prof. PhDr. Karel Thein, Ph.D.
Office hours
Tuesday 2:30 to 3:30 PM, Faculty of Arts, Room 221
Areas of professional interest
- Ancient and early modern philosophy
- Philosophy of art
Curriculum vitae
- 1983-1987 MA at faculty of Arts, Charles Univesrity Prague (library and information science)
- 1990-1994 graduate student at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (E.H.E.S.S.), Paris, dissertation Le lien intraitable. Enquête sur le temps dans la République et le Timée de Platon (supervisor Jacques Derrida), graduation January 1995
- Since 1993 assistant professor (then professor) at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (full time), and researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (part time until 2016)
- Visiting professor at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales / Centre Louis Gernet in May 2000, May 2005, May 2007, May 2012
- Visiting fellow at Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, February 2003
- Mellon Fellow at the Harvard Center for Renaissance Studies, Villa I Tatti, Florence, April to June 2003
- October 2005 habilitation at Charles University, Prague
- 2006-2008 director of the department (Institute for Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts)
- 2009-2012 president of the Czech Plato Society
- 2014 became professor at the Charles University, Prague
- Since 2017 member of the Philosophy Panel of the Czech Grant Agency
Monographs / Monografie (in French, Czech, English)
- Le lien intraitable. Enquête sur le temps dans la République et le Timée de Platon, Paris, Vrin, 2001
- Rychlost a slzy. Filmové eseje (Velocity and Tears: Essay on Moving Image), Prague, Prostor, 2002
- Vynález věcí. O Platónově hypotéze idejí (Invention of Things: On Plato’s Hypothesis of Forms), Prague, Filosofia, 2008
- Myšlení v nás. Tři platónské studie (Thinking Within Us: Three Platonic Studies), Prague, Filosofia, 2010
- collective monograph with s Jakub Jirsa and Jakub Jinek: Obec a duše. K Platónově praktické filosofii (City and Soul: On Plato’s Practical Philosophy), Prague, Filosofia, 2014, chapter „Filosof, přirozenost a výchova v Ústavě“ (“The philosopher, nature and education in the Republic”), 117-250
- Aristotelés o lidské přirozenosti: od myšlení k anatomii (Aristotle on Human Nature: From Anatomy to Thinking), Prague, Filosofia, 2017
- L’âme comme livre. Étude sur une image platonicienne, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2021
- Ecphrastic Shields in Graeco-Roman Literature: The World’s Forge, London, Routledge, forthcoming in October 2021
Articles and Chapters (articles and chapters in Czech are listed on the Czech version of this website)
- „Violence et survie: note sur Walter Benjamin“, in: Fabienne Durant-Bogaert (ed.), Violence et traduction. Actes du Colloque de Melnik (7-10 mai 1993), Sofita, Paris/Sofia, 1995, 133-142
- „La décision de l‘analogie. Remarque sur Derrida, lecteur de Platon“, Revue Internationale de Philosophie 52, no. 205, 1998, 377-396
- „L’exemple de Socrate. Les ébauches autobiographiques dans l’Apologie de Socrate écrite par Platon“, in Marie-Louise Mallet (ed.), L’animal autobiographique. Autour de Jacques Derrida, Paris, Galilée, 1999, 47-59
- „Die Auffassung der menschlichen Person in der hippokratischen Medizin“, in: Milan Mráz a Adolf Slabý (eds.), Die Menchliche Person. Geschichte und Gegenwart des Personbegriffs, Praha, Filosofia, 1999, 43-52
- „L’empreinte du mal. La figure du méchant dans Face/Off de John Woo“, La voix du régard. Revue littéraire sur les arts de l’image (Paris), no. 13, 2000, 102-111
- „Entre anoia et agnoia. La nature humaine et la comédie dans les dialogues de Platon“, in: Marie-Laurence Desclos (ed.), Le rire des Grecs. Anthropologie du rire en Grèce ancienne, Grenoble, Éditions Jérôme Millon, 2000, 169-180
- „Mettre la kallipolis en acte: l’équivoque temporelle dans la République de Platon“, in: Catherine Darbo-Peschanski (ed.), Constructions du temps dans le monde grec ancien, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2000, 253-265
