doc. Mgr. Jan Palkoska, Ph.D.
Department of Arts and Religious Studies
Místnost č. 221
Courses Taught This Semester
Office Hours
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Areas of specialization:
- early-modern thought
- analytical metaphysics
- epistemology ane philosophy of science
Curriculum vitae:
- 2020- director, ÚFaR FF UK
- 2019-2020 vice-director, ÚFaR FF UK
- 2018 associate professor, FF UK, habilitation The a priori in the Thought of Descartes: Cognition, Method, and Science
- 2010–2014 head of the Scholarship Commitee, FF UK
- 2005–2018 assistant professor, ÚFaR FF UK
- 2005 Ph.D., ÚFaR FF UK, Ph.D. thesis Substance and Intelligibility: Leibniz´s Notion of Substance and Its Place in His Metaphysical Project
- 2002–2019 research fellow at the Department for the Study of Modern Rationality, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences
- 2000–2001 research stay at Leibniz-Forschungstelle Münster (DAAD)
- 1999–2005 Ph.D. studies at ÚFaR FF UK, Philosophy, supervisor Prof. M. Sobotka
- 1992–1998 MA studies at ÚFaR FF UK, Philosophy
- born April 26, 1974 in Prague
Actual positions:
- director, ÚFaR FF UK
- associate professor, ÚFaR FF UK
- MA, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 1998
- Ph.D., Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2005
Publications from the Last Ten Years
Theses SupervisionA History of Courses Taught
- AFS500260: Academic work seminar
- AFS100011: BA Seminar II
- AFS100656: Being and concept between Descartes and Leibniz
- AFS100595: Body, Human Body, and Mind from Descartes to Hume / Kant´s Theory of Knowledge
- AFS500274: Causa sive ratio?
- AFS100443: Causality - Conceptual and Ontological Aspects
- AFS100480: Causality - Conceptual and Ontological Aspects II (block seminar)
- AFSV00067: Cause, Reason, Explanation
- AFSV00083: Cause, Reason, Explanation II
- AFS500242: Chance, probability, necessity
- AFS100255: Contemporary Debates on Skepticism
- AFS100256: Contemporary Debates on Skepticism
- AFS100261: Contemporary Debates on Skepticism
- AFS100262: Contemporary Debates on Skepticism
- AFSV00244: Descartes - Discourse on Method
- AFS100641: Descartes - Principles of Philosophy
- AFS100663: Descartes - Replies to the Second Objections
- AFS100444: Descartes and Scepticism
- AFS100273: Descartes: Answers to the 7th Set of Objections to Mediations (Latin Philosophic Reading)
- AFS100519: Descartes: Answers to the 7th Set of Objections to Mediations (Latin Philosophic Reading)
- AFS500118: Descartes: Regulae ad directionem ingenii
- AFS500129: Descartes: Regulae ad directionem ingenii II
- AFS500109: Descartes's "Method": Analysis, Synthesis, Mathesis
- AFS200012: Early - modern Philosophy A
- AFS100574: Early Modern Philosophy I: Dynamical Theory of Subjectivity / Metaphysics in the Empiricists
- AFS100503: Early Modern Philosophy 1: Introduction to Empiricism / Idea and Notion from Descartes to Berkeley
- AFS100413: Early Modern Philosophy 1: Introduction to Schelling's Philosophy / Philosophy and Science between Descartes and Kant
- AFS100719: Essence, laws, and science between Descartes and Leibniz
- AFSV00348: G W. Leibniz - the "Monadology" and related texts
- AFS100683: God and World between Descartes and Leibniz
- AFS500132: Graded Paper I
- AFS500133: Graded Paper II
- AFS500261: Graded Paper in a Foreign Language
- AFS100306: Heidegger and (Traditional) Ontology
- AFS100305: Identity in Time: Contemporary Approaches
- AFS100596: Innatism / Body, Human Body, and Mind from Descartes to Hume
- AFS100341: Introduction to German Idealism/The Concept of Substance from Descartes to Hume
- AFS100192: Introduction to Pre-Kantian Early Modern Philosophy - Empiricism and Rationalism [2]
- AFS100191: Introduction to Pre-Kantian Early Modern Philosophy [1]
- AFS5U0006: Kant vs. Leibniz in the Critique of Pure Reason
- AFS500220: Kant vs. Leibniz in the Critique of Pure Reason
- ASZFS0071: Knowledge and Science in Western Philosophical Tradition
- AFS100723: Latin scholastic and early-modern texts
- AFS100689: Leibniz - De ipsa Natura (On Nature Itself)
- AFSV00284: Leibniz - Discours de metaphysique and correspondence with Arnauld
- AFS100762: Leibniz - texts on metaphysics and natural philosophy
- AFS100736: Leibniz - texts to natural philosophy
- AFS100780: Leibniz: Discours de métaphysique
- AFS100129: Leibniz [1]
- AFS100130: Leibniz [2]
- AFS500072: MA Course II: Philosophy as a Mirror of Nature?
- AFS500068: MA Course II: Spinoza and Leibniz
- AFS400006: MA Seminar
- AFS500135: MA Seminar
- AFS500259: MA Seminar
- AFSV00044: Mathematics and Physics for Philosophers
- AFS100548: Mathematics and Physics for Philosophers
- AFS100740: Matter and body, thought and mind between Descartes and Leibniz
- AFS100707: Matter and Mind between Descartes and Locke
- AFS100012: Modern Philosophy - exam
- AFS500063: Modern Philosophy - exam in front of an examination board for 2-year MA programme
- AFS100412: Modern Philosophy I: Philosophy, Science and Philosophy of Science between Descartes and Kant
- AFS100708: Newton - General Scholium and Query 23
- AFS100651: Philosophy and (natural) science between Descartes and Locke
- AFSV00084: Post-Analytic Philosophy
- AFS100307: Pyrrhonic Skepsis: A Systematic Interpretation
- AFS500323: Reason, explanation, reality
- AFS500256: Relational vs. absolute notions of space in physics and metaphysics
- AFS500182: Scepticism
- ASZFS0052: Science and knowledge in the Western thought
- AFS100542: Spinoza and Leibniz I
- AFS100543: Spinoza and Leibniz II
- AFSV00034: Spinoza and Leibniz III
- AFS100798: Spinoza, Ethics I, II
- AFS500262: Subject Colloquium I
- AFS500263: Subject Colloquium II
- AFS100276: The Concept of Idea between Descartes and Locke: Modern Philosophy
- AFS500158: The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence
- ASZFS0053: The living and the liveless in the Western thought
- AFS100623: The notion of substance in Early-Modern rationalism
- AFS100375: The Splendour and Misery of Naturalism
- AFS500053: Thinking about Apriority - Tradition and the Present
- AFS500054: Thinking about Apriority - Tradition and the Present
- AFS100376: Thinking about Apriority - Tradition and the Present I
- AFS100392: Thinking about Apriority - Tradition and the Present II
- AFS500027: Translation Seminar I (2-year MA programme - graded paper)
- AFS500210: Whitehead
- AFS500153: "Why is there something rather than nothing?"