doc. Jakub Jirsa, Ph.D.
- ředitel (head) - Department of Arts and Religious Studies
Department of Arts and Religious Studies
Místnost č. 223
Courses Taught This Semester
Office Hours
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Curriculum vitae
- 2022 – habilitation in philosophy (FF UK)
- 2019 – Jan Patočka Visiting Fellow, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM), Wien
- 2017 – vice-director of the Center for Political Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
- 2008-2009 – visiting scholar at the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
- 2006 – PhD degree in Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest; thesis title: “The Ethics of Self-Knowledge in Plato’s Dialogues”, supervisors: Gábor Betegh, David Sedley (viva: July 17, 2006)
- 2004-2005 – Research stay at the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, Hughes Hall College (supervisor: David Sedley, Malcolm Schofield)
- 2003 – Junior Visiting Fellow at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Wien
- 2001-2003 – part-time fellow at the Czech Academy of Science, Institute of Philosophy
- 2000-2002 – lecturer at the Charles University of Prague, Faculty of Humanities; Department of Philosophy
- 2002 – master degree (MA) in Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, thesis title: “Philosophical Anthropology in Plato’s Middle Dialogues”; supervisors: MUDr. Stepan Spinka Ph.D., Karel Thein PhD.
Papers in English
- Persuasion of the Laws in Plato’s Crito: When Does It Happen?, Rhizomata, 12, 2, 2024, 155-172.
- The Double Ergon Scheme in Aristotle’s Protrepticus, Eirene: Studia Graeca et Latina, LIX, 2023, 29-65.
- On Universities and Contemporary Society: The Issue of Trust, in: V. Kolman, T. Murár (eds.), Devouring One’s Own Tail: Autopoiesis in Perspective, Karolinum, Praha 2022, 228-247.
- The concept of ὅρος between Aristotle’s two Ethics, Listy filologické 144, 1-2, 2021, 7-41.
- The Structure of Courage in the Laches, Meno and Protagoras, Elenchos, vol. 42, no. 1, 2021, pp. 143-164.
- The Sublunary Domain (Chapters2–3,392a31–393a8), in: P. Gregorić, G. Karamanolis (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotle: De Mundo (On the Cosmos), Cambridge University Press 2020, 62-79.
- Divine Activity and Human Life. Rhizomata, 2017, 5 (2), 210-238.
- To ergon tou anthropou, Hungarian Philosophical Review – Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 57, 2013/4, str. 9-23.
- Letters and models: on the Statesman 277d–278e, in: Aleš Havlíček, Jakub Jirsa and Karel Thein (eds.), Plato’s Statesman: Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Praha, Oikoymenh, 2013, 134-150.
- Sophists, Names and Democracy, in: Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 35/2012, s. 125-138.
- Authenticity of the Alcibiades I: Some Reflections, v: Listy filologické 132, 3-4 (2009), s. 225-244.
- Guilt and shame: two possibilities of transitional justice, v: Ripka, V. (ed.) International Conference Twenty Years After, Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů 2010 [CD-ROM].
- The Role of Human Face in Some Plato’s Dialogues, v: Vladislav Suvák (ed.), Sokratika: Sebapoznanie a starosť o seba, Prešovská univerzita, Prešov 2009, s. 57-74.
- Plato on characteristics of god: Laws X. 887c5-899d3, v: RHIZAI: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, V.2 2008, 239-259.
- Alcibiades’ speech in the Symposium and its origins, v: Havlíček, A., Karfík, F. (eds), Plato’s Symposium, Praha: Oikoymenh, 2007, 279-292.
- Forgiveness and Revenge: Where Is Justice? v: Thinking Together. Proceedings of the IWM Junior Fellows’ Conference, Winter 2003, ed. A. Cashin and J. Jirsa, Vienna: IWM Junior Visiting Fellows’ Conferences, 2004 Vol. 16.
Other papers
- Sókratovská statečnost: dialog Lachés a problém intelektualism, in: J. Jinek – J. Jirsa, Platónův dialog Lachés, Praha 2024, 66-78.
- Štěstí není šťastný život, Filosofický časopis 71, 4, 2023, 579-597.
- Proč poslouchat zákony?, in: J. Jinek – J. Jirsa, Platónův dialog Kritón, Praha 2020, 44-48.
- Dialog “Kritón”. Lze přemlouvat zákony? Filosofický časopis 68, 2020/3, 387-406.
- Kdo je Alkibiadés? O různých identitách v dialogu Alkibiadés větší. Reflexe 2019 (57), 5-33.
- “Jednej tak, jak by jednal ctnostný člověk”: Etika ctností a její problémy, in. J. Jirsa (ed.) Přístupy k etice III, Praha 2016, 179-218.
- David Hume: anatom lidské přirozenosti, in: J. Čapek (ed.), Přístupy k etice II, Filosofia, Praha 2015, 35-75.
- Pojem osoby v diskusi o etice potratů, Filosofický časopis 62, 6, 2014, 831-846.
- Spravedlnost a přirozenost v Platónově Ústavě, Reflexe, 2013, 45, 53-80.
- Morálka jako věda?, Filosofický časopis 61, 4, 2013, s. 581-589.
