence, or with the care for the soul, whether conceived as the performance of philosophy or as political action. Finally, I outline a reinterpreted concept of care for the soul in which the (active) self-moving of the soul is not ontologically prior to (passive) responding. The soul is inherent in action; and it is free only as responding to the world and responsible only in being free.


Halík, Tomáš, L’instant de la foi, Revue Theologique des Bernardins, 2016, pp. 123–146.

Abstract: Halík définit la foi comme une ouverture primordiale au dialogue avec Dieu, qui attire l’homme dans son histoire. De la part de l’homme, c’est toujours un acte existentiel qui dépasse une joie superficielle de la beauté de la création et se tourne également vers les côtes obscurs de l’univers. La foi a donc toujours des traits fortement paradoxaux. Pourtant, elle reste une invitation a la liberté, au pardon, a la plénitude de la vie. Halík souligne l’importance de ‚un dialogue avec les incroyants por aider les fidèles a rectifier les fausses images de Dieu qui ne cressent de resurgir a cause de la faiblesse humaine. Lorsqu’il parle de la prière, Halík note que chacun peut considérer sa propre vie comme une histoire qu’il est appelé a lire. Ou bien on peut la regarder comme une œuvre de l’art – bien qu’elle soit créée par un autre, elle nous révèle la vérité de nous-mêmes.

Kolman, Vojtěch, Hegel’s ‚Bad Infinity‘ as a Logical Problem, Hegel Bulletin, 37/2, 2016, pp. 258–280.

Abstract: The paper analyses the concept of ‚bad infinity‘ in connection with Hegel’s critique of infinitesimal calculus and with the belittling of Hegel’s mathematical notions by the representatives of modern logic and the foundations of mathematics. The main line of argument draws on the observation that Hegel’s difference is only derivatively a mathematical one and is primarily of a broadly logico-epistemological nature. Because of this, the concept of bad infinity can be fruitfully utilized, by way of inversion, in an analysis of the conceptual shortcomings of the most prominent foundational attempts at dealing with infinite quanta, such as Cantor’s set theory and Hilbert’s axiomatism. As such, the paper is an attempt at reconstructing Hegel’s philosophy of mathematics and its role in his philosophical system and, more importantly, as a contribution to logic in the more general and radical sense of the word.

Matějčková, Tereza, “Hegel and Arendt on a Key Term of Modernity The Creativity and Destructiveness of Labor,” Idealistic Studies, 1/46, 2016, pp. 19–40.

Abstract: Since the early modern age, labor has gained centrality in both the social order and the conception of man. This study undertakes an attempt to evaluate this ascent by comparing the concept of labor in Hegel’s thought, as presented mainly in the Phenomenology of Spirit, with the conception of labor in the thought of Hannah Arendt. While Hegel linked labor closely to spirituality, Arendt argued that in the process of labor assimilating all human activities, man in fact forfeits spirituality. The peculiar destructiveness of labor seemed to be confirmed by twentieth-century totalitarian regimes elevating labor to a unique source of values. In addition to comparing Hegel and Arendt’s conceptions, the aim of this study is to ask whether Hegel’s concept of labor is susceptible to the dangers inherent in the ideological conceptions of totalitarian regimes.

Petříček, Miroslav, “Zeigen im Verschwinden,” Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, 7/1, 2016, pp. 161–168.

Abstrakt: Der Beitrag behandelt die Denkfigur des „Sich-Zeigens im Verschwinden“ an der Schnittstelle zwischen Phänomenologie und Semiotik. Das Interesse an dieser Denkfigur bezeugt sich an den Phänomenen der Spur, der Ellipse oder des Geheimnisses, insbesondere in der französischen Philosophie seit den 1960er Jahren. Die leitende Frage lautet: Gibt es ein Erscheinen, das sich erst in seinem Verschwinden zeigt?

Švec, Ondřej, “L’émergence de la subjectivité au sein de la vie,” Meta, 8/1, 2016, pp. 27–47.

Abstract: L’article vise a expliquer l’émergence de la subjectivité a partir de l’implication des êtres vivants dans leur milieu. Une telle tentative de décrire le devenir-sujet a partir de la vie nous amène a confronter la phénoménologie de la vie, poursuivie par R. Barbaras depuis les 20 dernières années, avec la philosophie de la biologie de G. Canguilhem. Notre reflexion s’ouvre avec un chapitre critique, destiné a reveler les insuffisances des approches de M. Merleau-Ponty et J. Patočka qui établissent un clivage entre la vie nue et l’existence proprement dite. Afin de contrer une telle séparation préjudicielle, le second chapitre adopte une perspective biocentrique sur l’existence humaine, inspirée par Canguilhem et G. Le Blanc. Une telle approche permet de réévaluer la notion de la vie dans les termes d’un mouvement normatif et expansif qui individue a la fois les vivants et les éléments de leur milieu. La partie finale cherche a comprendre l’émergence de la subjectivité a partir des défis ordinaires de la vie, tels que la maladie ou l’expérience de la vulnérabilité et la fragilité, sans nécessité de stipuler une conscience auto-référentielle comme condition d’un rapport a soi.

Zemánek, Marek, “Rituals Now and Then : Some Observations on Rituals of Death in Ancient and Contemporary Korea,” Ceesok Journal of Korean Studies, 16, 2016, pp. 208–220.

Abstract: In my paper I compare the contemporary practice of Buddhist rites of death with the practice recorded in the Samguk yusa, a valuable source for studying ancient Korean religion. The scarce accounts contained in the Samguk yusa may be better understood once read with knowledge of contemporary ritual practice. Due to the specific soteriological notions related to death in Buddhism, such as reincarnation, the moment of death, the intermediate state, the paradise-like Pure Lands, and so on, such death rituals are believed to help the deceased person achieve rebirth in a better place or even attain Awakening and escape from the circle of suffering. These general notions can be found behind the Buddhist rites of death of any region and period, but how they are manifested through ritual practice may differ. My analysis presented in the paper shows that ancient and contemporary religious practices share many common features, such as basic structure, tension between the use of classical language and the vernacular, ordination as a part of the rite, types of funerals, and so on, and focus on similar issues, such as attempting to educate the deceased spirit, helping the spirit reach a Pure Land, and so on.


Jirousová, Františka, “Teilhard de Chardin’s Theory of Spiritual Evolution”, Teilhard-Studies, 70, 2015.

Abstract: The aim of the article is to present Teilhard’s Law of Differentiating Unity and his central concepts of spirit, soul, energy, and complexity, and to show the mataphysical and logical schema on which Teilhard bases his philosophy.

Karásek, Jindřich, “Ich und Nicht-Ich: Zur reinen Struktur der Welt als Bild bei Fichte,” Fichte-Studien, 4, 2015, pp. 77–94.

Abstrakt: In dem Beitrag wird versucht zu zeigen, dass der Solipsimuseinwand auf Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre nicht zutrifft. Dies erfolgt durch den Nachweis, dass die mit dem Ausdruck „Nicht-Ich“ bezeichnete äussere Welt denselben ontologischen Status hat als das Ich selbst.

Kolman, Vojtěch, “Logicism as making Arithmetic Explicit,” Erkenntnis, 80/3, 2015, pp. 487–503.

Abstract: This paper aims to shed light on the broader significance of Frege’s logicism (and hence the phenomenon of modern logic) against the background of discussing and comparing Wittgenstein’s ‚showing/saying‘-distinction with Brandom’s idiom of logic as the enterprise of making the implicit rules of our linguistic practices (something we do) explicit (by something we say). The main thesis of this paper is that the problem of Frege’s logicism lies deeper than in its inconsistency (which has since turned out to be reparable, as the neologicists have shown): it lies in the basic idea that in arithmetic (and prospectively in language in general) one can, and should, express everything that is implicitly presupposed so that nothing is left unsaid. This, in fact, is the target of Wittgenstein’s critique. Rather than the Tractatus, with its claim that logicism attempts to say something that can only be shown (e.g. what ‚object‘, ‚function‘ or ‚number‘ are), it is the Philosophical Investigations, with its argument by regress against the thesis that every rule which one can follow must be of an explicit nature, that is of real significance here.

Ondračka, Lubomír, “Perfected Body, Divine Body and Other Bodies in the Nātha-Siddha Sanskrit Texts,” Journal of Hindu Studies, 8/2, pp. 210–232.

Abstract: Haṭhayogic texts in Sanskrit are full of references and allusions to immortality, but the precise character of this immortality is not explicitly described anywhere. Most of the scholars subscribe to the concept that the yogin has to achieve at first a perfected physical body (siddhadeha), which has to be later transformed into the new spiritual and non-material divine body (divyadeha). This article first discusses different types of bodies in Sanskrit texts on Haṭhayoga and demonstrates that no such concept is present in them. Then it offers an explanation how and when the fallacious idea about the transformation of the material body into the non-material one has originated.

Thein, Karel, “Cities of the Warriors, Cities of the Sages,” Utopian Studies, 26/1, 2015, pp. 220–234.

Abstract: Ancient discourses on utopia range from nostalgic evocations of a peaceful Golden Age to the forward-looking projects of a well-ordered society free of internal violence. It is this second perspective that connects to the issue of how to maintain the fragile equilibrium between war and civil war. The idea of using the former as a remedy against the latter is present in the blueprint of the just city whose hypothetical generation is depicted in Plato’s Republic. Reading Plato with Thucydides enables us to see how both the diagnosis of civil strife’s causes and the (impossibly utopian) remedy connect to a certain underlying conception of man. Not unlike Platonic utopia, conceived as an artificial remedy to natural inner conflicts, some Hellenistic and Greco-Roman philosophies of peace share in the vision of an ever-expanding „“circle““ of the city. However, their understanding of human nature is different and, despite some complicity between cosmopolitanism and imperialism, they are more optimistic in considering the perfectible community not as an imposed artificial structure of justice, but as a structure whose germ is naturally present in our individual constitution.


Kolman, Vojtěch, “Normative Pragmatism and the Language Game of Music,” Contemporary Pragmatism, 11/2, 2014, pp. 147-163.

Abstract: This article extends the scope of Brandom’s normative pragmatism and its linguistically-oriented concept of sapience to cover the problems of sapience or understanding in art, with particular focus on music. To achieve this, the transition from the „acoustical space“ to the „musical space“ is portrayed as a matter of seeing the acoustical norms, such as the circle of fifths, as norms participating in the formation of expectations and emotions based on them along the lines suggested by Meyer and Huron.

Palkoska, Jan, “Inesse and Concipi in Spinoza’s Ethics,” Studia Neoristotelica, 11, 2014, pp. 64–88.

Abstract: In this paper, I examine the prospects of the two major approaches to interpreting the ʻinesseʼ relation in Spinoza’s definitions of substance and mode in the Ethics – the ʻinherenceʼ interpretation and the ʻcausalʼ interpretation. I argue that these interpretations face a problem in reconciling the claim that modes ʻare inʼ substance with the claim that modes are conceived through substance. I consider a number of strategies that proponents of these readings might use to overcome the problem, and conclude that none is really satisfactory.

Pehal, Martin, Harco, Willems, Drahms, Jan, “Ramses II Helps the Dead: An Interpretation of Book of the Dead Supplementary Chapter 166,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 15/100, 2014, pp. 397-422.

Abstract: As opposed to other studies, the authors approach the interpretation of Book of the Dead supplementary chapter 166 by taking the introductory part of the text – stating that it has been found ‚on the neck of king Ramses II‘ – at face value. This has the implication that the text was found on the king’s mummy, something that could only have happened on one of the several occasions it was reburied after the initial robbings around the end of the New Kingdom. The authors argue that the original text was probably not part of the original tomb contents of Ramses II, but that it was added to it during one of the earliest reburials, and discovered during a later one, probably shortly before the death of Pinodjem II. In this connection they pay special attention to the term Hm=k, which seems to be used in this text, not to refer to the private papyrus owner, but to the original royal one. This considerably affects the way the textual content can be interpreted. They also draw attention to a very unusual manner in which the deceased is addressed throughout the text. A new transliteration, translation and linguistic commentary are also provided. The analysis of the text illustrates the method of ‚sequencing‘ which seems to prove very useful in reducing the number of interacting characters by disclosing shared structural patterns.

Punčochář, Vít, “A new semantic framework for modal logic,” Philosophical Alternatives, 23/6, pp. 47–59.

