Ústav filosofie a religionistiky
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James Hill welcomes proposals for supervision of work at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. He supervises work in English or in Czech. The following themes in early-modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy of mind are a selection of possible subjects that fall within his sphere of supervision:
Early-Modern Philosophy:
Locke on the nature of the person and personal identity; Locke on political liberalism; Berkeley on arguments against matter; the nature of spirit and self-awareness in Berkeley; Hume on causation — realist and anti-realist interpretations; Hume on the role of instinct in reason; Hume on ethics grounded in sentiment.
Contemporary Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science:
Consciousness — reductive and non-reductive approaches; Darwinist evolution and mind; Panpsychism (Chalmers, Strawson); Emergentism; Mysterianism (Chomsky, McGinn); Whether machines can be conscious or think. Philosophical questions of AI.
James Hill also supervises doctoral theses and students are welcome to discuss proposals with him directly.
Descartes and the Doubting Mind. Bloomsbury, 2012
Berkeleyho filosofie ducha. Filosofia, 2016
The Notions of George Berkeley: Substance, Self, Unity and Power. Bloomsbury, 2022
Edited volumes
With Karásek, Jindřich. Pojem vědomí: Jeho jednota a rozmanitost. Praha: Karolinum, 2017
With Mihálik, Jakub. Vědomí bez redukce: Antologie esejů ze současné filosofie mysli. Smršť, 2015
With Graham, Gordon. Journal of Scottish Philosophy, ‘Special Issue: Hume after 300 Years’, 10:2, 2012
With Glombíček, Petr. Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010
With Glombíček, Petr. George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií, Praha: Filosofia, 2009
With Glombíček, Petr. Filosof John Locke, monotématické číslo Filosofického Časopisu, 53:1, 2005
With Koťátko, Petr. Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning, Filosofia, 1995.
Articles and chapters in English
Hill, James. ‘Locke on Life: The Vital Union and the Embodied Person’ in British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 2024. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09608788.2024.2374410
Hill, James. ‘Berkeley on Ideas and Notions’, in Samuel Rickless (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Berkeley. Oxford University Press. 2022: 45-63
Glombíček, Petr and Hill, James. ‘Common Sense and the Natural Light in George Berkeley’s Philosophy’, in Philosophia 49:2, 2020: 651-665
Hill, James. ‘The Role of Instinct in David Hume’s Conception of Human Reason’, in Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 18:3, 2020
Hill, James. ‘The Cartesian Element in John Locke’s Anti-Cartesian Philosophy of Body’ in Philippe Hamou and Martine Pécharman (eds.) Locke and the Cartesian Philosophy. Oxford University Press, 2018.: 49-62
Hill, James. ‘The Active Self and Perception in Berkeley’s Three Dialogues’ in Stefan Storrie (ed.) Berkeley’s Three Dialogues New Essays, Oxford University Press, 2017: 123-135
Hill, James. ‘Noam Chomsky’s Critique of Materialism: An Appraisal’. Theory of Science, 36:4, 2014.: 437-455
Hill, James. ‘How Hume Became the “New Hume”: A Developmental Approach’, in Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 10:2, 2012.: 163-181
Hill, James. ‘Hume’s Theory of Causation: Is There More Than One’, in Theory of Science, 33: 2, 2011: 233-249
Hill, James. ‘Introduction’ in Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010: 1-6
Hill, James. ‘Res Cogitans as Res Dubitans’ in Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010: 29-44
Hill, James. ‘Scepticism and Wittgenstein’s On Certainty’, in Studie k filosofii L. Wittgensteina, ed. Ludmila Dostálová and Radek Schuster, in Filosofický časopis: mimořádné číslo 2, Prague, 2010: 9-23
Hill, James. ‘The Synthesis of Empiricism and Innatism in Berkeley’s Doctrine of Notions’, in Berkeley Studies, no. 21, ISSN 1947-3737 (available on-line at <people.hsc.edu/berkeleystudies/>), 2010: 3-15
Hill, James. ‘Primary and Secondary Qualities’ in The Continuum Companion to Locke, ed. Savonius-Wroth, S-J, Schuurman, P and Walmsley J., London; New York: Continuum, 2010: 199-201
