Přednáška „Enchantment, Dis-enchantment, and Re-enchantment in (Central-Eastern) Europe“

Srdečně zveme na přednášku dr. Alessandra Testy (FSV) 13. 5. v 15:50 ve 225V. u příležitosti vydání dvou publikací na téma znovuokouzlení pozdně moderního světa.

The first third of the lecture will briefly introduce the concepts of “enchantment”, “dis-enchantment”, and “de-enchantment” in sociological, anthropological, and historical literature. The second and third parts will be devoted to presenting the two volumes in question respectively. These two volumes explore the entangled processes of enchantment, dis-enchantment, and re-enchantment in Europe at large historiographically, theoretically, and with the help of substantial empirical evidence from a number of case studies, case studies which shall also be presented during the lecture. An open discussion will conclude the event.

1) Alessandro Testa, Ritualising Cultural Heritage and Re-Enchanting Rituals in Europe (2023)

2) Alessandro Testa, Zuzana Bártová, and István Povedák (edited by), “Re-enchantment” and Religious Change in Former Socialist Europe, thematic issue of the journal Religion, n. 54 (1), 2024

Úvod > Aktuality > Přednáška „Enchantment, Dis-enchantment, and Re-enchantment in (Central-Eastern) Europe“