- „Anamnésis and Phronésis in the Phaedo. Bond of Life, or Deadly Noose?“, in: Aleš Havlíček (ed.), Plato’s Phaedo. Proceedings of the Second Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Oikúmené, Praha, 2001, 266-274
- „The Decision of Analogy: A Remark on Derrida, Reader of Plato“, in: Michel Meyer (ed.), Questioning Derrida. With his replies on philosophy, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, 14-28
- „Rendre la lune aux hommes. Robert Burton, Anatomie de la mélancolie“, Critique 59, č. 653, 2001, 771-784
- „Gods and Painters. Philostratus the Elder, Stoic phantasia and the strategy of describing”, Ramus 31, 1 & 2, 2002, 136-145
- „Teleology and Myth in the Protagoras”, in: Aleš Havlíček a Filip Karfík (eds.), Plato’s Protagoras. Proceedings of the Third Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Praha, Oikúmené, 2003, 60-70
- „The Second ‘Third Man Argument’: What Difference Does the Likeness Make?”, in: Aleš Havlíček a Filip Karfík (eds.), Plato’s Parmenides. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Praha, Oikoumené, 2005, 75-87
- „Justice dans la cité et justice en l’âme: une analogie imparfaite”, in: Monique Dixsaut (ed.), Études sur la République, vol. 1, Paris, Vrin, 2005, 247-263
- „Les Formes dans la République”, in: Monique Dixsaut (ed.), Études sur la République, vol. 2, Paris, Vrin, 2005, 71-94
- „The Life Forms and Their Model in Plato’s Timaeus”, Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 3, no. 2, 2006, 241-273
- „Brian Leiter (ed.), The Future for Philosophy, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2005″, in Les Études philosophiques no. 2, 2007, 270-276 (review)
- „Samuel C. Rickless, Plato’s Forms in Transition. A Reading of the Parmenides“, Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 4, 2007, 339-350 (review)
- „La force du vraisemblable. Philostrate, Callistrate et l’image à l’épreuve de l’ekphrasis“, Métis, n. s. 6, 2008, 315-334
- „War, Gods and Mankind in the Timaeus–Critias“, Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 5, 2008, 49-10
- „Aldo Brancacci a Pierre-Marie Morel (eds,), Democritus: Science, The Arts, and the Care of the Soul„, Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 5, 2008, 165-181 (review)
- „Artefacts, Non-Particulars and Model Particulars“, Organon F 16, č. 4, 2009, 510-529
- „Dominic Scott, „Maieusis. Essays in Ancient Philosophy in Honour of Myles Burnyeat)“, in Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 6, 2009, 249-268 (review)
- „Gail Fine, The Oxford Handbook of Plato“, Elenchos, 30, no. 2, 2009, 373-381 (review)
- „Philostratus Redivivus“, Listy filosofické/Folia philologica 133, 2010, 183-188 (review essay)
- „Stoic Fictions: The Prehistory of Analysis“, in: P. Koťátko, M. Pokorný, M. Sabates et al., Fictionality-Possibility-Reality, Bratislava, Aleph, 2010, 259-279
- „Image, Memory and Judgement. On Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Good Government frescoes and his Allegory of Redemption“, in: Y. Plumley, G. Bacco, S. Jossa (eds.), Citation, Intertextuality and Memory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: Text, Music and Image from Machaut to Ariosto, Exeter, Exeter University Press, 2010, 190-208 and 257-261
- „Alexander Nageland Christopher S. Wood, Anachronic Renaissance„, Umění / Art 59, 2011, 437-439 (review)
- „L’âme, l’homme et la connaissance de soi dans le Premier Alcibiade“, Chôra. Revue d’études anciennes et médiévales 9‑10, 2011‑2012, 171‑202
- „The Beginnings: Mimesis and Human Mind in Some Early Theories of Representation“, in: G. Currie, P. Koťátko, M. Pokorný et al., Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics, London, College Publications, 2012, 220-256
- „Magali Année, Parménide. Fragments Poème, édition, traduction et commentaire (précédé de Énoncer le verbe être)“, Listy filosofické/Folia philologica 135, 2012, 435-438 (review)
- „A Much-Disputed “Whole” at Phaedrus 270“, Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12, 2012, 139-152
- „Imagination, Self-Awareness, and Modal Thought at Philebus 39-40“, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 42, 2012, 109-149
