Přednáška „Averroes’ Agent Sense in the 13th Century“ – 21. 11. 2023 v 19:05

Všichni zájemci jsou srdečně zváni na další setkání nepravidelného semináře ÚFaRu, na němž vystoupí dr. André Martin, momentálně působící jako badatel na ÚFaR FF UK, s přednáškou nazvanou „Averroes’ Agent Sense in the 13th Century“. Přednáška proběhne v úterý 21. 11. 2023 od 19h05 do 20h30 (místnost 225V) v anglickém jazyce. Níže naleznete abstrakt jeho přednášky:

In De Anima III.5, after Aristotle’s cryptic discussion of an intellect (nous) which is what it is by “becoming” or “receiving” all things, Aristotle raises the equally cryptic discussion of an intellect which, in contrast, is always active and makes all things intelligible, “and without this nothing thinks” (i.e., the so-called “agent” intellect). In Averroes’ long commentary (Bk. II, c.60), he provides an argument for an analogous notion of an “agent sense”. For this talk, I will discuss the varied pushback against Averroes’ agent sense theory in the 13th century, especially from Albert the Great, Peter John Olivi, and Giles of Rome. As I will explain, each of these figures have their own peculiar points of overlap and contrast in how they object to an agent sense and how they even conceive of such a power. Olivi, e.g., has his own, preferred, active account of sensation, whereas Albert blurs together all active theories of sensation and objects to them all.

Úvod > Aktuality > Přednáška „Averroes’ Agent Sense in the 13th Century“ – 21. 11. 2023 v 19:05