James Hill

prof. James Hill, Ph.D.


Department of Arts and Religious Studies
Místnost č. 222

Courses Taught This Semester

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  • Early-modern philosophy from Descartes to Hume.
  • Analytical philosophy, especially the philosophy of mind.
  • Theories of consciousness and self-consciousness (past and present).

Biographical Notes

  • James Hill studied at Trinity College, Oxford (MA oxon), the University of Geneva (D.E.S.), and King’s College, London University (PhD)
  • He has lived and taught in Prague since the mid-1990s where he is married, with two children.
  • He has had a full-time appointment at the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies since 1998.
  • For five years (2015-2019), James Hill served as the editor-in-chief of Filosofický časopis.
  • He is currently chair of the PhD programme in philosophy.



The Notions of George Berkeley: Substance, Self, Unity and Power. Bloomsbury, 2022

Berkeleyho filosofie ducha. Filosofia, 2016

Descartes and the Doubting Mind. Bloomsbury, 2012

Edited volumes

With Karásek, Jindřich.  Pojem vědomí: Jeho jednota a rozmanitost. Praha: Karolinum, 2017

With Mihálik, Jakub. Vědomí bez redukce: Antologie esejů ze současné filosofie mysli. Smršť, 2015

With Graham, Gordon.  Journal of Scottish Philosophy, ‘Special Issue: Hume after 300 Years’, 10:2, 2012

With Glombíček, Petr. Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010

With Glombíček, Petr.  George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií, Praha: Filosofia, 2009

With Glombíček, Petr.  Filosof John Locke, monotématické číslo Filosofického Časopisu, 53:1, 2005

With Koťátko, Petr.  Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning, Filosofia, 1995.

Articles and chapters in English

Hill, James. ‘Locke on Life: The Vital Union and the Embodied Person’ in British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 2024. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09608788.2024.2374410

Hill, James. ‘Berkeley on Ideas and Notions’, in Samuel Rickless (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Berkeley. Oxford University Press. 2022: 45-63

Glombíček, Petr and Hill, James. ‘Common Sense and the Natural Light in George Berkeley’s Philosophy’, in Philosophia 49:2, 2020: 651-665

Hill, James. ‘The Role of Instinct in David Hume’s Conception of Human Reason’, in Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 18:3, 2020

Hill, James. ‘The Cartesian Element in John Locke’s Anti-Cartesian Philosophy of Body’ in Philippe Hamou and Martine Pécharman (eds.) Locke and the Cartesian Philosophy. Oxford University Press, 2018.: 49-62

Hill, James.  ‘The Active Self and Perception in Berkeley’s Three Dialogues’ in Stefan Storrie (ed.) Berkeley’s Three Dialogues New Essays, Oxford University Press, 2017: 123-135

Hill, James.  ‘Noam Chomsky’s Critique of Materialism: An Appraisal’. Theory of Science, 36:4, 2014.: 437-455

Hill, James.  ‘How Hume Became the “New Hume”: A Developmental Approach’, in Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 10:2, 2012.: 163-181

Hill, James. ‘Hume’s Theory of Causation: Is There More Than One’, in Theory of Science, 33: 2, 2011: 233-249

Hill, James. ‘Introduction’ in Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010: 1-6

Hill, James. ‘Res Cogitans as Res Dubitans’ in Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010: 29-44

Hill, James. ‘Scepticism and Wittgenstein’s On Certainty’, in Studie k filosofii L. Wittgensteina, ed. Ludmila Dostálová and Radek Schuster, in Filosofický časopis: mimořádné číslo 2, Prague, 2010: 9-23

Hill, James. ‘The Synthesis of Empiricism and Innatism in Berkeley’s Doctrine of Notions’, in Berkeley Studies, no. 21, ISSN 1947-3737 (available on-line at <people.hsc.edu/berkeleystudies/>), 2010: 3-15

Hill, James. ‘Primary and Secondary Qualities’ in The Continuum Companion to Locke, ed. Savonius-Wroth, S-J, Schuurman, P and Walmsley J., London; New York: Continuum, 2010: 199-201

Hill, James. ‘Scholasticism’ in The Continuum Companion to Locke, ed. Savonius-Wroth, S-J, Schuurman, P and Walmsley J., London; New York: Continuum, 2010: 211-213

Hill, James. ‘Robert Boyle’ in The Continuum Companion to Locke, ed. Savonius-Wroth, S-J, Schuurman, P and Walmsley J., London; New York: Continuum, 2010: 47-51

Hill, James. ‘Primary Qualities, Secondary Qualities and Locke’s Impulse Principle‘, in The British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 17 (1), 2009.: 85-98

Hill, James. ‘Locke’s Account of Cohesion and its Philosophical Significance’ in John Locke: Critical Assessments, II, 4 vols, ed. Peter Anstey, Oxford: Routledge: vol. 3, 2006: 145-165