- „Scattered Fire. Art and Nature in a Poem by Michelangelo“, in: Machtelt Israels, Louis A. Waldman et al., Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, Vol. 2: History, Literature, and Music, Florence, Villa I Tatti/The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, 2013, 505-510
- „Menard, the Quixote, the Indiscernibles“, in: Petr Koťátko, Martin Pokorný, Marcelo Sabatés (eds.), Text and Work: Causa Menard, Praha, Pragensia Litera, 2013, 109-122
- „Michael Squire, The Iliad in a Nutshell: Visualizing Epic on the Tabulae Iliacae„, Listy filosofické/Folia philologica 135, 2013, 265-273 (review)
- „‚The Greatest and Most Valuable Things‘: On Statesman 285d9-286a7“, in: Aleš Havlíček, Jakub Jirsa and Karel Thein (eds.), Plato’s Statesman. Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Prague, Oikúmené, 2013, s. 162-177
- „Some Conceptual Difficulties in Aristotle’s De caelo I.9“, Rhizomata. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1, 2013, 63-84
- „Aristotle On Why Study Lower Animals (De Partibus Animalium, I,5, 644b22–645a36)“, Eiréné 50, 2014, 208-229
- „Allan Gotthelf, Teleology, First Principles, and Scientific Method in Aristotle’s Biology„, Rhizomata 2, 2014, 246-268 (review)
- „Aristote, critique de Platon sur les causes“, Chôra. Revue d’études anciennes et médiévales 12, 2014, 15‑46
- „Cities of the Warriors, Cities of the Sages“, Utopian Studies 26, 2015, 220-234
- „The Poetics of Mind and Matter: Some Remarks on Ancient Images and Imagination“, Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 51, 2015, 303-334
- „Beckett’s Murphy Between Spinoza and Occasionalism“, in: Tomáš Koblížek and Petr Koťátko (eds.). Chaos and Form. Echoes of Beckett in Literature and the Arts, Praha, Univerzita Karlova – Litteraria Pragensia, 2016, 145-167
- „Musical Space in Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Massa Marittima Maestà„, Art/Umění 63, no. 3-4, 2016, 228-239
- „A Moral Life of Things: Making and Breaking of Aesthetic Illusion in Lyric Poetry“, in: Tomáš Koblížek (ed.), The Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, 209-223
- „The Sublime, Nature’s Eloquent Gift: A review essay“, Eirene 53, 2017, 9-75
- “Tactility, Detail, and Scale in the Photography of Sculpture”, Umění/Art 66/5, 2018, 350-367
- “Soul and Incorporeality in Plato”, Studia Graeca et Latina 54, 2018, 53-95
- “Reason and Dreaming in Republic IX and the Timaeus”, Rhizomata 7, 2019, 1-32
- “Socratic Voices in Derrida’s Writing”, in: Christopher Moore (ed.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Socrates, Leiden: Brill 2019, 950-974
- “The Heavenly Sphere (Chapter 2, 391b9-392a31)”, in: Pavel Gregorić and George Karamanolis (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotle: De Mundo (On the Cosmos): A commentary, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 24-45
- “Swifts and Hirundines in Aristotle’s Historia Animalium”, Classical Quarterly 70, no. 1, 2020, 464-466
- “Aristotle on the Nature in the Pneuma and the First Body”, in: Hynek Bartoš and Colin Guthrie King (eds.), Heat, Pneuma, and Soul in Ancient Philosophy and Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, 182-201
- “Planets and Time: A Timaean Puzzle”, in: Chad Jorgenson, Filip Karfík, Štěpán Špinka (eds.), Plato’s Timaeus. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Leiden: Brill, 2021, 92-111
- “The Pre-Socratics, Plato and Aristotle’s Biology” vyjde in: Sophia M. Connell (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the History of Biology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 30-45
Theses SupervisionA History of Courses Taught
- AFS500096: = Walter Benjamin 's Metaphysics
- AFS100645: Ancient philosophy
- AFS100748: Ancient philosophy
- AFS100609: Ancient Philosophy
- AFS100652: Ancient Philosophy
- AFS500061: Ancient Philosophy
- AFS100006: Ancient Philosophy - exam in front of an examination board
- AFS200006: Ancient Philosophy A
- AFS100755: Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and Hellenistic Schools
- AFS100571: Ancient Philosophy I + Seminar
- AFS100572: Ancient Philosophy I + Timaios
- AFS100520: Ancient Philosophy I: Hellenistic Schools, Plato and Aristotle + Being of Non-Being II
