Non-philosophy PhDs

Exam in Philosophy for Ph.D. students: Basic Requirements

To pass the philosophy exam as a Ph.D. student not graduating in philosophy, the concerned student must submit a paper of about 3000‒6000 wordsThe paper must maintain the quality required at the Ph.D level but should ideally reach the level of an article published in a scientific journal, both in terms of content and form.

The work can be written in Czech, Slovak, English, German, French, or Italian.

The student shall consult with his or her supervisor and with the guarantor at the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies regarding their topic. The guarantor for the examination is Jakub Jirsa.

If a students plans to take the exam, he or she first sends an email to Jakub Jirsa. In this first email, the student should mention the language in which he or she plans the paper to be written and the student may as well shortly specify the topic s/he has been thinking about. After this, one of the guarantors will contact the student and provide further directions.

Preparation for the exam takes place individually in the form of consultations according to the needs of the student.

Generally, the procedure is as follows: After the first consultation at the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies with Jakub Jirsa, the student must send, via email, an abstract of about 350 words, including a short bibliography. It is highly recommended that the student contacts us by the end of February 2025 in case he or she wants to gain credits during the same academic year.

On the basis of this short abstract, the guarantor will recommend a consultant from the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies under whose supervision the student will finish his or her paper.

The student is obliged to consult the assigned consultant on a working version of his or her paper at least once. Papers that are not put through consultation will not be considered for evaluation. We highly recommend that students finish consultations on their papers by the end of April 2025, latest, in case they seek to gain credits for the academic year 2024–2025.

The student must send a soft copy of the final version of the paper to , and a printed version of the paper is not required. Upon this submission, the paper will be evaluated by the consultant and – in the case of a negative result – by another member of the Department of philosophy and religious studies. The review that will subsequently be sent to both the student and the Ph.D. supervisor.

Papers which have undergone consultation can be sent in at any time during the academic year. As of the academic year 2024–2025, the official deadline for submission of final papers is May 31, 2025. Any papers sent after this date will be considered in the subsequent academic year.

All papers need to include the following:

  • Author’s name and his or her titles
  • Supervisor’s name and his or her titles
  • The email address of the Ph.D. student
  • The email address of the supervisor
  • A bibliography
  • An accurately applied citation norm chosen by the student
  • Footnotes with all due formal criteria considered
  • A résumé of five to seven lines written in the same language as the paper itself

In the case the student has passed a state-exam in philosophy at the BA- or MA-level, the student can submit an official request for the acknowledgment of this exam as an equivalent. All requests will be evaluated individually.

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