ÚVS zve na přednášky hostujícího profesora

Ústav východoevropských studií FF UK srdečně zve na dvě přednášky, které prosloví dr. Mantas-Antanas Davidavičius, vedoucí katedry filozofie na Univerzitě Vytautase Velikého (Litva), na hlavní budově FF UK v m. 315A:

25. 4. 2023 14:10–15:45: „The Tale About Lithuanian Bear Boy: A Journey From Disdain to Admiration“

Anotace: There is an old tale, which tells us a story about a human child which was raised by the bears in Lithuanian woods. Where does this story come from and how it changed with time? What can it teach us about Lithuanians, their woods and the relationship among them? These and similar questions will be analyzed in this lecture from a philosophical point of view.

26. 4. 2023 12:30–14:05: „Abandoning the Forests: Lithuanian Mythical Reasoning in the Light of Lithuanian Enlightenment“

Anotace: A shift from Renaissance to modernity (which culminates in Enlightenment) laid down a new set of aesthetical and ethical norms. These new norms has drastically changed Lithuanian relation with woods. The lecture will analyze this transformation and reveal its significance to everyday lives of those, who live in the forests.

Přednášky zazní v angličtině.

Úvod > Aktuality > ÚVS zve na přednášky hostujícího profesora