- Komentovaná bibliografie dostupných překladů děl politické filosofie středoevropských disidentů, v: M. Bendová, J. Borovanská, D. Vejvodová (eds.), Filosofie v podzemí – Filosofie v zázemí, Praha: Nomáda 2013, 269-280.
- Zákon, prospěšnost a spravedlnost, in: Aleš Havlíček, Jakub Jinek (vyd.) Platónův dialog Hippias Větší, Oikoymenh, Praha 2012, s. 132-141.
- Platónské motivy v prooimiu Artemidórova papyru a první kapitole pseudo-Aristotelského spisu O světě, in: Listy Filologické 1-2/135, 2012, s. 7-30.
- Problémy s asistovanou sebevraždou, v: Filosofický časopis 59, 4 (2011), s. 579-590.
- Platón – Poznání sebe samého jakožto péče o sebe, in: Vladislav Suvák (ed.) Sebapoznanie a/ko starosť o seba, Prešov: Prešovská univerzita 2010, str. 79-111. (ISBN 978-80-555-0230-4)
- Teleologie v Theofrastově Metafyzice, Reflexe 35 / 2008, 55-75.
- Epistemologické problémy poznání sebe sama, v: Havíček, A. – Jinek J. (ed.), Platónův dialog Alkibiadés, Praha: Oikoymenh 2010, kap. V, s. 88-106 (ISBN 978-80-7298-426-8).
- Duše a vědění – poznání sebe sama v dialozích Charmidés a Alkibiadés, v Vladislav Suvák (ed.), Sokratika: Sebapoznanie a starosť o seba, Prešovská univerzita, Prešov 2009, s. 38-56.
- Sókratův “velký muž” – interpretace dialogu Charmidés, v: Aleš Havlíček (ed), Platónův dialog Charmidés, Praha: Oikoymenh, 2007, 141-163.
- Sofisté, jména a demokracie, v: Havlíček, A., Špinka, Š. (eds), Platónův dialog Euthydémos, Praha: Oikoymenh, 2007, 138-151.
- Připodobnění bohu a eudaimonia: náčrt etiky a morálky v platónských dialozích, v: Josef Kružík (ed.),Vita activa, Vita contemplativa, Janu Sokolovi k sedmdesátým narozeninám, UK FHS, Praha 2006, 159-175.
- Jakub Jirsa, Karel Thein, Jakub Jinek, Obec a duše. K Platónově praktické filosofii, Filosofia, Praha 2014
- Jakub Jirsa, Jakub Jinek (eds.), Platónův dialog Lachés, Oikoymenh, Praha 2024.
- Jakub Jirsa (ed.), On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities, Karolinum, Praha 2023.
- Jakub Jirsa, Jakub Jinek (eds.) Platónův dialog Kritón, Oikoymenh 2020.
- Jakub Jirsa, Jakub Jinek (eds.), Platónův dialog Euthyfrón, Oikoymenh 2019.
- Jakub Jirsa, Filip Karfík, Štěpán Špinka (eds.), Plato’s Philebus, Oikoymenh 2017.
- Jakub Jirsa (ed.), Přístupy k etice III, Filosofia, Praha 2016.
- Jakub Jirsa (ed.), Idea university, Academia, Praha 2015.
- Aleš Havlíček, Jakub Jirsa and Karel Thein (eds.), Plato’s Statesman: Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Praha, Oikoymenh, 2013.
- Rozum, ctnosti a duše, Jakub Jirsa (ed.), Oikoymenh 2010.
- Thinking Together. Proceedings of the IWM Junior Fellows’ Conference, Winter 2003, ed. A. Cashin and J. Jirsa, Vienna: IWM Junior Visiting Fellows’ Conferences, 2004 Vol. 16.
Academic reviews
- Raimond Gaita, Sdílené lidství, Reflexe 65/2023, 233-238.
- Andre Archie, Politics in Socrates’ Alcibiades, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought 34/1 (2017), 172–176.
- Peter L. Oesterreich, Podoby veřejného rozumu, Reflexe 46, 2014, 177-181.
- Mark J. Lutz, Divine Law and Political Philosophy in Plato’s Laws, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought 30/2, 344–349.
- Morálka jako věda?, Filosofický časopis 61, 4, 2013, s. 581-589.
- Jan Sokol, Etika a život, Reflexe 43/2012, 138-142.
- Radim Brázda, Ethicum, Reflexe 43/2012, 143-150.
- David Konstan, Before Forgiveness: The Origins of a Moral Idea, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.08.15,
- Karel Thein, Vynález Věcí, in: Reflexe 37/2009, 147-151.
- Dougles Cairns, Fritz-Gregor Hermann and Terry Penner (eds.), Pursuing The Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic, v: RHIZAI VI.1 (2009), 77-88.
- Greg Recco, Athens Victorious: Democracy in Plato’s Republic, v: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2008.11.22,
- Frisbee C. C. Sheffield, Plato’s Symposium: The Ethics of Desire, v: RHIZAI IV.1 (2007), 177-183.