Hill, James. ‘Scholasticism’ in The Continuum Companion to Locke, ed. Savonius-Wroth, S-J, Schuurman, P and Walmsley J., London; New York: Continuum, 2010: 211-213
Hill, James. ‘Robert Boyle’ in The Continuum Companion to Locke, ed. Savonius-Wroth, S-J, Schuurman, P and Walmsley J., London; New York: Continuum, 2010: 47-51
Hill, James. ‘Primary Qualities, Secondary Qualities and Locke’s Impulse Principle‘, in The British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 17 (1), 2009.: 85-98
Hill, James. ‘Locke’s Account of Cohesion and its Philosophical Significance’ in John Locke: Critical Assessments, II, 4 vols, ed. Peter Anstey, Oxford: Routledge: vol. 3, 2006: 145-165
Hill, James. ‘Meditating with Descartes’, The Richmond Journal of Philosophy 12, 2006: 6-12
Hill, James. ‘Nietzsche and Boscovic: ‘A war to the knife against soul atomism’, in Novotný a Kružík ed. Nietzsche a Člověk: Kořeny filosofické antropologie v myšlení Friedricha Nietzscheho, UK FHS, 2005: 208-217
Hill, James. ‘What Does “To Think” (cogitare) Mean in Descartes’ Second Meditation?’, Acta Comeniana, 43:19, 2005.: 91-103
Hill, James. ‘Was Locke an Atomist?’ Locke Studies Vol. 5, 2005: 75-101
Hill, James. ‘Descartes’ dreaming argument and why we might be sceptical of it’, Richmond Journal of Philosophy, 8, 2004: 11-17
Hill, James. ‘Locke’s Account of Cohesion and its Philosophical Significance’ in The British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 12:4, 2004: 611-630
Hill, James. ‘The Philosophy of Sleep: The views of Descartes, Locke and Leibniz’, in The Richmond Journal of Philosophy, 6, 2004: 20-25
Hill, James and Milton, J.R. ‘The Epitome (Abrégé) of Locke’s Essay’, in The Philosophy of John Locke: New Perspectives (ed. Peter Anstey), Routledge, 2003: 3-25
Hill, James. ‘On Billiard Balls: David Hume against the Mechanists’, in The Richmond Journal of Philosophy, 3, 2003: 22-27
Hill, James. ‘Concepts of Secondary Qualities’, Organon F, Příloha, Infopress: supplement, 1998: 91-98
Hill, James. ‘The Primary-Secondary Quality Distinction and an Absolute Conception’, Súčasné podoby filozofie (ed. Jana Balážová et al), Infopress, 1996: 197-201
Hill, James. ‘Transcendental Realism and Scepticism’, Realismus ve vědě a filosofii (ed. Jiří Nosek and Jiřina Stachová), Filosofia, 1995: 450-9
Articles and chapters in Czech
Hill, James. 2005. ‘Primární kvality, sekundární kvality a princip impulsu’, Filosofický časopis, 53:1: 51-66
Hill, James. 2005. ‘Metoda pochybnosti v Descartově První meditaci: komentář k interpretaci Josef Mourala’, Filosofický časopis, 53:2: 291-297
Hill, James. 2005. ‘Co znamená v Descartově druhé meditaci “myslet” (cogitare)’, René Descartes: Scientia & conscientia, ed. Michal Polák, Západočeská univerzita: 54-69
Hill, James. ‘Cogitare u Descarta: odpověď Tomáši Marvanovi’, René Descartes: Scientia & conscientia, ed. Michal Polák, Západočeská univerzita: 84-99
Hill, James. 2007. ‘Descartes na téma cogitare: Odpověď profesoru Sobotkovi‘, Reflexe 33: 91-96
Hill, James. 2009. ‘Úvodní slovo’, in George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií, ed. Petr Glombíček and James Hill, Filosofia: 13-14
Hill, James. 2009. ‘Byl Berkeley skutečně empirista?’ in George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií, ed. Petr Glombíček and James Hill, Filosofia: 35-66
Hill, James. 2012. ‘Na obranu mysli: odpověď Tomáši Machalovi’, in Filosofický časopis, 60: 4: 575-584
Hill, James. 2013. ‘Thomas Nagel o evoluci mysli’. Recenzní studie. Filosofický časopis, 61:5: 751-763
Hill, James. 2013. ‘Dvě pojetí obraznosti v raném novověku’. Jakub Marek, Martin Vrabec et al, Obrazotvornost v dějinách evropské filosofie. Praha: Togga, 2013 (ISBN 978-80-7476-041-9): 105-118
Hill, James. 2013. ‘Na obranu nového Huma: Odpověď Zuzaně Parusníkové’. Teorie vědy, 35: 1: 139-146
Hill, James. 2013. ‘Humova teória kauzality: raná a zrelá verzia’, in Rozpravy o Humovej filozofii, Schola Philosophica: 87-107
Hill, James and Mihálik, Jakub. 2015. ‘Úvod’ in Vědomí bez redukce, red. J. Hill a J. Mihálik, Smršť: 1-8
Hill, James. 2015. ‘Soudný utilitarismu J.S. Milla’ in Jakub Čapek (ed.), Přístupy k etice II, Filosofia: 177-199
Hill, James. 2017. ‘Dvě složky vědomí u George Berkeleyho’ in Hill, J. and Karásek, J. (eds) Pojem vědomí: jeho jednota a rozmanitost. Praha: Karolinum: 25-36