Abstract: This article presents a new semantic framework for modal propositional language. The basic structures of the semantics are Boolean algebras with operators. However, the semantics is not algebraic but rather relational; in it, Boolean algebras with operators play a similar role as Kripke models in standard relational semantics, and the semantics is based on a relation between the elements of Boolean algebras enriched with operators and formulas from modal language. Some basic connections between the new semantic framework and standard algebraic and relational semantics are studied. Philosophical Alternatives

Thein, Karel, “Aristote, critique de Platon sur les causes,” Chora, 12, 2014, pp. 15–46.

Abstract: L’article offre une nouvelle interprétation de la critique aristotélicienne des Formes de Platon conçues comme causes. Une relecture de la Métaphysique A 9 et du traité De la génération et de la corruption II 9 montre comment Aristote envisage les Formes soit comme une anticipation imparfaite de la causalité formelle, soit comme un effort inabouti a concevoir une causation efficiente qu’Aristote présente comme sa propre invention. A l’égard du Phédon, cité explicitement par Aristote, c’est surtout cette deuxième critique qui mérite notre attention pour autant que les Formes platoniciennes, y compris celle du Phédon, peuvent être interprété comme avoir eu une influence légitime et assez directe sur la conception aristotélicienne de la causalité non seulement formelle mais aussi efficiente.


HALÍK, Tomáš. De namiddag van het christendom. Collationes: Vlaams tijdschrift voor theologie en pastoraal. 2013, roč. 42, č. 2, s. 209-2014. ISSN 0776-8354. Anotace: Christianity looks different than usual. Where are we in the history of European Christianity? What are the „signs of the times“ and how should we answer them? Does Christianity still stand at the beginning of its history, as Teilhard de Chardin insisted, or does it lie on its deathbed, as many since Voltaire – and most recently some protagonists of the „new atheism“ – have predicted? In this reflection, the author would like to make a different diagnosis: Christianity in Europe is characterized by a persistent midlife crisis, which only can be overcome when it realizes that it stands at a critical crossroads and that it has to choose one of the many possible directions.

JELÍNKOVÁ, Klára. Zeitgenössische Kunst in der Salvatorkirche. Kunst und Kirche. 2013, č. 1, s. 44-50. ISSN 0023-5431. Anotace: Eine Übersicht der wichtigsten kulturellen Aktivitäten in der Salvatorkirche in Prag. Interpretation der Beziehung zwischen moderner Kunst und barocke Raum für Liturgie.

JINEK, Jakub. Ohne Besitz der Tugend. Die Bestimmung des Bürgers im III. Buch der Aristotelischen Politik. Res publica litterarum. 2013, č. 1. ISSN 1699-7840.

JIRSA, Jakub. To ergon tou anthropouHungarian Philosophical Review – Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 2013, roč. 57, č. 4, s. 9-23. ISSN 0025-0090. Anotace: The article offers an interpretation of the so-called ergon argument in Aristotle’s nicomachean ethics I.7. I argue that the argument offers a good ground for interpreting human happiness as theória and that the argumentation is coherent with the rest of the nicomachean ethics as well. The article provides answers to three widespread critiques of the ergon argument. I claim that the ergon argument covers both the moral and intellectual virtues, further I offer a possible interpretation of the difference between theória of human beings and theória belonging to gods. Finally, I try to explain in what sense a good of human being is good for a human being at the same time.

KOCUREK, Jakub. Tree Beings in Tibet: Contemporary Popular Concepts of Klu and Gnyan as a Result of Ecological Change. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics. 2013, roč. 7, č. 1, s. 19-30. ISSN 1736-6518. Anotace: The article deals with the perception of trees in Tibet. It focuses on ideas on supernatural beings believed to dwell in trees, particularly klu and gnyan, which form a part of the popular or so called nameless religion. The study is based on fieldwork undertaken in the Tibetan areas of India and Nepal (the Spiti valley and Dolpo) among people of Dolpo origin living elsewhere and Tibetans in exile from different regions of Tibet. Gathered narratives and reappearing myth patterns are presented and discussed. The findings from the fieldwork are compared with the idea of tree beings found in ritual texts studied by Western scholars. The difference between these two sources are striking: popular traditions associate trees mainly with klu, whereas the ritual texts with gnyan. To explain the possible cause of this discrepancy, contemporary theories about the ecological history of the Tibetan Plateau are employed.

THEIN, Kartl. Some Conceptual Difficulties in Aristotle’s De caelo I.9. Rhizomata. 2013, roč. 1, č. 1-2, s. 63-84. ISSN 2196-5110. Anotace: The article discusses two issues implied by the structure of De caelo I.9: Aristotle’s further defence of the uniqueness of the universe and, in more detail, the general question of whether the cosmology of De caelo overlaps, or is even compatible, with Aristotle’s theology including the notion of the Prime Mover. It offers an analysis of several long-standing difficulties including the question of whether the lines 279a18–22 imply an external mover of the heavens. The negative answer that the article defends does however not solve the problem of how Aristotle conceives the source of natural cosmic motion. In this respect, the article pays close attention to the peculiar conception of the animate supralunary matter and to De caelo II.3, 286a7–21 as a text that complements I.9 by relying on the holistic self-motion that implies no Prime Mover, but requires the separation of the supralunary and the sublunary spheres.


HALÍK, Tomáš. Die Pharisäerbrille abnehmen. Die Politische Meinung: Monatsschrift zu Fragen der Zeit. 2012, roř. 57, č. 509, s. 39-43. ISSN 0032-3446. Anotace: Eine Artikel über die paradoxen Bezogenheit von christlichem Glauben und Atheismus, Kirche und Modernität. Das Verhältnis von Kirche und Modernität kann als das zweier Brüder verstanden werden. Die Existenz des jeweils anderen bestätigt die eigenen Aufgaben und den eigenen Wert.

HAVRDA, Matyáš. Categories in Stromata VIIIElenchos. 2012, roč. 33, č. 2, s. 197-225. ISSN 0392-7342. Anotace: The article is an analysis of a chapter dealing with the Aristotelian categories in the so-called eighth book of Stromata by Clement of Alexandria, a collection of notes from a philosophical source (or sources) concerned with the theory of demonstration and related issues. Though seldom mentioned in contemporary scholarship, this short chapter is a valuable testimony of the reception of the Categories in the philosophy of the Imperial period and before the time of Alexander of Aphrodisias. After a brief survey of its contents, the article investigates parallels in philosophical literature and explores the function of the chapter within the larger context of Stromata viii. In the final section the question of Clement’s source is addressed. Drawing on earlier research concerning other parts of the eighth book, the article argues that in this case, too, Galen’s lost writing on demonstration is a likely candidate

CHLUP, Radek. Review of „Marije Martijn, Proclus on Nature. Philosophy of Nature and Its Methods in Proclus‘ Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus, Leiden: Brill, 2010“. Ancient Philosophy. 2012, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 223-227. ISSN 0740-2007. Anotace: A review of Marije Martijn’s book „Proclus on Nature: Philosophy of Nature and Its Methods in Proclus‘ Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus“, published by Brill in 2010.

JIRSA, Jakub. Sophists, Names and DemocracyCroatian Journal of Philosophy. 2012, roč. 12, č. 35, s. 125-138. ISBN 1333-1108. Anotace: The article argues that the Euthydemus shows the essential connection between sophistry, right usage of language, and politics. It shows how the sophistic use of language correlates with the manners of politics which Plato associates with the sophists. First, it proceeds by showing the explicit criticism of both brothers, for they seem unable to fulfill the task given to them. Second, several times in the dialogue Socrates criticizes the sophists‘ use of language, since it is totally inappropriate to fulfill the above-mentioned pedagogical task. I will show that this critique mirrors a deeper conflict between two different conceptions of language. Finally, the article suggests that the sophistic erroneous use of language has direct implications on their political theory, which Plato criticizes in the Euthydemus as well as in the Republic.

MARKOVÁ, Kateřina. Inexactness? Yes, but yet Masterfully Defined : The Role of the Humorous Comic in Concluding Unscientific PostscriptKierkegaard Studies. Yearbook. 2012, roč. 2012, č. 1, s. 119-144. ISSN 1430-5372. Anotace: This paper investigates the relationship between the comic and humor, the border territory to religiousness. It points out the particularity of the comic through which humor manifests itself. This comic will here be referred to as „the humorous comic.“ It turns out that this form of the comic differs from the comic used against presumptuous forms of the religious in a crucial respect. It plays a safeguarding role, which makes it impossible for us to interpret it with certainty, and at the same time reminds us of the importance which the comic has both for our attempts to approach the religiousness of hidden inwardness and Christianity, as well as for our attempts to understand Climacus‘ book on this subject.

PALKOSKA, Jan. Are Humean Beliefs Pyrrhonian Appearances? : Hume’s Critique of Pyrrhonism RevisitedJournal of Scottish Philosophy. 2012, roč. 10, září 2012, s. 183-198. ISSN 1479-6651. Anotace: The aim of the paper is to reassess Hume’s handling of scepticism in its Pyrrhonian form. I argue that, contrary to what Hume declares, his own philosophy comes close to what Sextus Empiricus sets out as the essential moments of the Pyrrhonian ἀγωγή, at least in one crucial respect: I contend that Hume’s conception of belief is in line with precisely the type of doxastic state which Sextus ascribes to the Pyrrhonian sceptic as appropriate for ʻfollowing appearancesʼ. Then I show that if such an affinity is established, Hume’s attack against Pyrrhonism, launched in Enquiry XII, II, is rendered toothless.

PUNČOCHÁŘ, Vít. Some Modifications of Carnap’s Modal LogicStudia Logica. 2012, roč. 100, č. 3, s. 517-543. ISSN 0093-3215. Anotace: In this paper, Carnap’s modal logic C is reconstructed. It is shown that the Carnapian approach enables us to create some epistemic logics in a relatively straightforward way. These epistemic modifcations of C are axiomatized and one of them is compared with intuitionistic logic. At the end of the paper, some connections between this epistemic logic and Medvedev’s logic of fnite problems and inquisitive semantics are shortly discussed.

THEIN, Karel. Imagination, Self-Awareness, and Modal Thought at Philebus 39-40. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. 2012, roč. 42, léto 2012, s. 109-149. ISSN 0265-7651. Anotace: This article revisits Plato’s image of our soul as a book where two craftsmen are at work, a scribe and a painter (Philebus 39-40). Its focus is on how the painter’s elaborations pertain to some important formal features of our belief-formation. A special emphasis is on the relevance of Plato’s image as both a commentary upon and an instance of the discursive thought understood as the soul’s inner dialogue. In the Philebus, Socrates‘ comments are meant to clarify not the conditions of a narrowly conceived theoretical epistemology, but the richness of the everyday thought processes including their modal and counterfactual dimensions. The clarification of these issues goes together with a new treatment of the false pleasures of the soul and their anticipatory character, and with an analysis of the implications of Socrates‘ remarks on the painter in our soul for the issue of self-awareness. The proposed interpretation of Philebus 39-40, which argues for a rather strong connection between the pleasures and pains of the soul, the latter’s self-awareness and the modal thinking that relies on comparing various mental representations, is then confronted with the Wax Tablet and the Aviary models of the mind from the Theaetetus, and also with some contemporary theories of belief-formation and imagination.

THEIN, Karel. A Much-Disputed „Whole“ at Phaedrus 270Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 2012, roč. 12, č. 35, s. 139-152. ISSN 1333-1108. Anotace: The article discusses several possible interpretations of Socrates‘ suggestion that we cannot „understand the nature of soul satisfactorily without understanding the nature of the whole“ (Phaedrus 270c1-2). Against those who take the „whole“ implied here for the cosmic whole, it argues that nothing in the Phaedrus justifies this interpretation. In the light of both Socrates‘ conception of rhetoric in this dialogue and his image of the tripartite soul in the palinode, the „whole“ whose knowledge is prerequisite to knowing the soul’s nature is better understood as either the whole of the composed soul or the whole soul-body compound. The real problem of the passage, the article concludes, is that we lack any clear criteria that would enable us to decide between these two readings. At the same time, the dramatic progress of the dialogue makes it possible to argue that Phaedrus briefly misunderstands Socrates‘ meaning by reading in it some cosmological connotations. This possibility notwithstanding, it is more likely that, from the perspective of the tripartite soul and its actions and passions, „the whole soul-body compound“ and „the whole soul“ are two equally defensible solutions to the puzzle.

