Plotinus on Soul and Memory: 2023 SEEAP Conference (19.-22. září, 225V)

Všíchni zájemci jsou srdečně zváni na 2023 Annual Conference of the Southest-European Association for Ancient Philosophy (SEEAP): „Plotinus on Soul and Memory (Enn. IV.3.1-4.5)“, která se uskuteční ve dnech 19.-22. září v m.č. 225 V.


Sept. 19

17:30-19:00        Plotinus and Idealism (keynote lecture by Eyjólfur Emilsson)


Sept. 20

9:15-11:00          IV.3.1-8 Unity of souls (Eyjólfur Emilsson)

11:30-13:15        IV.3.9-18 Soul(s) and the world (Filip Karfík)


15:00-16:30        IV.3.19-20 Soul-body relationship I (László Bene)

17:00-18:30        IV.3.21-23 Soul-body relationship II (Pavel Gregorić)


Sept. 21

9:30-11                IV.3.24-25 Afterlife and the question of the seat of the memory (Péter Lautner)

11:30-13:00        IV.3.26-27 Memory belongs to the soul, not the composite, but not clear how (Sonja Weiss)


14:45-16:15        IV.3.28-29 To phantastikon as the seat of the memory (Dafni Argyri)

16:45-18:15        IV.3.30-32 Intellectual memory, memory of the lower and the higher soul (Dániel Kovács & Attila Hangai)


Sept. 22

9:30-11:10          IV.4.1-2 No memory in soul when united to Intellect (Pantelis Golitsis)

11:40-13:20        IV.4.3-5 Memory of intelligibles and of sensibles when outside Intellect (Ágoston Guba)

Úvod > Aktuality > Plotinus on Soul and Memory: 2023 SEEAP Conference (19.-22. září, 225V)