- Tomáš Hejduk, Od Eróta k filosofii, Studie o Erótu se zřetelem k Sókratově filosofii, v: Reflexe 34/2007, 125-130.
- Trevor Curnow, Ancient Philosophy and Everyday Life, v: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2007.05.08, .
- Kryštof Boháček, Proč Gorgiás mluví, v: Reflexe 31/2007, 128-137 (společně s Vojtěchem Hladkým).
- Základní přehled „disidentské“ politické teorie, recenze na Barbara Falk, Dilemmas of Dissidence in East-Central Europe, in Střední Evropa 116, vol. 19, June/July 2003, 124-126.
Theses SupervisionA History of Courses Taught
- AFS100355: Ancient Ethics - Socrates and Plato
- AFS100006: Ancient Philosophy - exam in front of an examination board
- AFS200007: Ancient Philosophy B
- AFSV00018: Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
- AFSV00165: Aristotle - Protreptikos
- AFSV00203: Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics
- AFSV00238: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics X
- AFS200002: BA Seminar
- ASZFS0058: Big Books
- AFS100343: Chapters from Political Philosophy - Political Philosophy
- AFS100328: De Partibus Animalium
- AXFSTMS01: Departmental Theoretical and Methodological Seminar
- AFS100775: Derek Parfit, OWM
- AXFSDOS01: Doctoral Seminar
- AXFSDOS02: Doctoral Seminar II
- AXFSDOS03: Doctoral Seminar III
- AXFSDOS04: Doctoral Seminar IV
- AFS100400: Epicurus: Letter to Herodotus
- AFSV00421: Ethical aspects of legal use of AI
- AFS100295: Ethical Aspects of Self-Knowledge in Plato I
- AFS100296: Ethical Aspects of Self-Knowledge in Plato II
- AFSV00019: Ethical Problems
- AFS100552: Ethical Problems
- AFS100590: Ethics + Selected readings from contemporary ethics and political philosophy
- AFS100584: Ethics and Political Philosophy I + Nicomachean Ethics (BA, double-subject)
- AFS100583: Ethics and Political Philosophy I + Nicomachean Ethics (BA, single-subject)
- AFS100546: Ethics and Political Philosophy I + Reading of Texts of the History of Political Philosophy (BA, double-subject)
- AFS100522: Ethics and Political Philosophy I + Reading of Texts of the History of Political Philosophy (BA, single-subject)
- AFS100188: Ethics and Political Philosophy II
- AFS100785: Free speech and hate speech
- AFS100785E: Free speech and hate speech
- AFS100294: Freedom and Equality: Seminar to Political Philosophy
- ASZFS0064: Happiness and happy life: ancient ethics
- AFSV00105: Hermeneutics and Pluralism
- AFSV00293: Humanism for 21st Century
- AFSV00143: Hume's moral philosophy
- ASZFS0060: Introduction to ethical theories
- AFS100638: Introduction to ethics
- AFS100733: Introduction to ethics
- AFS100613: Introduction to Ethics
- AFS100745: Introduction to Ethics II
- AFS100624: Introduction to Political Philosophy
- AFS100747: Introduction to Political Philosophy
- AFS100760: Introduction to Political Philosophy II
- AFS500328: Mixtures and constitutions
- AFS500223: On human function
- AFSV00353: Perspectives on the Liberalism of John Locke
- AAKRFILD1: Philosophy
- AAKRFIL01: Philosophy
- AAKRFIL01E: Philosophy
- AXOBEC002: Philosophy
- AXOBEC002E: Philosophy
- AAKRFILD1E: Philosophy (pro NAU)
- AFS100593: Plato and Aristotle: concordia discors + Plato on knowledge and divine
- AFSV00063: Plato on knowledge and divine
- AFSV00070: Plato´s Moral Psychology
- AFS100424: Political Philosophy I + Ethical Problems (BA, double-subject)
- AFS100521: Political Philosophy I + Ethical Problems (BA, single-subject)
- AFS100425: Political Philosophy II (BA, double-subject)
- AFSV00058: Political Philosophy of Central European Dissidence
- AFSV00023: Political Philosophy of Dissidence
- AFS100767: Practical Philosophy - graded paper
- AFS200004: Practical Philosophy A
- AFS100526: Pseudo-Aristotle - Peri Kosmou
- AFSV00130: Rawls' Theory of Justice and foundations of modern liberalism
- AFS100553: Reading of Texts of the History of Political Philosophy
- AFSV00152: Readings in political philosophy
- AFSV00062: Selected Texts from Contemporary Ethics and Political Philosophy
- AFS500258: Sidgwick, The methods of ethics
- AFS500232: Socrates' Failure: On the Origins of Populism
- AFS100795: Some Problems in Applied Ethics
- AFSV00254: Summer School in Ethics
- AFS100293: The Soul and the City: Reading of Democritus and Plato
- AFSV00215: Theophrastus, De sensibus
- AXFSTMS02: Theoretical and Methodological Seminar I
- AXFSTMS03: Theoretical and Methodological Seminar II
- AFSV00090: Topics in contemporary metaethics
- AFSV00198: Value pluralism in political philosophy
- AFSV00123: Virtue and knowledge: ethics in the socratic dialogues