THEIN, Karel. L’âme, l’homme et la connaissance de soi dans le Premier AlcibiadeChôra. Revue d’Études Anciennes et Médiévales. 2012, roč. 2011-2012, č. 9-10, s. 171-202. ISSN 1583-8617. Anotace: L’article traite de la connaissance de soi telle qu’elle est recommandée et analysée par Socrate dans l’Alcibiade Majeur de Platon. Tout en prennant en compte le double contexte de la littérature grecque (et plus spécialement de l’Oedipe roi de Sophocle) et des autres dialogues (surtout du Phèdre), il suit de près le lien très étroit entre l’effort de se connaître soi-même et la conception plus large de la nature humaine, qui, aux yeux de Socrate, semble inviter a distinguer l’âme et le corps comme deux entités réelles tout en interdissant leur séparation nette et définitive. La dualité du corps et de l’âme est aussi la raison principale pour laquelle le discours sur la connaissance intellectuelle de soi ne cesse d’être dédoublée par les descriptions de la lutte, dans l’homme, entre la composante corpolle et la composante psychique. Cette lutte, où il s’agit de gagner le pouvoir sur l’individu agissant, est ce qui donne au discours de Socrate une dimension politique assez importante.


HILL, James. Hume’s Theory of Causality : Is There More than One?Teorie Vědy. Theory of Science. 2011, roč. 33, č. 2, s. 233-249. ISSN 1210-0250. Anotace: It is traditionally assumed that there is only one theory of causality in Hume’s writings. In this article it is shown that we can distinguish between an early and mature theory. It is argued that the mature theory, strongly influenced by Newton’s physics, accords with the New Hume (sceptical realist) interpretation by asserting that real causal relations are not accessible to the human mind.

KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Eternity according to Plotinus, Enn. III,7Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie. 2011, č. 58(2), s. 437-452. ISSN 0016-0725. Anotace: The study is concerned with Plotinus‘ conception of eternity (and time) according to Ennead III,7 [45], 1-6. While eternity means having always the whole of one’s being, time means not having it wholly at any time, but longing for it incessantly, rushing to it and thus imitating its full possession, which is typical of eternity. For this reason, the proper predication of eter- nity is only „is“ (not „was“ or „will be“); as far as time is concerned, the fu- ture towards which it rushes is pivotal here. Apart from eternity (aiôn) and time as its image, Plotinus also speaks of „everlastingness“ (aidiotês), which is a characteristic of eternity as its nature. „Everlastingness“ or „always“ predicated of time and eternity are not identical. With respect to time they mean „in every phase“; as for eternity, they render every moment in which it is viewed by the temporal soul. In other words, everlastingness (in our interpretation) is the face of eternity which reveals itself to the soul in its temporal nature.

KOLMAN, Vojtěch. Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer: Formen der AnschauungJournal for General Philosophy of Science. 2011, roč. 42, č. 1, s. 193-199. ISSN 0925-4560. Anotace: Review of Stekeler’s book Formen der Anschauung on Kantian philosophy of mathematics.

NĚMEC, Václav. Die Theorie des göttlichen Selbstbewusstseins im anonymen Parmenides-KommentarRheinisches Museum fur Philologie. 2011, roč. 2011, č. 154/2, s. 185-205. ISSN 0035-449X. Anotace: The article includes a German translation and an interpretation of the sixth fragment of the anonymous Turin palimpsest Commentary on Plato’s „Parmenides“. A detailed analysis of this fragment shows that it contains an original theory of divine consciousness which has no parallel in the history of ancient philosophy.

PETŘÍČEK, Miroslav; Kavalír, Ondřej. Romanticism and RomanticismsWorld Literature Studies. 2011, roč. 20, č. 3, s. 86-89. ISSN 1337-9690. Anotace: The review deals foremost with the poststructuralist methodological approach of the book and sets its position in the context of the Czech comparative literature studies, its approaches and tradition.

ŠPINKA, Štěpán. Nothing Is in Itself OneInternationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik. 2011, roč. 2011, č. 10, s. 241-269. ISSN 1619-7569. Anotace: Motion and relation are key themes in later Platonic philosophy. The article examines the role of these themes in Protagoras’s „secret doctrine“ in Plato“s Theaetetus. This doctrine is based on a combination of specific relationality (namely the „bipolar“ subjective relationality whose model is perception) and a specific motion (namely the motion of generation and corruption) and forms an „ontological basis“ for the epistemological-ethical conglomerate of Protagoras“ sophistic rhetoric. Plato in his later philosophy oppose this conglomerate with an alternative ontology founded on a different and wider conception of relation and motion and in this way incorporates some modified elements of this „secret doctrine“ and rhetoric in his own philosophy


HALÍK, Tomáš. Chrześcijaństwo i laickość: dialektyka i dialog. Weiz. 2010, č. 11-12, s. 5-8. ISSN 0511-9405. Anotace: Reflection on the relationship between Christianity and secularism in the present world.

HILL, James. Scholasticism, Primary and Secondary Qualities,  Robert Boyle, The Continuum Companion to Locke. 1. vyd. Savonius-Wroth, S.-J.Schuurman, Paul Walmsley, Jonathan. New York : Continuum, 2010. 330 s. ISBN 978-0-8264-2811-, s. 211-213, s. 199-201, s. 47-51. Anotace: An examination of Locke’s attitude to Scholastic philosophy that shows he had more in common with the Scholastics than he himself would have admitted. An account of Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities demonstrating its philosophical and historical significance, and linking it to an understanding of causality.

HILL, James. The Synthesis of Empiricism and Innatism in Berkeley’s Doctrine of NotionsBerkeley Studies. 2010, roč. 21, č. 2010, s. 3-15.1947-3737. Anotace: The article shows how Berkeley has been wrongly categorised as an empiricist. In fact his doctrine of notions shows a receptivity to innatism.

KARÁSEK, Jindřich. Der Selbstbezug der Vernunft : Zur Logik der Kantischen Ideendeduktion. In Metaphysik und Kritik : Interpretationen zur „Transzendentalen Dialektik“ der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.1. vyd. Würzburg : Königshausen et Neumann, 2010. s. 59-71. ISBN 978-3-8260-3580-7. Anotace: In dem Aufsatz wird versucht eine Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, ob und inwiefern von einer transcendentalen Deduktion der Ideen in K. r. V. gesprochen werden kannn. Die Antwort lautet; dass die Ideen Regeln sind, die Einheit der reinen theoretischen Vernunft stiften.

KOBLÍŽEK, Tomáš. The Theory of Fictional Worlds from the Perspective of Structural Analysis. In Fictionality – Possibility – Reality. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Aleph, 2010.  s. 213-226. ISBN 978-80-89491-04-9. Anotace: In this paper author, building on the work of Émile Benveniste and Henri Meschonnic, also tries to develop a concept of fictionality that would be anchored in the very medium of speech, rather than in the sphere to which the speech refers.

KOLMAN, Vojtěch. Continuum, Name, and ParadoxSynthese. 2010, roč. 175, č. 3, s. 351-367.  ISSN 0039-7857. Dostupné také z: http://www.springerlink.com. Anotace: The article deals with Cantor’s argument for the non-denumerability of reals somewhat in the spirit of Lakatos’ logic of mathematical discovery. At the outset Cantor’s proof is compared with some other famous proofs such as Dedekind’s recursion theorem, showing that rather than usual proofs they are resolutions to do things differently.

KOLMAN, Vojtěch. Enzyklopädie Philosophie. 1. vyd. Sandkühler, Hans-Jörg (Hamburg) : Felix Meiner, 2010. Zahl,s. 3080-3085. ISBN 978-3-7873-1999-2. Anotace: Der Artikel in der Enzyklopädie Philosophie betrachtet den Begriff „Zahl“ vom philosophischen Standpunkt aus.

KOUBA, Petr. Perspective of the Outside. In Franz Kafka: Minority Report. 1. vyd. Praha : Litteraria Pragensia, 2010, s. 42-56. ISBN 978-80-7308-339-7. Anotace: This article examines Kafka’s work from the perspective outlined by Deleuze and Guattari in their Kafka-book. It also describes the connection between Kafka and the French philosophers of Enlightement (Montesquieu, Voltaire).

LYČKA, Milan. The Minority – Majority Problem Reconsidered. In “We All are Minorities – a Plea for Pluralism”. Challenges and Chances of Religious, Ethnic-Cultural, and Political Diversifications in Contemporary Societies. 1. vyd. Zürich – Amman : European Abrahamic Forum / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung / Regional Human Security Centre, 2010. s. 100-108. ISBN 978-3-00-033176-3.  Anotace: An alternative view of the minority – majority problem in the society. Historical and philosophical analysis of the European concept of the civil society and its real implementation: The starting point is an individual, the society is conceived as a collection of individuals, taken as specific instances of a universal human being. The change of the perspective is needed: The starting point should be the collective identity based on the essential and existential axioms of given social group, in which individuals participate and from which they draw their existential and social value.

RITTER, Martin. Vom Sinn der Übersetzung. Versuch einer Gegenüberstellung von Benjamin und Gadamer. Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik, 2010, roč. 2010, č. 9, s. 311-326. Anotace: Der Text stellt eine Gegenüberstellung von Gadamers und Benjamins Sprachphilosophie vor. Nachdem die wichtigsten Streitpunkte der Sprachauffassung Gadamers bestimmt sind, geht die Analyse zur Auslegung der Sprachphilosophie Benjamins über und versucht in ihr eine alternative Auffassung dieser problematischen Punkte zu begreifen. Im Hintergrund einer vergleichenden Analyse der Hauptprobleme beider Sprachkonzeptionen steht die Frage, worin die Hauptaufgabe des menschlichen Verstehens besteht und wie im Hinblick auf diese Aufgabe der Wahrheitsbegriff zu konzipieren ist. Aufgrund dieser Analyse ergibt sich eine Möglichkeit, den Begriff der hermeneutischen Erfahrung, genauer gesagt den Begriff der Anwendung als eine Übersetzung im Sinne Benjamins zu begreifen.

VÁLOVÁ, Dita. L´affinité entre le philosophe et la médecine chez Maimonide. Yod Nouvelle série, 2010, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 93-113. Anotace: Le juste milieu en tant que motif commun dans la philosophie et médecine maimonidienne.


BERAN, Ondřej. Analytical Philosophy as a Way of Emancipation from SufferingPapers of 29th International Wittgenstein Symposium. 2009, roč. 29, č.1, s. 39-41. ISSN 1022-3398. Anotace: The paper presents an interpretation of the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy as a particular quietist project. Článek předkládá interpretaci filosofie pozdního Wittgensteina jako specifického kvietistického projektu.

ČAPEK, Jakub. Le devoir de l’homme envers lui-meme : Patočka, Kant et la Charte 77Revue Tumultes. 2009, roč. 32-33, č. 32-33, s. 351-370. ISSN 1243-549X. Anotace: Dans son texte de circonstance sur la Charte 77, Jan Patočka recourt a l’idée kantienne des devoirs de l’homme envers lui-meme. L’article se propose de reconstruire l’arriere fond philosophique de ce texte et de s’interroger sur sa portée. překlad anotace do angličtiny: Jan Patočka, in a text about Charta 77 written for a special occasion, appeals to Kant’s idea of the duties which a human being has to himself. The article analyses the philosophical background of the text and scrutinizes its relevance.

HILL, James. Primary Qualities, Secondary Qualities and Locke’s Impulse PrincipleBritish Journal for the History of Philosophy. 2009, roč. 17, č. 1, s. 85-98. ISSN 0960-8788.  Anotace: The article discusses the role of Locke’s impulse principle in his distinction between primary and secondary qualities.

CHLUP, Radek. Proclus’ Theory of Evil : An Ethical PerspectiveThe International Journal of the Platonic Tradition. 2009, roč. 3, s. 26-57.ISSN 1872-5082.  Anotace: While the metaphysical aspects of Proclus’ theory of evil have recently been studied by a number of scholars, in my paper I am analysing the moral consequences that Proclus’ concept of evil has, at the same time using the ethical perspective to throw more light on Proclus’ ontology.