- AFS100516: Ancient Philosophy I: Hellenistic Schools, Plato and Aristotle + Seminar
- AFS100418: Ancient Philosophy I: Plato B
- AFS100410: Ancient Philosophy I: Plato: Soul, Body and Speech/Phaidon (Seminar I)
- AFS500236: Animal Consciousness in Human Speech
- AFS500231: Animals and Philosophers From Antiquity to the Present
- AFS100690: Antient Philosophy
- AFS100700: Antient Philosophy
- AFS100089: Aristotelian Seminar [1]
- AFS100090: Aristotelian Seminar [2]
- AFS100505: Aristotle on the Elements and Mixed Bodies
- AFSV00264: Aristotle, On the Parts of Animals, Book I
- AFS100621: Aristotle, On the Soul
- AFS100634: Aristotle, On the Soul
- AFS100711: Aristotle, On the Soul
- AFS100702: Aristotle, Physics II-III,2
- AFS100677: Aristotle’s Introduction to Metaphysics: Metaphysics II-IV (and other texts)
- AFSV00274: Aristotle's natural philosophy: Physics I-II
- AFS500157: Burke, A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
- AFS100249: Cicero: On the Nature of Gods [1]
- AFS100250: Cicero: On the Nature of Gods [2]
- AFS100771: Democritus and the origins of atomism: physics, anthropology, ethic
- AFSV00059: Democritus. The Atoms and Void: A Reconstruction
- AXFSTMS01: Departmental Theoretical and Methodological Seminar
- AXFSDOS01: Doctoral Seminar
- AXFSDOS02: Doctoral Seminar II
- AXFSDOS03: Doctoral Seminar III
- AXFSDOS04: Doctoral Seminar IV
- AFS100138: Epicurus [1]
- AFS100139: Epicurus [2]
- AFS100589: Ethics
- AFS100590: Ethics + Selected readings from contemporary ethics and political philosophy
- AFSV00393: Feminism and Philosophy: An Introductory Sketch
- AFS100554: Hellenic Schools - Seminar
- AFSV00001: Hobbes - Leviathan (The First Part - Of Man)
- AFS5U0008: Imagination
- AFS500224: Imagination
- AFS500280: Kant: History and Cosmopolitanism
- AFSV00196: Language, Image, Imagination: Lessing’s Laocoön and Other Texts
- AFSV00221: Language, Image, Imagination: Lessing’s Laocoön and Other Texts II
- AFS500248: Lies, Truths, Fictions
- AFS500225: Matthew Calarco, Thinking Through Animals
- AFS500230: Melancholy and philosophy: images of a longue-durée association
- AFS500230E: Melancholy and philosophy: images of a longue-durée association
- AFS500113: Metaphor and Thought
- AFS500123: Metaphor and Thought II
- AFS100390: Moral Luck: Sextus Empiricus on the Ethical Part of Philosophy
- AFS100610: Motion, Time, and Place in Aristotle
- AFS500291: Nature and Civilization in Ancient Philosophy
- AFSV00416: Nature 1836-2023
- ASZFS0009: On Human Nature
- AFS100431: Origin, Movement, Change and Extinction According to Aristotle III
- AFS100432: Origin, Movement, Change and Extinction According to Aristotle IV
- AFS100388: Origin,Movement, Change and Extinction According to Aristotle I
- AFS100389: Origin,Movement, Change and Extinction According to Aristotle II
- AFS500301: Philosophy and Visual Arts: From Hegel to Conceptual Art
- AFS500203: Philosophy of Dream and Dreaming
- AFS100235: Philosophy of Film - Deleuze's Film Ontology
- AFSV00281: Philosophy of Touch
- AFS500271: Philosophy, poetry, and their “ancient quarrel”
- ADU500503: Philosphy of Art
- AFS100025: Plato
- AFS100026: Plato [2]
- AFS500316: Plato's Myths
- AFS500102: Plato’s Parmenides 128a-134e: The Birth of the Problem of Universals
- AFS100653: Plato´s Republic VI. - VII.
- AFS100247: Reason and Senses: Innate Ideas [1]
- AFS100248: Reason and Senses: Innate Ideas [2]
- AFS100777: Rousseau on the Origin of Inequality
- AFSV00020: Seminar to Ancient Philosophy
- AFS500178: Sense Perception: History and structure of a philosophical problem
- AFS500232: Socrates' Failure: On the Origins of Populism
- AFS500262: Subject Colloquium I
- AFS500263: Subject Colloquium II
- AFS100317: The Causes of Things and the Aims of Philosophy (Seneca)
- AFS500083: The Origin of Language and Related Ideas: Herder's Critique of Rousseau
- AFS500092: The Origin of Language II: Condillac, Rousseau, Herder
- AXFSTMS02: Theoretical and Methodological Seminar I
- AXFSTMS03: Theoretical and Methodological Seminar II
- AFS500027: Translation Seminar I (2-year MA programme - graded paper)
- AFSV00328: Virtue and Wisdom: Plato’s Protagoras