Hill, James. ‘Meditating with Descartes’, The Richmond Journal of Philosophy 12, 2006: 6-12

Hill, James. ‘Nietzsche and Boscovic: ‘A war to the knife against soul atomism’, in Novotný a Kružík ed. Nietzsche a Člověk: Kořeny filosofické antropologie v myšlení Friedricha Nietzscheho, UK FHS, 2005: 208-217

Hill, James.  ‘What Does “To Think” (cogitare) Mean in Descartes’ Second Meditation?’, Acta Comeniana, 43:19, 2005.: 91-103

Hill, James.  ‘Was Locke an Atomist?’ Locke Studies Vol. 5, 2005: 75-101

Hill, James. ‘Descartes’ dreaming argument and why we might be sceptical of it’, Richmond Journal of Philosophy, 8, 2004: 11-17

Hill, James.  ‘Locke’s Account of Cohesion and its Philosophical Significance’ in The British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 12:4, 2004: 611-630

Hill, James. ‘The Philosophy of Sleep: The views of Descartes, Locke and Leibniz’, in The Richmond Journal of Philosophy, 6, 2004: 20-25

Hill, James and Milton, J.R. ‘The Epitome (Abrégé) of Locke’s Essay’, in The Philosophy of John Locke: New Perspectives (ed. Peter Anstey), Routledge, 2003: 3-25

Hill, James.  ‘On Billiard Balls: David Hume against the Mechanists’, in The Richmond Journal of Philosophy, 3, 2003: 22-27

Hill, James.  ‘Concepts of Secondary Qualities’, Organon F, Příloha, Infopress: supplement, 1998: 91-98

Hill, James. ‘The Primary-Secondary Quality Distinction and an Absolute Conception’, Súčasné podoby filozofie (ed. Jana Balážová et al), Infopress, 1996: 197-201

Hill, James.  ‘Transcendental Realism and Scepticism’, Realismus ve vědě a filosofii (ed. Jiří Nosek and Jiřina Stachová), Filosofia, 1995: 450-9

Articles and chapters in Czech

Hill, James. 2017. ‘Dvě složky vědomí u George Berkeleyho’ in Hill, J. and Karásek, J. (eds) Pojem vědomí: jeho jednota a rozmanitost. Praha: Karolinum: 25-36

Hill, James. 2015. ‘Soudný utilitarismu J.S. Milla’ in Jakub Čapek (ed.), Přístupy k etice II, Filosofia: 177-199

Hill, James and Mihálik, Jakub. 2015. ‘Úvod’ in Vědomí bez redukce, red. J. Hill a J. Mihálik, Smršť: 1-8

Hill, James. 2013. ‘Humova teória kauzality: raná a zrelá verzia’, in Rozpravy o Humovej filozofii, Schola Philosophica: 87-107

Hill, James. 2013. ‘Na obranu nového Huma: Odpověď Zuzaně Parusníkové’. Teorie vědy, 35: 1: 139-146

Hill, James. 2013. ‘Dvě pojetí obraznosti v raném novověku’. Jakub Marek, Martin Vrabec et al, Obrazotvornost v dějinách evropské filosofie. Praha: Togga, 2013 (ISBN 978-80-7476-041-9): 105-118

Hill, James. 2013. ‘Thomas Nagel o evoluci mysli’. Recenzní studie. Filosofický časopis, 61:5: 751-763

Hill, James. 2012. ‘Na obranu mysli: odpověď Tomáši Machalovi’, in Filosofický časopis, 60: 4: 575-584

Hill, James. 2009. ‘Byl Berkeley skutečně empirista?’ in George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií, ed. Petr Glombíček and James Hill, Filosofia: 35-66

Hill, James. 2009. ‘Úvodní slovo’, in George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií, ed. Petr Glombíček and James Hill, Filosofia: 13-14

Hill, James. 2007. ‘Descartes na téma cogitare: Odpověď profesoru Sobotkovi‘, Reflexe 33: 91-96

Hill, James.2006 ‘Cogitare u Descarta: odpověď Tomáši Marvanovi’, René Descartes: Scientia & conscientia, ed. Michal Polák, Západočeská univerzita: 84-99

Hill, James. 2005. ‘Primární kvality, sekundární kvality a princip impulsu’, Filosofický časopis, 53:1: 51-66

Hill, James. 2005. ‘Metoda pochybnosti v Descartově První meditaci: komentář k interpretaci Josef Mourala’, Filosofický časopis, 53:2: 291-297

Hill, James. 2005. ‘Co znamená v Descartově druhé meditaci “myslet” (cogitare)’, René Descartes: Scientia & conscientia, ed. Michal Polák, Západočeská univerzita: 54-69


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