JIRSA, Jakub. The Role of Human Face in Socme Plato’s Dialogues. In Sokratika: Sebepoznanie a starosť o seba. 1. vyd. Prešov : Prešovská univerzita, 2009, s. 57-74.ISBN 978-80-555-0050-8. Anotace: Paper examines the role of human face in Plato’s epitemology (self-knowledge) and moral philosophy. The dialogues discussed are Symposium, Timaeus and Phaedrus.

KARÁSEK, Jindřich. Staat, Religion und Kirche bei Hegel. In Staat und Religion in Hegels Rechtsphilosophie1. vyd.Berlin : Akademie Verlag, 2009, s. 65-82. Hegel – Forschungen. ISBN 978-3-05-004637-2.  Anotace: In dem Kapitel wird untersucht, wie Hegel das Verhältnis von Staat und Religion in seiner Enzyklopädie einerseits und in der Rechtsphilosophie andererseits bestimmt.

KOLMAN, Vojtěch. What do Gödel theorems tell us about Hilbert`s solvability thesis? The logica Yearbook 2008, 1. Vyd. London :King’s College Publications, Logica Yearbook. 2009,  s. 91-102. ISBN 978-1-904987-46-8.  Anotace: The goal of the article is to present Gödel’s theorems not as a direct refutation of Hilbert’s solvability axiom (according to which all problems which human mind poses must be solvable) but only as an impulse to phrase it with more caution, in such a way that some famous unsolvable questions such as the Continuum Hypothesis are no longer regarded as real problems.

KOREŇ, Ladislav. Truth and Warrant in Assertion : The Case of Moore’s Paradox.In Log-KCA 2007: Proceedings of the First ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action, The University of Basque Country Press, Donostia. 1. vyd. 2007, Donostia: The University of Basque Country Press; s. 279-295. ISBN 9788498600223.  Anotace: The paper aims to provide a new diagnosis and solution of Moore’s paradox on the basis of a version of normative account of the speech act of assertion.

KOUBA, Petr. Da-Sein und Weg-Sein im Kontext der psychopathologischen Problematik. In Heideggers Beiträge zur Philosophie. 1. vyd. Frankfurt am Main : Vittorio Klostermann, 2009,  s. 171-177. ISBN 978-3-465-03591-6. Anotace: In diesem Aufsatz werden die neue Wege zur psychopathologischen Problematik im Kontext der Beitraege zur Philosophie von Martin Heidegger untersucht. (In this article, we examine possible approaches to psychopathological phenomena in the context of Heidegger’s Beiträge zur Philosophie.)

KOUBA, Petr. Erfahrung ohne ErfahrendenPhänomenologische Forschungen. 1. Vyd. 2009; s. 89-106. ISSN 0342-8117.  Anotace: In diesem Aufsatz werden die Grenzen der heideggerischen Deskription der Emotionalitaet untersucht, wobei die in dem fruehen Werk von Emmanule Levinas – De l’existence a l’existent – entworfene Linien benutz werden. (This article examines the limits of Heidegger’s ontological description of emotionality along the lines outlined in Lévinas‘ early work De l´existence a l´existant.)

MILOSAVLJEVIČ-ČAJETINAC, Tijana. The Architecture of Political. Urbicide as the Strategy of the Politics of Exclusion. In Integrating Differences. Human Rights, Social Exclusion and Social Cohesion in the Balkans on its Road to the EU, 28-31 May 2009 – Ohrid, Macedonia. 1. vyd. Skopje : Euro-Balkan Institute ,2009, s. 133-144. Anotace: Urbicide as an ethno-nationalistic strategy shows that killing the civilians was not enough to establish the ethnically clean territory, but that genocide continues in destroying the material culture of the “enemy” as the evidence of his existence. The paper relies on the Arendt’s concept of polis and agora as the space of freedom and equality of differences, necessarily built for non-violent political communication between different social classes.

NĚMEC, Václav. Porphyrianische Exegese des Timaios 35a und Neuplatonische Lehre von Relationsmodalitäten der Identität und der AndersheitEtudes platoniciennes. 1. Vyd. 2009, č. 6, s. 181-200. ISSN 1770-9687.  Anotace: Der Verfasser begründet seine Hypothese, dass die “proklische” Interpretation des Timaios 35a in der Tat von Porphyrios herrührt, der in diesem Zusammenhang die Lehre von Relationsmodalitäten der Identität und der Andersheit formulierte. (The author argues that the “Proclean” interpretation of Timaeus 35a really originates from Porphyry who in connection with his exegesis on this passage formulated the neoplatonic doctrine of the relation modalities of identity and difference.)

THEIN, Karel. Artefacts, Non-Particulars and Model ParticularsOrganon F. 2009, roč.16, č. 4, s. 510-529. ISSN 1335-0668.  Anotace: An analysis of the place of model particulars in Strawson’s descriptive metaphysics.


ČAPEK, Jakub. Explanation and Understanding : Action as „Historical Structure“PhilosophiaPhilosophical Quarterly of Israel. 2008, roč. 36, č. 4, s. 453-463. ISSN 0048-3893.  Anotace: The article analyzes the explanation–understanding divide. Then it focuses on (1.) what it means to understand an action, and (2.) on the explanation of action as it is seen in some explanatory sciences.

CHLUP, Radek. Illud Tempus in Greek Myth and RitualReligion. 2008, roč. 2008, č. 38, s. 355-365. ISSN 0048-721X.  Dostupný také z WWW (DOI)  <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.religion.2008.05.014>  (Rozšířený reprint tohoto článku také v:Patterns in Philosophy and Sociology of Religions. 1. vyd. Jaipur : Rawat Publications, 2010. s. 91-126. ISBN 81-316-0388-1). Anotace: Using data from ancient Greece, the article offers a re-examination of Eliade’s theory of rituals as repetitions of archetypal events that once upon a time took place in illo tempore, reinterpreting it in accordance with contemporary structuralist approaches to the study of Greek religion.

JINEK, Jakub. Love and Friendship in the Lysis and the Symposium : Human and DivineRhizai : A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2008, roč. 5, č. 1, s. 109-126. ISSN 1312-3963. Anotace: The paper advocates an alternative intertextual reading of the Lysis and the Symposium that reveals proper Platonic conception of friendship.

JIRSA, Jakub. Plato on characteristics of god : Laws X. 887c5-899d3. Rhizai : A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2008, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 239-259. ISSN 1312/3963. Anotace: Reconstruction of the proof for the existence of gods in Plato’s Laws X.

KARÁSEK, Jindřich. Das Andere seiner selbst. Zur Logik der Anerkennungstheorie in der Phänomenologie des Geistes. In VIEWEH, K., WELSH, W. (ed). Hegels Phänomenologie des Geiste : Ein kooperativer Kommentar zu einem Schlüsselwerk der Moderne. 1. vyd. Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, 2008, s. 253-269. ISBN 978-3-518-29476-5. Anotace: Der Beitrag ist ein Versuch, die begrifflichen Strukturen der Hegelschen Logik in seiner Anerkennungstheorie zu identifizieren. (The essay is an attempt to idfentify the conceptual structures of Hegel´s logic in his concept of recognition.)

KARÁSEK, Jindřich. Substabzkategorie und kategorische Urteilsform. In GUTSCHMIDT, H., BALLESTRA-LANG, A., SAGALERBA, G. (ed). Substantia – Sic et Non : Eine Geschichte des Substanzbegriffs von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart in Einzelnbeiträgen. 1. vyd. Frankfurt; Paris; Lancaster; New Brunswick : Ontos Verlag, 2008, s. 391-419. ISBN 978-3-938793-84-8.  Anotace: Der Beitrag untersucht das Verhältnis von der Kategorie der Substanz und der kategorischen Form des Urteils bei Kant. (The essay is an enquiry on a relationsship between the category of substance and the categorical form of proposition by Kant.)

KOLMAN, Vojtěch. Der Zahlbegriff und seine Logik. Die Entwicklung einer Begründung der Arithmetik bei Frege, Gödel und LorenzenLogical Analysis and History of Philosophy. 2008, roč. 11, s. 65-87. ISSN 978-3-89785-160-3.  Anotace: Der thematische Rahmen dieser Abhandlung ist die allmähliche Entwicklung der Idee, der Arithmetik eine Grundlage zu geben, von den erfolgversprechenden Anfängen bei Dedekind und Frege (mit ihren logizistischen Thesen) über das Kataklysma der Russellschen Antinomie (intuitionistische Antithese) bis hin zum Grundlagenprogramm in den Schriften des späteren Hilbert oder dann auch bei Paul Lorenzen (operative bzw. konstruktivistische Synthese). The article focuses on the evolution of the foundations of arithmetic that went from the auspicious beginnings with Frege and Dedekind (logicist thesis) through the cataclysm of Russell’s antinomy (intuitionist antithesis) to the late writings of Hilbert and the work of Paul Lorenzen (operativist and constructivist synthesis).

KOUBA, Petr. Conceptualizing Health and IllnessJournal of Phenomenological Psychology. 2008, roč. 39, č. 39, s. 51-80. ISSN 0047-2662.  Anotace: This article is focused on the notions of health and illness, as they appear in the context of philosophical reflections on finitude and contingency of human existence. Criticizing Heidegger’s approach to health and illness which is based on the Aristotelian concept of privation, the author tries to find an alternative to the privative concept of illness with the help of Schelling’s treatise on human freedom.

KOUBA, Petr. Two Ways to the OutsideDeleuze Studies. 2008, roč. 1, č. 2, s. 74-96. ISSN 1750-2241.  Anotace: The purpose of this paper is to compare various approaches to the theme of the outside in Levinas and Deleuze. Conjunctions as well as disjunctions of Lévinas’ metaphysical thinking and Deleuze’s nomadic philosophy should be dealt with on the background of the problems of sexual difference and human face.

LYČKA, Milan. Return of Religion(s) into the Public Sphere – Role of Religon(s) in Present Day Society : A Czech Perspective.In SCHREINER, S.(ed). Religion and Secular State : Role and Meaning of Religion in a Secular Society from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives. 1. vyd. Zürich : European Abrahamic Forum / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung / Interreligious Institute in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2008,  s. 121-125. ISBN 978-3-00-025319-5.  Anotace: An analysis of the role of religion(s) in present day European society, particularly of the interaction of religion(s) and the secular state: An attempt to portray certain aspects as regards the influence of religion(s) in the area of politics, and the influence of politics in the area of religion(s).

MAURER, Christian – PACOVSKÁ, Kamila.What Philosophy Can Tell You about Your Dog.1. vyd. Chicago : Open Court Publishing, 2008. Why Is It Easier to Love Rex and Fiffi than Our Teenage Children? s. 135-144. ISBN 978-0-8126-9653-0.  Anotace: The volume is a book for wider public in which “twenty philosophers and dog lovers discuss their experiences with dogs and explore dog/related themes in metaphysics and ethics”. The paper considers the difference between our relation to dogs and children on the background of the contemporary theories of love and attachment. In the first part the text outlines the common aspects of loving dogs and children that are based on their dependent position. In the second part the difference in the relationship to children is shown to stem from the fact that they must grow up into autonomous adults that are dependent no more. This process generates difficulties that never appear in the relationship to dogs.

NOVÁK, Lukáš. The (Non-)Reception of Scotus’s Proof of God’s Existence by the Baroque ScotistsQuaestio. 2008, roč. 8; s. 323-344. ISSN 1379-2547. Anotace: The article explores how the baroque Scotists understood Scotus’s proof of God’s existence. None of the five examined Scotists have understood the originality of Scotus’s proof; they take it just as an expression of the general tradition.

THEIN, Karel. Democritus: Science, The Arts, and the Care of the Soul. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Democritus (Paris, 18-20 September 2003)Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2008, roč. 5, č. 1. ISSN 1312-3963. Anotace: Analysis of new results of the international Democritean scholarship.

THEIN, Karel. La force du vraisemblable. Philostrate, Callistrate et l’image.In Métis. Anthropologie des mondes gracs anciens – S’habiller, se déshabiller dans les mondes anciens. 1. vyd. Paříž a Athény : Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études – Daedalus, 2008, s. 315-334. ISBN 978-2-7132-2168-2.  Anotace: Une interprétation épistémologique de l’ekphrasis ancienne, surtout de l’ancien Philostrate et de Callistrate. (An epistemologican interpretation of the ancient art of ekphrasis with a special focus on the elder Philostratus and Callistratus.)

THEIN, Karel. War, Gods and Mankind in the Timaeus-CritiasRhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2008, roč. 5, č. 1, s. 49-107. ISSN 1312-3963.  Anotace: An analysis of the interrelations between political philosophy, anthropology and theology in Plato’s dialogue Timaeus and Critias.


ČAPEK, Jakub. Handlung : gelebter statt metaphysischer Dualismus. In NIELSEN, C., STEINMAN, M., TÖPFER, F. (ed). Das Leib-Seele-Problem und die Phänomenologie. 1. vyd. Würzburg : Königshausen, 2007, s. 184-195. Orbis Phaenomenologicus. ISBN 978-3-8260-3708-5.  Anotace: This article tackle s the mind-body problem in the context of a philosophical analysis of action. In the structure of action the possibility of a particular tension is already contained-action often presents itself as endeavour. This tension has, in the philosophical tradition, been more than once interpreted as a case of the distinction between spirit and body. This paper attempts, following the example of the phenomenological analysis of action in P. Ricoeur (in his early work), to demonstrate the consequences of this metaphysical dualism. Metaphysical dualism is then abandoned and dualism is preserved only in the form of a lived duality. There follows an attempt to interpret the experience of endeavour in another way, using the conceptions of Merleau-Ponty (le comportement), and of M. Heidegger (das Verstehen). The paper attempts to describe the experience of lived dualism and to offer the kind of conception of action which does not require metaphysical dualism.

HALÍK, Tomáš. The Public Role of Religion : A Central-European PerspectivePolitical Theology. 2006, roč. 7, č. 3, s. 355-366. ISSN 1462-317X.

HALÍK, Tomáš. The Transformation of Religions in the Process of Globalisation. In The View from Prague. 1. vyd. New York; Budapest : CEU Press, 2007, s. 95-134. ISBN 978-963- 7326-95-0.  Anotace: Process of globalization effects significant changes in the political role of religion and in interreligions relations.

CHLUP, Radek. The Ritualization of Language in the HermeticaAries. Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism. 2007, roč. 2007, č. 7, s. 133-159. ISSN 1567-9896.  Anotace: Ancient Hermetic treatises mainly consists of ideas and arguments borrowed from Greek philosophy. When read from its perspective, however, they appear confused and incoherent. Clearly, the language of philosophy is used by their authors in a very much non-philosophical way. In this article I build on contemporary anthropological approaches to the study of ritual language and argue that in the Hermetica philosophical language changes its meaning and becomes „ritualized“. Their arguments should thus not just be read in terms of what they say but even more in terms of the effect on the audience they want to achieve. The aim of Hermetism was to relate to God in an immediate way, without the help of traditional religious structures. The language of philosophy seemed helpful due to its universalist ambitions but it needed to be purged of its „useless“ intellectual aspects and turned to its proper religious use (cf. Asclepius 12-14).

CHLUP, Radek. The Semantics of Fertility : Levels of Meaning in the ThesmophoriaKernos. Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique. 2007, roč. 2007, č. 20, s. 69-95. ISSN 0776-3824.  Anotace: During the last 100 years, several interpretations of the Thesmophoria have been advanced. Following the typology of H.S. Versnel, we can classify them as substantive, functionalist and cosmological. The three approaches can be seen as complementary, but in practice they are hardly ever pursued simultaneously. In my article, I examine how they fit together. In particular, I re-examine the subject of fertility, asking how it fits in with the wider social and ideological issues which Detienne and others have drawn attention to and which to our mind have little connection with agriculture or human reproduction. As an answer I offer a synthetic interpretation that places fertility in a wider cosmological context and shows it as interconnected with all the other levels of the festival.

KARÁSEK, Jindřich. Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft. In STOLZENBERG, J., RUDOLPH, O.-P. (ed). Christian Wolff und die europäische Aufklärung. 1. vyd. Hildesheim; Zürich; New York : Georg Olms Verlag, 2007, s. 71-98.  Anotace: Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Begründung der Metaphysik bei Wolff und Kant. The essay is an enquiry on the foundation of the metaphysics by Wolff and Kant.

KARFÍK, Filip. L’amour pour autrui et l’amour de Dieu dans le De amore de Marsile FicinAccademia. Revue de la Société Marsile Ficin. 2007, roč. 2005, č. 7, s. 11-30. ISSN 1296-7645.  Anotace: L’article présente une analyse de la conception ficinienne de l’amour d’apres son Commentare sur le banquet de Platon – De amore. L’auteur s’occupe de l’anthropologie ficinienne et de ses sources néoplatoniciennes ainsi que des éléments de sa théorie qui sont spécifiques de la Renaissance italienne. (The paper examines Ficino’s theory of love in his Commentary on Plato’s Symposium – De amore. The author provides an analysis of Ficino’s anthropology, of its Noplatonic sources and of the elements of Fic ino’s theory which are due specifically to the context of the Italian Renaissance.)

KARFÍK, Filip. La vie apres la mort et l’immortalité chez Jan Patočka. In BARBARAS, R. (ed). Jan Patočka. Phénoménologie asubjective et existence. 1. vyd. Paris; Milano : Mimesis, 2007,  s. 217-236. Les cahiers Xhiasmi international. ISBN 978-88-8483-501-7. Anotace: L’article présente l’interprétation par Patočka du phénomene de la vie apres la mort en tant aue moment intégral de la structure intersubjective de l’existence humaine. Ensuite, il se concentre sur l’interprétation patočkienne du concept platonicien de l’immortalité de l’ame, qui est a distinguer du phenomene de la vie apres la mort. (The paper deals with Patočka’s interpretation of the phaenomenon of life after death as an integral moment of the human being’s intersubjective stucture. Subsequently it focuses on Patočka’s interpretation of the Platonic concept of the immortality of the soul to be distinguished from the phaenomenon of life after death.)

KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Das Geheimnis Gottes des Vaters in Augustins De Trinitate IX-X und XV . Gott der Vater und Schöpfer. 1. vyd. Innsbruck; Wien : Tyrolia Verlag, 2007, s. 251-261.Pro Oriente, Bd. XXXI. ISBN 978-3-7022-2835-4.  Anotace: Die Studie zeigt die Bedeutung Gottes des Vater in Augustins De Trinitate IX-X und XV. (The study analyses the significance of God the Father in Augustine´s De Trinitate IX-X and XV.)

KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Der Ursprung der Sprache nach Eunomius und Gregor vor dem Hintergrund der antiken SprachtheorienGregory of Nyssa : Contra Eunomium II. An English Version with Supporting Studies. 1. vyd. Leiden; Boston : Brill, 2007, Supplements to Vigilae Christianae, 82., s. 279-305. ISBN 10-90-04-15518-X.  Anotace: Die Studie befasst sich mit der Sprachtheorie Gregors von Nyssa und seines Opponenten Eunomius von Kyzikos vor dem Hintergrund der antiken Sprachtheorien. (The study analyses the theory of language in Gregory of Nyssa and his opponent Eunomius of Kyzikos in context of the ancient philosophy.)

KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Zeit, Selbstbeziehung des Geistes und Sprache nach AugustinFreiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie. 2007, roč. 54, č. 1-2, s. 230-249. ISSN 0016-0725. Anotace: Die Studie zeigt, wie die Zeit und die Sprache nach Augustinus in der Selbstbeziehung des Geistes verankert sind. (The study analyses how, in Augustine’s thinking, time, mind’s relation to itself and language are related together. Being the time of the passing things as far as observed by human mind, time is a span of human spirit. Similarly, as an attempt of grasping the things, language is an activity of mind calling out the significances from the depth of its own memory. As a result, mind relates to itself exactly in time and in language, always as to its own span shaped through other things, i.e. as to its own memory.)

KOLMAN, Vojtěch. Logicism and the Recursion Theorem. In TOMALA, O., HONZÍK, R.(ed). The Logica Yearbook 2006. 1. vyd. Praha : FILOSOFIA, 2007,  s. 127-136. ISBN 978-80-7007-254-7.  Anotace: The main objective of the paper is to portray Frege’s logicism in the spirit of Lakatos‘ logic of mathematical discovery as a bold conjecture eventually rejected. The second aim consist in showing that this rejection was based on different and more serious reasons than we are usually told.

KOUBA, Pavel. Le probleme du troisieme mouvement. In  BARBARAS, R. (ed).  Jan Patočka – Phénoménologie asubjective et existence. 1. Vyd. Paris; Milano : Mimesis, 2007.  s. 183-204. Les Cahiers de Chiasmi international. ISBN 978-88-8483-501-7.  Anotace: La version française du texte qui examine la portée philosophique. (The study investigates the philosophical significance of the.)

KOUBA, Petr. Cognitive Function of Metaphors and Models. In KUT, E., WITWER, A., PLISKA, V., FOLKERS, G. (ed).  Approaching Scientific Knowledge : Metaphors and Models. 1. vyd. Curych : Collegium Helveticum,2007,  s. 31-34. Collegium Hefte. ISBN 978-39522441-6-6. Anotace: This text is focused on the discursive role of metaphors and models in scientific thought.

LYČKA, Milan. The „Europe of Citizens“ vis-a-vis the „Europe of Nation States“. In The Religious Roots of Contemporary European Identity. 1. Vyd. T. London : The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2007. s. 134-142. ISBN 978-0-8264-9482-5.  Anotace: A critical examination of some current issues regarding the religious roots of contemporary European identity.

ONDRAČKA, Lubomír. The concept of body in Natha-Siddha traditions. In Abstracts of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference 1. vyd. Edinburgh : International Association of Sanskrit Studies, 2007, 124-125.  Anotace: An examination of Sanskrit texts of the Natha-Siddhas reveals surprising discrepancy between prevalent ideas of scholars and the texts on the question of different bodies in which Natha-Siddhas seek immortality.

RITTER, Martin. Walter Benjamins Jugendschriften. In FIGAL, G. (ed).  Internationales Zeitschrfit für Hermeneutik. 1. vyd. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck Verlag.2007.  Anotace: Die Studie ist den frühesten, von 1910 bis 1914 geschriebenen Texten von Walter Benjamin gewidmet, vor allem ihrem grundlegenden Begriff „Jugend“. Sie geht der engen Verbindung zwischen der gesellschaftlichen Wirkung, der Religion und der Kunst in Benjamins Frühschriften nach, weist den inneren Zusammenhang von Benjamins Überlegungen auf und zeigt ihre logische Einmündung in die Betrachtung der Kunst. (The paper offers a philosophical interpretation of Walter Benjamin’s writings from 1910 to 1914. The analysis focuses on the very important concept of „youth“ in the context of reformatory function of the „young movement“. The study pursues the close connection between the social reformatory activity, the religion and the art.)

THEIN, Karel. Samuel C. Rickless, Plato’s Forms in Transition: A Reading of the ParmenidesRhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2007, roč. 4, č. 2. ISSN 1312-3963.  Anotace: An analysis of the developmental reading of Plato’s theory of forms.


ČAPEK, Jakub. Eugen Fink: Rezeptionsbericht – Tschechien. In BÖHMER, A. (ed). Eugen Fink: Sozialphilosophie, Anthropologie, Kosmologie, Pädagogik, Methodik. 1. vyd. Würzburg : Könighausen, 2006, s. 347-349. Orbis Phaenomenologicus. ISBN 3-8260-3216-0. Anotace: Kurzer, zusammenfassender Bericht über die Rezeption des Werkes von Eugen Fink in Tschechien. Es werden Anfänge und Hauptlinien der Rezeption angezeigt. (A short account of the presence of the philosophy of Eugen Fink in Czech Republic. It tries to define starting points and main areas in which his thought is being appropriated.)

ČAPEK, Jakub. Zum Praxisbegriff. Die Aristotelische Handlungsanalyse und ihre heutige RelevanzInternationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik. 2006, roč. 5, s. 225-247. ISSN 1619-7569.  Anotace: This essay tries to pursue the question of whether one can ground a workable concept of action in the Aristotelian praxis-poiesis distinction. It is briefly indicated how this distinction was taken over by the philosophy of the 20th Century. The essay tries to prove the hypothesis that neither poiesis (transitive activity) n or praxis (immanent teleological activity) can be equated with action. A concept of action must, according to this hypothesis, consider both the aspect of change – the transitiveness of poiesis – and the way of being which one carries out through his activity – hence, the immanence of praxis.

HALÍK, Tomáš. Veřejná úloha náboženství : středoevropský úhel pohleduPolitical Theology. 2006, roč. 7, č. 3, s. 355-366. ISSN 1462-317X.  Anotace: Reflexe rozmanitých změn v sociálně-politické roli náboženství v postkomunistickém světě. (Reflection on changes in socio-political role of religion in post-communist societies.)

HILL, James. Lockes Account of Cohesion and its Philosophical Significance. In John Locke : Critical Assessments. 1. vyd. Peter Anstey. (Oxford, Anglie) : Routledge,2006, s. 145-165.  Anotace: The philosophical implications of the critique of mechanism in Locke.

HILL, James. Meditating with DescartesRichmond Journal of Philosophy. 2006, roč. 3, č. 12, s. 6-12.  Anotace: An analysis of the form of the Meditations of Descartes.

KARFÍK, Filip. Jan Patočkas Strahov-Nachlass und sein unvollendetes opus grande. In Jan Patočka: Andere Wege in die Moderne. Studien zur europäischen Ideengeschichte von der Renaissance bis zur Romantik. 1. vyd. Würzburg : Königshausen und Neumann, 2006. Orbis phaenomenologicus. Quellen. Neue Folge 1,1 s. 31-63. ISBN 3-8260-2846-5.  Anotace: Studie über einen bisher unbekannten Teil von Jan Patočkas literarischem Nachlass und seinem Verhältnis zu Patočkas bekanntem Werk. (A study of an formerly unknown part of Jan Patočka’s posthumous work and of its relation to his published writings.)

KOUBA, Petr. Angst und die Desintegration des SelbstPSYCHO-LOGIK. Jahrbuch für Psychotherapie, Philosophie und Kultur. 2006, roč. 1, č. 1, s. 140-160. ISSN 1861-4183. Anotace: Das Thema des Aufsatzes ist die Auseinandersetzung des phänomenologischen und des psychiatrischen Zuganges zur Angst. (Topic of the article is given by a confrontation of the phenomenological and psychiatric approach to anxiety.)

KOUBA, Petr. Limits of Transgression. In KUT, E.; WITTWER, A.; PLISKA, V.; FOLKERS, G. Promises of Science. 8thVilla Lanna Meeting on „Science, or Else?“. 1. vyd. Curych : Collegium Helveticum, 2006. s. 89-92. Collegium Helveticum Hefte.  ISBN 978-3-9522441-4-2. Anotace: The aim of this paper is to reflect on the perspectives of scientific and technological improvement of the human existence.

MILOSAVLJEVIČ-ČAJETINAC, Tijana. Identity and Liberal Culture. In BLAGOJEVIC,J.; KOLOZOVA, K.; SLAPSAK, S. (ed). Gender and Identity; Theories from Southern-Eastern Europe. 1. vyd. Bělehrad : Belgrade Women’s Studies and Gender Research Center, 2006, s. 85-98. ISBN 86-86513-00-X.  Anotace: If we understand Self as a complex construction, expressed and created through the process of self-representing and that the essential genre of self-representing is narrative, the identity will appear as a matter of relations made within our linguistic community, not of some “primordial subject” to which all individual identities should respond. Two extreme examples in Serbian medieval history and mythology illustrate the role of woman as a real traumatic one within the symbolic construction. The first one is well known myth The Building of Skadar and second is historical person – Damned Jerina. In both cases, the matter is building the town/fortress and the key roles were given to women. What I would like to problematize here, related to these examples is the manipulation with guilt in structuring the female identity and to try to show how this projection of guilt to the Other figured ex-Yugoslav conflict and political discourse.

PALKOSKA, Jan. Divisibility and Substantial Unity in Leibniz. In BREGER, H., HERBST, J., ERDNER, S.(ed). Einheit in der Vielheit: VIII. Internatinaler Leibniz-Kongress. 1. vyd. Hannover : Hartmann,2006, s. 764-768. ISBN 9783980816717.  Anotace: The paper is concerned with the intricacies of Leibniz’s argument for indivisibility as a defining feature of substance.

PETŘÍČEK, Miroslav. Claude Monet: Bahnhof Saint-Lazare. In SEPP, H. R., TRINKS, J.(ed). Phänomenalität des Kunstwerks. 1. vyd. Wien : Turia – Kant, 2006, s. 128-135. Mesotes. ISBN 3-85132-473-0.  Anotace: Die phänomenologische Interpretaion von einem Bild von C. Monet, der Begriff einer Reihenfolge und energetische Auffassung der Wirklichkeit. (A Phenomenological Interpretaion of a picture of C. Monet, the concept of serie and energetically conceived reality.)

PETŘÍČEK, Miroslav. Impassibilité bei Michel Foucault. In STAUDIGL, M., TRINKS, J.(ed). Ereignis und Affektivität. Zur Phänomenologie des sich bildenden Sinnes. 1. vyd. Wien : Turia – Kant, 2006, s. 239-244. Mesotes. ISBN 3-85132-465-X.  Anotace: Die Analyse vom Denken des M. Foucault mit Rücksicht auf sein Literaturbegriff. Die Frage der methodischen Position seines archäologischen Diskurses. (An Analysis of Michel Foucault’s thought, its relation to literature. The question of the status of his archaelogical discourse.)

RUKRIGLOVÁ, Dita. Situation actuelle des études juives et hébraiques en République tcheque et en SlovaquieYod – Revue des Etudes Hebraiques et Juives. 2006, roč. 10, č. 10, s. 185-208. ISSN 0338-9316.  Anotace: La description de l´etat actuel des etudes juives et hebraiques – linguistiques, historiques et philosophiques – dans des etablissements academiques tcheques et slovaques. (The description of the actual state of Jewish Studies – linguistics, history and philosophy – at universities in Czech Republic and Slovakia.)

THEIN, Karel. The Life Forms and Their Model in Plato’s TimaeusRhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2006, roč. 2006, č. 2, s. 241-273. ISSN 1312-3963. Anotace: An analysis of the Forms in Plato´s Timaeus.


ČAPEK, Jakub. La double finalité de l’action. In ŠVEC, O.; MICHALI, C. (ed). Philosophie de l’action. 1. vyd. OFFRES (Cluj, Rumunsko) : Idea Design, 2005, s. 97-113. ISBN 973-7913-43-4.  Anotace: This paper tries to analyse the notion of human action starting form the Aristotelian distinction between poiesis and praxis. It sketches briefly the revival of this classical distinction in the 20th century philosophy (on the example of Scheler and Gadamer) and aims at a new definition of the action.

HALÍK, Tomáš. Europe and „Abraham´s Legacy“ In KESSLER E.; WRIGHT M. J. (ed). Themes in Jewish-Christian Relations. 1. vyd. Cambridge : Orchard Academic, 2005, s. 201-214. ISBN 1-903283-132. Anotace: Challenges of religion in the post 9/11 world: dialogue between Christians, Jews and Muslims and a new synthesis between faith and modern culture.

HALÍK, Tomáš. Heilige – Vorbilder in Zeiten des Totalitarismus; Světci – vzory v časech totality. In Patrone Eropas – Patroni Evropy. 1. vyd. München – Praha : Ackermann-Gemeinde, 2005,  s. 31-50. ISBN 3-9800815-2-4.  Anotace: Beiträge von ersten Konferenz in Rohr „Patrone Europas“ – Vision und Auftrag der Kirche in Europa. (Collection of contributions to 1. conference in Rohr (Germany) on patron-saints of Europe and role and visions of the church in Europa.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Humor- Schwerelose Erleuchtung. In WALTER, R. (ed). Mit einem weiten Herzen. 1. vyd. Freiburg : Herder, 2005, s. 122-125. ISBN 3-451-28554-1. Anotace: Der Humor steht seinem Wesen nach auf der Seite der Wahrheit und Freiheit. (Humor stands on the side of truth and freedom.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Nieznany Bóg EuropyZnak. 2005, roč. LVIII, č. 602-603, s. 73-88. ISSN 0044-488X.  Anotace: (Role of religion in contemporery Europe.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. The Role of Catholic Univeristies in the New Europe. In GARBOWSKI, C. (ed). Catholic Universities in the New Europe. 1. vyd. Lublin : KUL, 2005, s. 29-44. ISBN 83-7363-270-0.  Anotace: The role of catholicism in the united Europe and the specific character of catholic universities; the role of catholic traditions in several fields of university teaching and research.

HALÍK, Tomáš. Vielfalt und europäische Indentität. In REDKER, B.(ed). In Das geschichtliche erbe Europas. 1. vyd. Münster : LIT Verlag, 2005, s. 114-158. ISBN 3-8258-82241. Anotace: Kritische Reflexion der eigenen Vergangenheit kann ein grossen Beitrag für die politische kultur der künftigen Europa bilden. (Critical reflexion of the historical experiences could be an important contribution to political culture of future Europe.)

HILL, James. Was Locke an Atomist? In Locke Studies. 2005, roč. 2005, č. 5, s. 75-94. ISSN 1476-0290.  Anotace: Was Locke an atomist? No.

HOLBA, Jiří. Index to JIABS 22-26Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 2005, roč. 28, č. 1, s. 221-229. ISSN 0-193-600XX.  Anotace:Index to Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, numbers 22-26.

KARFÍK, Filip. Action, malheur et bonheur dans la pensée grecque. In ŠVEC, O.; MIHALI, C.(ed). Philosophie de l’action. Cluj : Idea Design and Print Editura, 2005, s. 23-36. ISBN 973-7913-43-4.  Anotace: L’article poursuit le theme du rapport entre l’action humain, le malheur et le bonheur a travers la pensee de Simonide, Solon, Sophocle, Démocrite, Socrate, Platon et Aristote. (The paper deals with the relationship between human action, misfortune and happiness in the thought of Solon, Simonides, Sophocles, Democritus, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.)

KARFÍK, Filip. What the mortal parts of the soul really are. In Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science. 2005, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 197-217. ISSN 1312-3963.  Anotace: The paper examines the account of the mortal parts of the human soul in the Timaeus of Plato. What is their nature? What is their relationship to the immortal part of the soul? Are they incorporeal or corporeal? What kind of movement do they have? In what sense precisely are they „another kind of soul“ (Tim. 69c7)?


KOLMAN, Vojtěch. Freges Pragmatismus im Streit um den Begriff der Wahrheit. In Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Görres Gesellschaft. 2005, roč. 112, č. 2, s. 292-310. ISSN 0031-8183. Anotace: Since the appearance of Dummett’s monumental monograph in the early seventies of the last century there have been two interpretative traditions of reading Frege, one contradicting the other: the platonistic (or realistic) and the holistic (rationalistic) one. In this article, as a kind of intermediation, I firstly point out some pragmatic aspects of Frege’s work. Secondly, and more ambitiously, I outline the controversy between the most influential theories of truth (the correspondence, coherence, redundancy and pragmatic theory) in the light of Frege’s philosophy. Anyway it was the concept of truth, which Frege himself called the main objective of logic.

KOLMAN, Vojtěch: Lässt sich der Logizismus retten? In Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie. 2005, roč. 30, č. 2, s. 159-174. ISSN 0340-7969.

Anotace:The objective of my article is to show why there is no possibility of saving the doctrine of logicism. Since I am keenly aware that such general claims concerning the epistemic nature of mathematics do not usually solve the problem, but ordinarily cause a new one, I refer explicitly to Crispin Wright’s neologicism, George Boolos’ Fregean studies and Paul Lorenzen’s operativist account of mathematics. My main thesis then rests on the observation that logicism undervalued the practical, calculational character of arithmetic: I demonstrate in detail why inductive definition, i. e. exactly the Kantian operative element, is not meaningfully eliminable from the foundations of arithmetic, at least not by means of the Fregean logicism or its alleged (Wright’s and Hale’s) successor.

THEIN, Karel. Les Formes dans la République. In DIXSAUT, M (ed). Études sur la République. 1. vyd. Paříž : Vrin, 2005 , svazek 2, s. 71-94.  Anotace: Une analyse des Formes dans la République de Platon. (An analysis of the Forms in Plato´s Forms.)

THEIN, Karel: Justice dans la cité et justice en l’âme: une analogie imparfaite. In DIXSAUT, M. (ed). Études sur la République. 1. vyd. Paříž : Vrin, 2005, svazek 1, s. 247-263. Anotace: Une analyse de la Justice dans la République de Platon. (An analysis of the Forms in Plato´s Republic.)


ČAPEK, Jakub. Les apories de la liberté bergsonienne [The impasses of the bergsonian concept of freedom]. In WORMS, F. (ed). Annales bergsoniennes II: Bergson, Deleuze, la phénoménologie. 1. vyd. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2004,  s. 149-159. Epiméthée. ISBN 2-13-053829-0. Anotace: The article tries to show the inner tensions in Bergson’s philosophy of freedom. It argues against the idea of freedom as a „fact“ or „immediat datum“ in favour of more phenomenological notion of freedom as the „contrast effect“ (Merleau-Ponty) of simply phenomenon.

HALÍK, Tomáš. La dimensión espritual de la societad [The spiritual dimension of Czech society]. Letra internacional. 2004, roč. 2004, č. 82, s. 45-50. ISSN 0213-4721.  Anotace: La dimensión espritual de la societad checa. (The spiritual dimension of Czech society.

HALÍK, Tomáš. Europa : rany przeslosti i wyzwania [Europa : scars of the past and challenges of the future]. InZIEBA, S. (ed). Europa wspólnych wartości. 1. vyd. Lublin : Towarzystwo naukowe KUL, 2004, s. 127-146. ISBN 83-7306-189-4.  Anotace: Obecność chrześcijanstwa w kulturze Europy. (Christianity in european culture.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Europa und seine „Seele“ [„The soul“ of Europa]. Hirschberger. 2004, roč. 57, č. 7/8, s. 367-376. ISSN 1432-8305.  Anotace: Nachdenken über die „Wertgemeinschaft Europa“. (Reflection on „Europa of values“.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Europejskie mówenie o Bogu i milczenie o Bogu [European speech and silence about God]. Znak. 2004, roč. 56, č. 592, s. 83-104. ISSN 0044-488X.  Anotace: Náboženské aspekty evropské integrace. (Religious aspects of european integration.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Vielfalt und europäische Identität : Eropas Mitte als Beispiel? [Plurality and European Identity?]. In FAULHABER, T.(ed). Conturen. 1. vyd. Wien : Kremayr und Sheriau/Orac, 2004, 2/04.  s. 4-12. ISBN 3-218-00731-1.  Anotace: Verschidenheit muss nicht unbedingt eine Bedrohung darstellen, sonder eine Gelegenheit, sich gegenseiten zu ergänzen. (Diveristy is not necesary threat, it could be enrichment.)

JIRSA, Jakub. Forgiveness and Revenge: Where Is Justice? In JIRSA, J.; CASHIN, A.(ed). Thinking Together.Proceedings of the IWM Junior Fellows‘ Conference, Winter 2003.1 vyd. Wien : Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen. 2004, Vol. 16/5.  Dostupný z WWW: <http://www.iwm.at/publ-jvc/jc-16-05.pdf >  Anotace:Principle and concepts of dealing with the past wrongs, forgiveness, revenge and justice.

JIRSA, Jakub; CASHIN, Alison(eds). Thinking Together.Proceedings of the IWM Junior Fellows‘ Conference, Winter 2003,Vol. XVI. Wien : Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen. 1. vyd. 2004. Dostupný z WWW: <http://www.iwm.at/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=49&Itemid=125&limit=1&limitstart=1 > Anotace:Proceedings of the IWM Junior Fellows‘ Conferences.

KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Augustins Polemik gegen Apuleius [Augustine´s Polemic against Apuleius]. In Apuleius, De deo Socratis – Über den Gott des Sokrates. 1. Vyd. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchhandlung, 2004, s. 162-189. Sapere, Bd. VII. ISBN 3-534-15573-4. Anotace:Augustinova polemika proti Apuleiovi.The study analyses Augustine´s argumentation against Apuleius of Madaura in De civitate Dei and offers an overview of the Apuleius reception in the patristic time and the Middle Ages.

KARFÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Homo opus temporis. Die Ewigkeit und Zeit nach der Cosmographia des Bernard Silvestris [Homo opus temporis. Eternity and Time in Cosmographia by Bernardus Silvestris]. Sacris erudiri. 2004, roč. 43, s. 281-297. ISSN 0771-7776.  Anotace: Člověk jako bytost času. Věčnost a čas podle Cosmographia Bernarda Silvestris. In his prosometric work Cosmographia (1145-1153), which is a re-mythologizing paraphrase of Plato´s Timaeus, Bernardus Silvestris distinguishes time in the sublunary realm from a double eternity: (1) simple eternity, lasting as present (simplex eternitas), and (2) its re flection in the regular movement of stars (eternitas of the stars and of the ethereal realm). Time is a product of this second, moving eternity and it is this time which rules the realm of generation and corruption. For Bernardus, time seems to be, above all, the limited period of individual life, the period of human existence being an opus temporis. Compared to it, the duration of the world, divided into periods by the movement of stars, does not seem to be a time, but rather a form of eternity, mediating between the transcendent eternity and the sublunary time of individuals.)

KOUBA, Pavel. Le mouvement entre temps et espace. Bergson aux prises avec sa découverte. In Annales bergsonniennes II, Bergson, Deleuze, la phénomenologie. 2. vyd. Paris: P. U. F., 2004, s. 207-226. ISBN 2-13053-829-0. Anotace: B. Bergson’s development can be understood as a permanent struggle with the starting point of his philosophy, that is with the distinction between temporal and spatial reality. The study traces the relation between time and space, a relation which oscillates between straightforward opposition and seamless integration.

SOBOTKA, Milan. Der bömische Anteil am slawischen[Czech participation on Slavic Hegelianism].In Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung. 1. vyd. Sankt Augustin : Academia Verlag, 2004, s. 273-292. ISBN 3-89665-320-2.  Anotace: An outline of the history of Czech Hegelianism stressing the importance of recently published book „Neue Bestimmung des Menschen“ by F. T. Bratranek.

THEIN, Karel. Gods and Painters. Philostratus the Elder, Stoic phantasia and the strategy of describingRamus. 2004, roč. 31 (2002), č. 1-2, s. 136-145. ISSN 0048-671X. Anotace: Philosptratus the Elder and ekphrasis.


HALÍK, Tomáš. Europa a „dziedzictwo Abrahama“ [Europe and „Abraham´s legacy“]. Znak. 2003, roč. 54, č. 583, s. 54-69. ISSN 0044-488X. Anotace: Proces evropské integrace je příležitostí znovu promyslet vztah mezi politikou, náboženstvím a kulturou a podpořit dialog mezi křesťanstvím, judaismem a islámem. (The european integration provides an opportunity to rething the relationship between religion, politics and culture and to support dialogue between Christianity, Judaism and Islam.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Nieodzowny ciezar winy [The Inevitable Burden of Gulit]. Teologia polityczna. 2003, s. 54-56. ISSN 1731-4232. Anotace: Filozofická reflexe nutnosti postkomunistických společností vyrovnat se s vinami minulosti. (A philosophical reflection on the necesity of the postcommunist societies to confront the guilts of the past.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Religia i globalizacja [Religion and globalization]. Znak. 2003, roč. 54, č. 575, s. 12-21. ISSN 0044-488X. Anotace: Proces globalizace otvírá křesťanství šanci být jistým zprostředkovatelem mezi světem západních sekularizovaných společností a světem tradičních náboženství. (In the age of globalization christianity stands a chance of becoming intermediares beteween secularized Western societies on the one hand and the world of traditional religion on the other.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Vaticanum II. : koniec katolicyzmu czy niedokończona rewolucja? [Vaticanum II.: The End of Catholicism or an unfinished Revolution?]. Wieź. 2003, roč. 10, č. 5, s. 52-56. ISSN 0511-9405.  Anotace: Druhý vatikánský koncil zakončil epochu „katolicismu“ jakožto kontra-kultury proti kulturní mentalitě novověku a otevřel poukazem na eschatologickou dimenzi cestu k „ekumenismu bez hranic“. (Vaticanum II. is the end of „catholicism“ as a counter-culture against the culture of modernity; this council has opened the road to the „ecumenism without boarders“througt the reference to the eschatological dimension.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Was hält Europa zusammen? [What holds Europe together?] Dokumentation: Evangelischer Pressedienst. 2003, č. 32, s. 4-11. ISSN 1619-5809.  Anotace: Příspěvek k diskusi o kulturní a duchovní identitě Evropy. (On the cultural and spiritual identity of Europe.)

KARÁSEK, Jindřich. „Keime der Entzweiung“. Bewusstseinstheoretische Ueberlegungen zu Hegels Begriff der religioesen Beziehung [„The Sources of Duality“. Transcendental-philosophical Essay on Hegel´s Notion of the Religious Realtionship]. Glauben und Wissen. Hegel-Jahrbuch 2003. I. Teil. 2003, s. 199-204.  Anotace: Eine Analyse der Bedingungen der religioesen Beziehung bei Hegel. (An Analysis of the Hegel´s notion of the religious relationship.)

KOHÁK, Erazim. An Understanding Heart : Reason, Value and Transcendental Phenomenology. In BROWN, C. S.; TOADWINE, T. (ed).  Eco-Phenomenology: Back to the Earth Itself. 1. vyd. SUNY Sries in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics. Albany, (N.Y.) : State University of New York Press, 2003, s. 19-36. ISBN 0-7914-5622-6.  Anotace: Phenomenology of Judgements of Value and Meaning, Interpretation of.

Moural, Josef. Husserl and the Future : Temporality, Historicity, and Responsibility in His Later Work. In Essays in Celebration of the Founding of the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations. 2003. Dostupný také z WWW: <http://www.o-p-o.net/essays/MouralArticle.pdf (pdf).>    Anotace: Identification of a decisive break in Husserl\’s thought around 1917, consisting in his new view of temporality, in particular in new emphasis on the role of protention in constitution. Husserl’s turn to the problem of historicity and his new conception of philsophy as personal renewal shown as natural consequences of the new view.

SOBOTKA, Milan. Hegel als Interpret Fichtes [Hegel as an interpret of Fichte]. In GIRNDT , H. (ed). Fichte in Geschichte und Gegenwart: in Berlin vom 03. – 08. Oktober 2000. 1. vyd. Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2003, s. 121-122. Fichte-Studien, 22. ISBN 90-420-0845-8. Anotace: Hegel není jen kritikem Fichta, přejal od něho teorii antinomického myšlení. (Hegel is not only a critic of Fichte, but he also took over from him the theory of antinomic thought.)

SOBOTKA, Milan. Hegels These vom Tode Gottes [Hegel’s thesis about the death of God].In  ARNDT, A.; BAL, K.; OTTMANN, H.(ed).  Glauben und Wissen. 1. vyd. Berlin: Academie Verlag, 2003, s. 34-37. Hegel-Jahrbuch. ISBN 3-05-00384-8.   Anotace: Interpretace závěrečného oddílu Hegelova článku Glauben und Wissen. (An interpretation of the last section of Hegel’s article Glauben und Wissen.)

ŠPINKA, Štěpán. „Plato im Dialog“. Hans-Georg Gadamer als Interpret der platonischen Dialektik [„Plato in Dialogue“. Hans-Georg Gadamer as Interpreter of Plato’s Dialectic]. In WISCHKE, M., HOFER, M. (ed). Gadamer verstehen – Understanding Gadamer. 1. vyd. Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2003, s. 120-137. ISBN 3-534-16320-6.   Anotace: Der Beitrag untersucht, wie sich in den Platoninterpretationen Gadamers seine hermeneutische Theorie und Praxis verbindet. Der Titel „Plato im Dialog“ bringt in seiner Vieldeutigkeit diese Verbindung, die die „Seele“ seiner Hermeneutik darste. (The study deals with Gadamer’s interpretation of Plato’s dialectic and with the connection of the hermeneutical theory and practice in it.)


HALÍK, Tomáš. Atheismus als eine art religiöser Erfahrung [Atheism as a sort of religious experience]. In MÜHLEISEN, H. O.(ed). Visionen in einer Welt ohne religion. 1. vyd. Freiburg : Katholische Akademie Freiburg, 2002, s. 11-26. ISBN 3-928698-19-2.  Anotace: Ateismus nemusí být chápán jako protiklad křesťanské víry, nýbrž jako výraz „temné noci“. (Atheism need not be nessecery interpreted as a opposite of christian faith, but rather as an expression of „the dark night“.)

KOHÁK, Erazim. The person in a personal world: an inquiry into the metaphysical significance of the tragic sense of life. In BUFORD, T. O.(ed). Personalism Revisited. 1. vyd. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, 2002, s. 75-100.

KOUBA, Pavel. Kant ohne das Problem der Metaphysik [Kant without the Problem of Metaphysics]. In Figal, G.(ed).  Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik, Bd. 1. 1. vyd. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2002, s. 259-277. ISBN 3-16-147756-1.  Anotace: The study shows that the idea of ‚two worlds‘, of which each has its unambiguous order (causal and moral), is in fact motivated by the need to found metaphysics and that these two orders can be understood as extrapolations of necessary aspects.

MOURAL, Josef.  Searle’s Theory of Institutional Facts : A Program of Critical Revision. In GREWENDORF, G., MEGGLE, G.(ed). Speech Acts, Mind, and Social Reality: Discussions with John R. Searle. 1. vyd. Dordrecht/Boston/London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, s. 271-286. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. ISBN 1-4020-0853-8. Anotace: A survey of the current shape of Searle’s theory of institutions, with a program of critical revision.

PETŘÍČEK, Miroslav. Die Landschaft und die Nähte [The landscape and seams]. In TRINKS, J.(ed). Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Narration. 1. vyd. Wien : Turia + Kant, 2002, s. 39-51. ISBN 3-85132-283-5.  Anotace: Einführung in die minimale Einheit der Narrativität, welche als ein Moment des Wechsels, als eine Grenze und als Verbindung betrachtet wird. Gedanken zum Begriff der Kohärenz und Peripetie in der Erzählung. (Introdution into the minimal unit of narration which seems to be rather a moment of transition, dividing-line as well as copula. Reflections on the concept of coherence and plot.)

RUKRIGLOVÁ, Dita. O Adamovi, morální problematika v židovské tradici [Adam, a basic moral theme in Jewish tradition]. In RUKRIGLOVÁ, D.(ed). Sem-i-tam. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2002, s. 153-162. ISBN 80-223-1712-8. Anotace: Duše a její části v židovské středověké tradici. (The soul and its parts in the Jewish medieval tradition.)

RUKRIGLOVÁ, Dita. O vztahu filosofie a medicíny [On Relation between Philosophy and Medecine]. In SUVÁK, V.(ed). K diferencii teoretického a praktického I. 1. vyd. Prešov : Univerzita P. J. Šafárika, 2002. ISBN 80-8068-162-7.  Anotace: Myšlenková příbuznost filosofů a lékařů v antice a ve středověku. (The outline of Cooperation between Philosophers and Physicians in the Classical Times and in the Middle Ages.)

SOBOTKA, Milan. Der „tote“ und der „lebendige“ Gott bei Hegel [The „dead“ and the „living“ God by Hegel]. In MARSZALEK, R.; NOWAK-JUCHACZ, E. (ed).  Rozum jest wolny, wolnosc – rozumna. 1. vyd. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo IFIS Pan, 2002, s. 195-204. ISBN 83-87632-04-4.  Anotace: Hegel on God by Kant, Fichte and Jacobi in Hegels „Essay on believing and science“.


BARABÁŠOVÁ, Marina. The problem with the moral problem : the example of lying. Organon F : Časopis pre analytickú filozofiu. 2001, Vol. 8, No.4, s. 353-387. ISSN 1335-0668. Anotace: An outline of the problem with „the moral problem“ by the example of lying.

BARABÁŠOVÁ, Marina – GLOMBÍČEK, Petr. PhilosophyOrganon F: Časopis pre analytickú filozofiu. 2001, Vol. 8., No.2., s. 174-189. ISSN 1335-0668.  Anotace: Překlad Wittgensteinova textu o filozofii a její metodologii. (Translation of Wittgenstein’s text about philosophy and its metodology.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Christsein in Europa am Beginn des neuen Jahrhunderts [Christianity in Europe on the treshold of a new century]. In HALÍK, T.; MAIER, H.; SUTOR, B. (ed). Tatkräftig, Engagiert, Überzeugend. 1. vyd. München : Landeskomittee der Katholiken in Bayern, 2001, s. 12-24.  Anotace: Im Christentum wird in der Zukunft die Spiritualität und soziale Ethik wichtiger als die Institution und Doktrin. (For the future of Christianity will be the spirituality and social ethics more important than institution and doctrin.)

HALÍK, Tomáš. Rückehr nach Europa [Back to Europe]. Ost-West : Europäische Perspektiven. 2001, Vol. 2, No.2, s. 3-9. ISSN 1439-2089.  Anotace: Bei der Integration Europas nicht nur politische und ekonomische Kriterien, aber auch die geistige und kulturelle Dimension wichtig ist. (For the integration of Europe is necessary to take in account not only the political and economical aspects, but also the moral and cultural dimension of Europe.)

KOUBA, Pavel. A propósito de „Los buenos europeos“ [Apropos „The good Europeans“]. Rivista de filosofia. 2001,Vol. 16, No.1, s. 97-100. ISSN 0326-8160.  Anotace: La contribución de Friedrich Nietzsche a la actual discusión sobre la integración europea. (F. Nietzsche’s contribution to the present discussion concerning the European integration.)

SEARLE, John R.; SMITH, Barry; ZAIBERT, Leo; MOURAL, Josef. Rationality in Action : A SymposiumPhilosophical Explorations. 2001, roč. 4, č. 2, s. 66-94. ISSN 1386-9795. Anotace: Discussion of John Searle’s new book Rationality in Action.

SOBOTKA, Milan. Hegels Spruch : Gott ist tot [Hegel’s saying: God is dead]. In JUBARA, A. a BENSELER, D.(ed). Dialektik und Differenz. 1. vyd. Wiesbaden : Harrasowitz Verlag, 2001, s. 119-126. ISBN 3-447-04489-6.  Anotace: Analyse der Abschlusspartie von Hegels Glauben und Wissen. (Philosophical interpretation of concluding paragraphs of Hegel’s essay On Believing and Science.)

THEIN, Karel. The decision of analogy : a remarque on Derrida, Reader of Plato. InMeyer, M.(ed). Questioning Derrida. 1. vyd. Ashgate : Aldershot and Burlington, 2001, s. 14-28. ISBN 0-7546-1397-6.  Anotace: Critical examination of Derrida’s reading of Plato. Plato’s use of „pharmakon“ and the medical tradition.


CHLUP, Radek. Ordered freedom : Freedom and providence in Origen. Hermathena. 2000, roč. 169, s. 189-209. ISSN 0018-0750.  Anotace: An analysis of the concept of freedom in Origen and the Middle Platonists written in the form of a review article of H. S. Benjamins‘ study „Eingeordnete Freiheit: Freiheit und Vorsehung bei Origenes“.

CHLUP, Radek. Plutarch’s Dualism and the Delphic Cult. Phronesis. 2000, roč. 45, č. 2, s. 138-158. ISSN 0031-8868.  Anotace: The article interprets Plutarch’s dualism in the light of the ApolloDionysus opposition as presented in „De E“ 388e-389c, arguing that Plutarch is no dualist in the strict sense of the word. A comparison of „De E“ 393f-394a with „De Iside“.

KARFÍK, Filip. KAI TA ALLA. Zu Platon, Apol. 22c5 und 22d7Rheinisches Museum für Philologie : Neue Folge. 2000, Vol. 167, No.143, s. 221-221. ISSN 0035-449X.  Anotace: Kritická poznámka na adresu interpretace citovaného místa v díle: E. de Strycker – S.R.Slings, Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Leiden etc., 1994. (A critical note on the interpretation of this passage by E. de Strycker – S.R.Slings, Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Leiden etc., 1994.)

KARFÍK, Filip. La philosophie de l’histoire et le probleme de l’âge technique chez Jan Patočka [Philosphy of History and the Problem of the Age of Modern Sciences and Technology in Jan Patočka]. Études phénomenologiques. 2000,Vol. 29-30, No.3, s. 5-28. ISSN 0773-7912.  Anotace: Článek pojednává o Patočkových pokusech o vypracování filosofie dějin a soustřeďuje se na jejich hlavní motovaci, otázku vzniku moderní doby. (The article deals with several attemps of Jan Patočka to elaborate a philosophy of history and focuses on their main motivation, viz. the question of the rise of modern times.)

KOHÁK, Erazim. Democracy in the Post-Communist World . In Murchland, B.(ed.). Voices of Democracy. 1. vyd. 2000. Notre Dame : University ofNotre Dame Press. s. 150-168. ISBN 026804354X.

KOUBA, Pavel. Der Sinn der Anwesenheit [The sense of the presence]. Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie. 2000, Vol. 25, No.3, s. 313-322. ISSN 0340-7969.  Anotace: Die Studien untersucht bestimmte Aspekte der Zeitlichkeit in Heideggers ‚Sein und Zeit‘. (The study attempts to demonstrate that the reason for the levellin temporality in Heidegger’s Being and Time lies in the neglect of spatiality as an idependent dimension of the world a the reduction of spatiality to a mere derivative of temporal)

KOUBA, Pavel. Endlichkeit des Friedens [The finite peace]. In Politisches Denken: Jahrbuch 2000. 1. vyd. Stuttgart-Weimar : Metzler, 2000, s. 119-129. ISBN 3-476-01730-3. Anotace: Der Text setzt sich kritisch mit Kantss Idee des ewigen Friedens auseinander. Bei Kant wirken beide Motivationskräfte des Menschen (Natur und Moral) im Interesse des Friedens. (The text argues against Kants idea of the eternal peace. By Kant both powers of men’s motivation (nature and morals) work in the interests of peace.)

KOUBA, Pavel. Nietzsches unmoralische Ontologie [Nietzsche’s Immoral Ontology]. In FIGAL, G.; GRONDIN, J.; Schmidt, D. J. (ed). Hermeneutische Wege: Hans-Georg Gadamer zum Hundertsten. 1. vyd. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2000, s. 243-256. ISBN 3-16-147268-3. Anotace: Die Studie untersucht die immoralische Ontologie in Friedrich Nietzsches Werk. (The study explores immoral ontology in Friedrich Nietzsche’s work.)

KOUBA, Pavel. Le signe du nihilisme [The sign of nihilism]. In  Nietzsche. 1. vyd. Paris : Editions de l’Herne, 2000, No. 73. s. 403-415. Cahier de l’Herne. ISBN 2-85197-083-6. Anotace: Ce texte concerne a la theorie du nihilism de Friedrich Nietzsche. (The text focuses on Nietzsche’s theory of nihilism.)

SOBOTKA, Milan: Hegels Abhandlung Womit muss der Anfang der Wissenschaft gemacht werden und Reinhold [Hegels essay With what must science begin and Reinhold]. In ARNDT, A. I. Ch.(ed). Hegels Seinslogik. 1. vyd. Berlin : Academie Verlag, 2000, s. 80-90. ISBN 3-05-003347-9.  Anotace: In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Einfluss von K. L. Reinhold auf Einleitungsabhandlung in Hegels ‚Wissenschaft der Logik‘ analysiert. (The paper analyses the influance of K. L. Reinhold on the introductory essay of Hegel’s ‚The Science of logic.‘)

THEIN, Karel. Entre anoia et agnoia. La ‚nature humaine‘ et la comédie dans les dialogues de Platon [Between anoia and agnoia. Human nature and comedy in Plato´s dialogues]. In: Le rire chez les Anciens, les actes du colloque de Grenoble, 9-12 decembre 1998, Grenoble. 1. vyd. 2000. Grenoble : Millon, s. 169-180. ISBN 2-84137-097-6. Anotace: Sur le fond d´une lecture détaillée des passages sur la comédie, le texte propose de revenir, dans le Philebe de Platon, a la lettre des manuscrits contenant „anoia“ mais systematiquement corrigé en agnoia pas les éditeurs.

THEIN, Karel. Mettre la kallipolis en acte : l’Équivoque temporelle dans la République de Platon [To make the Callipolis real: temporal ambivalence in Plato´s Republic]. In DARBO-PESCHANSKI, C. (ed). Constructions du temps dans le monde grec ancien. 1. vyd. Paris : CNRS Éditions. 2000. s. 253-265. ISBN 2-271-05746-9.   Anotace: L´article s´occupe de la fondation et la destruction du meilleur régime politique selon la République 499 et les Livres 8-9 de ce meme dialogue. (The article enquires into the foundation and destruction of the best political regime as presented in the Republic 499 and the Books 8-9 of the same dialogue.)

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